Posts Tagged ‘Greeks’

Was Chile colonised by the ancient Greeks?

Was Chile colonised by the ancient Greeks? In 1974, professor César Navarrete, published a book entitled: “The Greek origin of the Araucanians (original title ” el origen griego de los araucanos) As the official historian of the Araucanian race, Lonko Kilapán reveals that an expedition started from Sparta between 800 and 600 BC travelling towards […]

Maccabees were Jewish fake Greeks

Maccabees were Jewish fake Greeks DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been acknowledged as the turning point downward in the course of that great state-form: “The Jews were destroying both Greeks and Romans. They ate the flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out […]



The Bible’s oldest text teachings came from the Greeks, not from Hebrews

A Jew explains:- The Bible’s oldest text teachings came from the Greeks, not from Hebrews. The Jewish Bible psyop has finally been debunked! What he failed to mention is that Hebrew is also a Greek dialect

Maccabees were Greeks

Original Maccabees were Greeks. Turks (jews) later took on the identity to mask themselves, like they usually do throughout history in every country they invade. Do not let wikipedia fool you. As the ancient Greeks found and named Scotland (Scotadi = greek meaning = dark) Ancient Greeks in Scotland used the Maccabee in their family […]



Arrival of 39 Greeks, foreign nationals ends Sudan rescue operation

A C-130 military transport plane carrying 20 Greek citizens and 19 from other countries who were evacuated from Sudan landed at Elefsina Air Force Base, west of Athens, after 9 p.m. Thursday. The operation concluded the rescue and evacuation operations in Sudan, the National Defense General Staff announced. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the base,… […]

Stelios Petsas on the Evros fence: “Four out of five Greeks seem to be in favour”

Deputy Interior Minister Stelios Petsas, in today’s interview, referring to the creation of the fence in Evros. “Four out of five Greeks seem to be in favour of such solutions which protect our state against someone who wants to enter through the window and not through the door in our country,” Petsas said. “I cannot… […]

Ancient Greeks and Indigenous Australians: Far Away, Yet So Close.

The cross cultural connections between Ancient Greeks and Indigenous Australians was the theme of a talk given last night at Sydney university by Dr Vassilis Adrahtas who presented the amazing array of similarities in the underlying hierophanics between the two cultural groups. The event, entitled: “Myths and Dreamings: Cross Hatchings between Ancient Greece and Indigenous… […]

“King of the Greeks” reads the inscription on Constantine II’s tombstone in Tatoi

On Sunday morning, the family of former King Constantine II attended the Trisagion held in his memory at Tatoi. The measures in the area were draconian, aligned with the wishes of the former royal family for the Trisagion to be held only for close family members. At the same time, the tomb of the former […]

Today is National Pie Day. Pie creation can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks

January 23 is National Pie Day – not to be confused with National Pi Day, which is on March 14. The ancient Egyptians are the earliest-known civilization to have had a pie dish. It typically consisted of a crust made from wheat, oats, rye, or barley and filled with honey. The ancient Greeks and Romans […]

Parties’ demands have turned off Greeks abroad from registering to vote in national elections, PASOK-KINAL charges

The limitations that SYRIZA and other opposition parties imposed on voting by Greeks living abroad essentially “practically cancelled the large-scale electoral participation of Greeks residing abroad,” PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) said on Tuesday. Its press office said in a statement that “even expensive awareness campaigns failed to mobilize our fellow-Greeks who live abroad and have… […]

Which Christmas destinations abroad did Greeks choose this year

Paris, London, Rovaniemi, Vienna but also Egypt, New York and Dubai are the top destinations chosen by Greeks to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays. Of course, Munich, Budapest, Belgrade and the ski resort in Bansko are not missing from the list of options. Speaking to Proto Thema, the president of the Federation of… […]

Pornhub revealed the category most watched by Greeks: The World Cup saw a drop in traffic

The standard review it does at the end of each year was published by Pornhub, which revealed, among other things, the category that Greeks enjoy. Pornhub, the well-known website for erotic content, shortly before the end of 2022, made its usual review, from in which we know what category the Greeks prefer the most. For… […]

Greeks march to mark the anniversary of 1973 student revolt

Thousands of Greeks marched peacefully through Athens on Thursday to commemorate a 1973 protest in which dozens died when the army cracked down on students opposing military rule. Hundreds of police guarded the peaceful march to the Embassy of the United States, which provided tacit support to a seven-year military dictatorship that collapsed in 1974.… […]

SYRIZA: Mitsotakis is plunging Greeks into poverty

Opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance said in an announcement on Thursday that Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis “is plunging Greek society into poverty”. “There has even been an appearance of anti-theft devices on baby formula in supermarkets. Mr. Mitsotakis is also sinking democracy into a murky landscape of phone tappings. He has set up a deep state of… […]

No Greeks among Istanbul explosion victims; President and PM offer condolences to Turkey

No Greeks are among the victims of the explosion that rocked central Istanbul, Turkey on Sunday afternoon confirmed the Greek Foreign Ministry. The Ministry confirmed in a statement that the Greek Consulate is in constant contact with the local authorities and according to the existing information there are no Greeks among the victims. It also… […]

The Legacy of the Greeks: Classical Greece and its Influence on Sydney

The glory of classical Greece has had a deep impact globally, its broad influence reaching to all corners of the earth. Although separated by ten thousand miles and twenty-five hundred years, in many regards classical Greece and Sydney are not so much apart as alike. The glory years of classical Greece has had a profound […]

Greeks at greater risk of poverty and social exclusion; 70 million Europeans affected

Greeks are among the Europeans with the highest risk of social exclusion and poverty according to the latest data from Eurostat. Per the report, the highest shares of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion were recorded in Romania (34%), Bulgaria (32%), Greece and Spain (both 28%). In 2021, 95.4 million people in the EU, […]

Greeks at greater risk of poverty and social exclusion; 70 million Europeans affected

Greeks are among the Europeans with the highest risk of social exclusion and poverty according to the latest data from Eurostat. Per the report, the highest shares of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion were recorded in Romania (34%), Bulgaria (32%), Greece and Spain (both 28%). In 2021, 95.4 million people in the EU, […]

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