Posts Tagged ‘maduro’

Latin America On Edge As Venezuela’s Maduro Holds Referendum Whether To Invade Oil-Rich Neighbor Guyana

In a move that has prompted many to wonder which is the bigger banana republic, Venezuela or the US, Joe Biden’s new BFF, Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro (who has promised to export a few barrels of oil to the US president – now that draining the SPR is no longer an option – to keep […]

Biden Lifts Sanctions On Venezuela Dictator Maduro In Exchange For Oil


My Socialist Hell: Venezuelans Await Maduro Sham Elections, ‘Opposition’ Primaries with Apathy

The Maduro regime has its eyes set on holding a presidential election in 2024 and is inching towards a plan — one that would in all likelihood result in a sham vote “reelecting” the dictator. Source

Venezuelan Police Rescue Effigy of Nicolas Maduro’s ‘Super Mustache’ from Being Burned

CARACAS, Venezuela – Police in Barquisimeto, Lara state, reportedly seized an effigy meant to be burned of Súper Bigote (“Super Mustache”), socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro’s superhero alter ego, on Wednesday. Source

Venezuela: Socialist Elite Purge Rocks Maduro’s Inner Circle

CARACAS, Venezuela – The sudden resignation this week of Tareck El Aissami, one of the most powerful people in the Venezuelan socialist regime, has shaken the core of dictator Nicolás Maduro’s inner circle. Source

Maduro’s success: principled resistance to imperialism pays off

The world has been stunned by a double wonder: Bolivarian Venezuela’s political survival and its miraculous economic recovery: the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean has reported that it expects the Venezuelan economy to grow for the first time since 2014, by 5 per cent, one of the highest in the region. Venezuela’s […]

Venezuelan Dictator Nicolas Maduro Says He Wants U.S. Visa for NYC Salsa Festival

Venezuelan socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro said during a radio broadcast on Thursday that he was applying for a U.S. visa to attend a salsa music festival in New York City next month, omitting that the U.S. government has not only sanctioned him but is offering up to $15 million for information leading to his arrest on […]

Maduro Announces Reactivation Of Dialogue With The Opposition

Above Photo: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, on March 7, announced the reactivation of the dialogue process with the opposition, as well as the restoration of contact with the US government. Venezuelan Presidential Press / Twitter. After Meeting With US Government. The dialogue process between the socialist government of President Nicolas Maduro and the opposition had […]

Venezuela’s President Maduro: ‘No one dares to ask us to abandon Palestine’

Under the presidencies of Hugo Chavez (1999-2013) and now Nicolas Maduro (2013-present), Venezuela has expressed strong solidarity with the Palestinian cause. It was the first country in Latin America to recognise the State of Palestine on the 1967 nominal borders. In 2009, Venezuela and the Palestinian Authority established diplomatic relations and announced the opening of […]

Maduro to Al Mayadeen: We will not abandon Palestine

December 26, 2021 Net Source: Al Mayadeen [embedded content] By Al Mayadeen Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro says, in an interview for Al Mayadeen, that the Venezuelan people resisted fierce attacks launched by US imperialism and its allies, and discusses relations with some countries, including Iran and Syria. Maduro to Al Mayadeen: We will not abandon […]

The Greeks of Venezuela in the Era of Maduro

The crisis in Venezuela began during the government of Hugo Chávez and has continued with his successor Nicolás Maduro. Credit: Wikimedia/Барвенковский/CC-BY-4.0 Living in Venezuela today is not easy. The country, once the richest in Latin America, but today is undergoing a great crisis, the largest and most devastating on the continent in many years, affecting […]

Venezuela’s Maduro not opposed to U.S. talks, sanctions “must go”

President Nicolas Maduro says he would not oppose “direct dialogue” with the United States, after a round of preliminary meetings in Mexico City with the Venezuelan opposition. However, for the negotiations to reach a potential agreement, Maduro has demanded that sanctions imposed by the U.S. and Europe must be lifted.  The talks are aimed at […]

Is Venezuela’s Maduro regime quietly cheering US ‘civil war’? – analysis

It is in Caracas’s interests to see the US have internal strife. Source

Venezuela’s Maduro: U.S. ‘in Chaos’ over Coronavirus

Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro claimed on Sunday that the U.S. is currently “in chaos” and has “no measures in place” to control its Chinese coronavirus epidemic, after eliminating all coronavirus precautions in his own country for at least a month. Maduro issued his diatribe during a government meeting on health care broadcast by Venezuela’s state-run […]

Maduro: Venezuela Has Right to Buy Weapons from Any Country, Even US

By Staff, Agencies Venezuela can buy weapons from any country that wants to sell them, even the United States, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro told reporters. During a press conference, broadcast on Twitter, Maduro was again asked to comment on the words of Colombian President Ivan Duque, that Venezuela bought missiles from Iran. “Venezuela can buy […]

Third Iranian Tanker Docks at Venezuelan Port, Maduro Promises Fuel Supply

By Staff, Agencies The final tanker in a flotilla of three Iranian fuel tankers docked at eastern Venezuela’s Guaraguao port on Sunday, Refinitiv Eikon data and a person familiar with the matter reported, as Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro promised to normalize fuel supply in the gasoline-starved country. The three tankers, which began arriving last week, […]

Maduro Accuses US of Allowing CIA to Carry Out “Terrorist” Actions in Venezuela

By Staff, Agencies Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that US President Donald Trump’s administration gave its approval to the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] to carry out recent “covert and terrorist operations” against an array of targets in the country. “They have given the CIA the green light to come with direct agents to covert and […]

Maduro: EU Demand to Delay Election in Venezuela ‘Impossible

Source Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has dismissed as “impossible” the EU’s suggestion to postpone the country’s December 6 election to meet the bloc’s conditions to dispatch an observer mission, blaming the idea on US pressure. “It is impossible because there is a very clear constitutional mandate,” Maduro said Thursday in a nationally televised address. “We […]

The Reelection of Maduro – Venezuelan Voters Defiant Answer to US Empire

The Venezuelan people reelected Nicolas Maduro for a second presidential term on May 20. A US-backed political tide of reaction had been bucked, which had swept away previously left-leaning Latin American governments – often by extra-parliamentary means – in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Honduras, and even Ecuador. The US and the right-wing opposition in Venezuela […]

US supports Venezuela’s democracy by accusing Maduro of drug profiteering ahead of elections

The “second most powerful man in Venezuela,” Diosdado Cabello, immediately brushed aside the accusations and new US sanctions introduced against him for allegedly heading a drug ring. He said such slander would only strengthen the ruling party’s candidate, Maduro, to win Sunday’s elections. “In truth I feel liberated, that imperialism is busy persecuting this humble […]

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