Posts Tagged ‘cheering’

Every Evil A$$ Hole Cheering The Holocaust of the Semitic Indigenous Palestinians Is an Accessory To Mass Murder & War Crimes

Truth can not be hate speech except to degenerate evil lying assed despicable bottom feeding revolting pieces of hammered pig shit soul-less animals who hate the truth. It is FACT and easily proved that Jew is not a race or a sub race of the human race, but a cult religion.The Babylonian Talmud Pedophile’s End […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Cheering for the End of the World

For over the past 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence continues to grow, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a donation now to keep this critical work going and help support our end of month fundraising […]

AOC Denounces NYC Rally Cheering Hamas Terrorism: ‘Unacceptable and Harmful’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) condemned the rally in New York City that cheered Hamas terrorism in Israel and was promoted by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) — a group with which she and other members of the “Squad” are affiliated. Source

Netanyahu Ejects Jewish Likud Member For Cheering Holocaust Toll On European Jews

Itzik Zarka’s outburst came as he confronted protesters opposed to the right-wing Likud Party’s effort to overhaul the judiciary system. Source

Russians Cheering Ukraine Massive Drone Attack on Moscow

    A deluded Vladimir Putin and his cronies today accused Ukraine of trying to ‘frighten’ Russians with their ‘increasingly reckless behaviour’ after Moscow was targeted in a drone attack blamed on Kyiv. Apparently forgetting that Russia has unleashed a series of deadly airstrikes on Ukrainian cities that have killed thousands since the start of […]

70 miles long, with 1000s cheering along, the US Freedom Convoy has (of course) been BLACKED OUT by the media

70 miles long, with 1000s cheering along, the US Freedom Convoy has (of course) been BLACKED OUT by the media Posted on March 6, 2022 Mark Crispin MillerRob Williams talks to Claire Dooley and Ariana Victor, two (real) journalists traveling with the truckers (an interview that YouTube instantly took down)No sooner had this video gone up […]

Photos Show Principal Laughing, Staffers Cheering as Scantily-Clad Students Give Lap Dances During ‘Man Pageant’

(Law & Crime) — A Kentucky high school is in the spotlight after photos of students wearing skimpy clothing and appearing to dance suggestively for the principal and staffers went viral. The pictures were taken during Homecoming festivities at Hazard High School, according to a statement from superintendent Sondra Combs. One picture shows Hazard High […]

CALM DOWN FOOTBALL FANS! CNN Says you are Cheering And Breathing Too Hard

Video: CNN Weirdos Angry About Football Fans Cheering And Breathing Too HardDate: September 8, 2021Author: Nwo Report  “People are cheering and enthusiastic, exhaling with vigor” Source: NworeportAfter Anthony Fauci demonised college football fans attending games and having fun, CNN weighed in with a panel of talking heads who expressed their anger about people gathering and breathing […]

Video: CNN Weirdos Angry About Football Fans Cheering And Breathing Too Hard

The Associated Press was forced to issue a correction after it falsely claimed that 70 per cent of calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center were about people ingesting ivermectin to treat COVID-19. The actual number was 2 per cent. Whoops! From the AP: “In an article published Aug. 23, 2021, about people taking livestock […]

Tokyo Olympics Set to Slap Ban on Cheering & Eating

A cafe owner in California is charging people who wear face masks an extra $5 dollars, which is donated to charity, while offering those who throw their masks away a 50% discount. “I don’t think $5 to charity is too much to ask from mask-wearing customers who claim to care so much about the community […]

Pictures: Anti-Israel Protesters March in Chicago Cheering Palestinian Terror Attacks

Downtown Chicago streets were flooded Wednesday afternoon by thousands of protesters damning Israel’s ongoing acts of self defense from attack by Palestinian terror rockets. Israeli flags were torn and protesters chanted anti-Israel slogans as they marched in their support of Palestinian terror organization Hamas and its random strikes. The demonstration occurred as Israel continued a […]

CDC Tells Americans To Avoid Cheering During Super Bowl

Just when you thought the future couldn’t get much more dystopian, scientists have issued more stark warnings that COVID-19 is reducing fertility in men, and could contribute to depopulation of the planet. Scientists say that there is increasing evidence in patients of testicular damage and lower sperm counts and mobility, with initial studies revealing the […]

Is Venezuela’s Maduro regime quietly cheering US ‘civil war’? – analysis

It is in Caracas’s interests to see the US have internal strife. Source

Some liberals and arms-control experts are cheering for war profiteers to be in Biden’s cabinet

No matter who ends up winning Senate confirmation for top positions on President Biden’s “national security” team, an ominous dynamic is already underway. Some foreign-policy specialists with progressive reputations are voicing support and evasive praise for prospective Cabinet members — as though spinning through revolving doors to broker lucrative Pentagon contracts is not a conflict […]

Video of Detroit election workers cheering every time a @migop attorney is removed from the TCF Center, where absentee ballot counting is happening.

My wife just sent this video of Detroit election workers cheering every time a @migop attorney is removed from the TCF Center, where absentee ballot counting is happening. She says they do this every time they eject a GOP poll watcher & that Dem watchers outnumber GOP 3:1. — Aric Nesbitt (@aricnesbitt) November 4, […]

Savoring Every Bite: Cheering the Fall of Black America’s Scold

INDIANAPOLIS –- The four of us, all black men, watched in stunned silence as the news unfurled across the barber shop’s television screen: a jury in Pennsylvania had found Bill Cosby guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting a woman at his home. Finally, my barber broke the silence: I hope they serve pound cake in […]

Israeli officials commend soldier filmed cheering after sniping Palestinian boy

Several Israeli ministers and Knesset Members praised Israeli sniper, who cheered after shooting unarmed Palestinian boy near Gaza borders. Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that the soldier “deserves an appreciation certificate” for doing his job properly. Education Minister Naftali Bennett came “Anyone who was ever on the battlefield knows that to sit in Tel […]

The Police Department Cheering On Trump’s Call for Excessive Force Is Already Under Federal Oversight for Discrimination

Download your free copy now. Source Article from

Leftist Protesters Lured Into Cheering Hitler Quotes: A “Discrediting by Contamination” Tactic

In an amusing display, participants at a recent “Impeach Trump” protest in Chicago applauded and cheered a speech largely composed of quotes by Adolf Hitler (full transcript of speech provided in appendix section). The event, held on 2 July 2017, appears to have been organized by [1] The spectacle was recorded and is available […]

Why The New York Times Is Cheering On “Censorship Algorithms”

Why The New York Times Is Cheering On “Censorship Algorithms” By Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, The 2016 Presidential election was a gigantic wakeup call for the corporate press in the U.S. not so much because Hillary Clinton lost, but because it represented the end of mainstream medias ability to seamlessly […]

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