Posts Tagged ‘liberals’

Brad Salzberg – Threats Against Trudeau Liberals Skyrocket

Liberal MP Dzerowicz took the vandalism of her office as a threat and  contacted police. “Toronto will burn,” is a threat, she said. Liberal MP Pam Damoff continues to complain about being harassed by constituents. Three recent articles from Canada’s National Post speak of a rapid rise in cases of Member of Parliament intimidation, particularly […]

Liberals Outraged After Trump Vows To Introduce Death Penalty for Pedophiles

Liberals have expressed their outrage after Trump vowed to introduce the death penalty for pedophiles in America once elected President in 2024. The leftists at Huffington Post slammed Trump in an article titled, “There’s A […] The post Liberals Outraged After Trump Vows To Introduce Death Penalty for Pedophiles appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Explanation: Why nearly all liberals are falling for the Communist takeover of America

(NaturalNews) Inherently, most people are good people, who want fairness, equality, and to eliminate bias all around them. People are mostly accepting of other’s… Source

Protocols of Zion: Liberals are Shills for Communism & Satanism

Liberals are dupes, what Communists call “useful idiots.” I was one for most of my life. “Championing the oppressed” was a pathetic way to justify my life and meet women while being blinded to the real enemy. As a liberal, I believed we stood for “the public good” while conservatives were for mindless, selfish greed. In fact, socialism […]

Congressional Witness: Liberals Siding with Corporations to Keep Wages Down via Mass Immigration

Liberals are siding with corporate America over the nation’s workers in their promotion of mass immigration, a key tool in keeping wages down, Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research Steven Camarota told lawmakers this week. Source

German Liberals caught paying for Immigration Ads in India

Germany’s liberal governing party FDP is promoting Germany’s new and more generous immigration laws in India. “Getting a German work visa has never been easier,” reads the message on the placards that the FDP lets Indians ride around in bicycle taxis. The government party states that it is turning to “IT experts, coders and web […]

Liberals Voice ‘Sense Of Betrayal’ After Muslim-Ruled MI City Bans Pride Flags

Liberals who cheered when a Michigan city elected America’s first Muslim-majority city council are now voicing a “sense of betrayal” after the council voted to ban LGBT Pride flags from city property.  Source

Liberals Pledge Revamp of Forced-Labour Bill, Possible Enforcement Rules Surprise MP

OTTAWA—The Trudeau government is revamping its approach to modern−day slavery, promising new legislation that caught off guard the Liberal MP who has been steering a bill on forced labour through Parliament. “There is a limited lifespan to this Parliament,” Toronto MP John McKay said in an interview. McKay has been stickhandling Bill S−211, which would […]

Deranged Leftists & Liberals Shows Trans HATRED For Women

It’s Getting Ugly Out There The British women’s rights campaigner Posie Parker found herself surrounded by a deranged, heaving mob.  renegade  March 27, 2023 5 min read  5 Renegade Editor’s Note: This story is a couple of days old. By Brendan O’Neill via The Spectator The shameful persecution of Posie Parker in New Zealand This is what […]

Liberals Introduce Legislation to Create a Corporate Ownership Registry

The federal Liberals are moving ahead with plans to create an ownership registry after promising to increase transparency about who owns and controls corporations. Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne has tabled legislation that would create a corporate beneficial ownership registry. The prospective registry is expected to have the goal of making it easier to identify owners of corporations […]

Israel’s liberals need to support Palestinian rights if they care about democracy

Israeli demonstrations have been Zionist-only. If Israeli liberals cannot make common cause with Palestinians, they will go extinct and have only themselves to blame. They will have thrown in with a rampaging society in the name of Jewish supremacy. Source

Liberals are More Depressed than Conservatives according to Study

    According to research, liberal kids are more likely to experience depression than conservative children. Left-wing blogger Matthew Yglesias said that this trend may be a result of “bad conduct by adult progressives, many of whom now valorize melancholy affect as a sign of political devotion.” Why Are Young Liberals So Depressed? is an […]

Fundamentalist Christians Delighted Liberals Finally Agree With Them About Harry Potter

GREENVILLE, SC — After years of warning that the witchcraft in Harry Potter is an existential danger to the youth, fundamentalist Christians are delighted to hear that liberals are now warning that the Harry Potter books represent an existential danger to the youth and should be burned. “We are grateful our liberal friends have condemned […]

Rep. Steve Scalise Raises Money on Phony Threat by Liberals to ‘Expel’ Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Rep. Steve Scalise, whose name has been floated as a possible alternative to Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, is raising money from right-wing activists based on a phony threat that Trump-nominated Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett is at risk of being replaced “with a Liberal activist appointed by Joe Biden!” An “urgent” […]

GOP and Liberals Defeat Wall St.’s EAGLE Act Outsourcing Bill

House GOP legislators defeated the billionaire-backed EAGLE Act outsourcing bill on Wednesday — but only with the help of a breakaway faction of liberal Democrats who rejected the bill’s preference for Indian visa workers. Source

Biden Provides List of ‘Accomplishments’ So Liberals Can Defend Him at Thanksgiving Tables

Joe Biden wants us to talk to our relatives, specifically to “chat with our Uncle”, at the Thanksgiving table tomorrow about what his administration has accomplished, as 2022 comes to an end. The Biden administration […] The post Biden Provides List of ‘Accomplishments’ So Liberals Can Defend Him at Thanksgiving Tables appeared first on News […]

Rex Murphy: The Liberals’ Stance on Ford’s Use of Notwithstanding Clause Oozes With Hypocrisy

Commentary Ontario is a peculiar place. There have been two full years of school closures—of dubious necessity—and now that the COVID regime has finally been lifted, just as children are getting settled back into regular class time, what happens? Why, there is a strike of course. The great CUPE union has called a strike for […]

Liberals Sit Around Campfire To Tell Scary Climate Change Stories

YOSEMITE, CA — During a camping retreat this week to recharge for more rioting before, during, and after the midterm elections, a group of progressives sat around a campfire and enjoyed swapping scary stories about climate change. “Then, the tropical storms combined with the raging wildfires into an inferno – and then, the floods from […]

Why are liberals defending the outrageous secrecy of this supposedly ‘democratic’ nation?

Ever since President Harry Truman, in 1947, turned the wartime Office of Strategic  Services (OSS)  into the Orwellian-named Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)  and converted the Army’s code-breaking Signal Intelligence Service (SIS)  into the National Security Agency (NSA), this country has been in the process of becoming not even a pseudo democracy, but a National Security […]

Catholic League: White Liberals Are the Real ‘White Supremacists’

Catholic League president Bill Donohue said Monday that white liberals qualify as the worst of white supremacists because “they don’t believe blacks have the ability to raise themselves up by themselves.”

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