Posts Tagged ‘outrageous’

OUTRAGEOUS: 16-Year-Old Student Suspended After Using Term “Illegal Alien” in English Class

OUTRAGEOUS: 16-Year-Old Student Suspended After Using Term “Illegal Alien” in English Class Source

Rand Paul slams McConnell’s ‘outrageous’ support for standalone foreign aid bill

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) slammed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Friday what he called his “outrageous” support for the Plan B foreign aid bill proposed after striping out border security provisions. He specifically knocked his Senate colleagues for focusing on providing additional aid to Ukraine and Israel amid their ongoing wars, instead of addressing… […]

Biden’s LNG export ban an “outrageous attack on American energy,” says House Majority Leader Steve Scalise

(NaturalNews) House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) released a scathing rebuke against President Biden this week, calling the big guy’s recent ban on… Source

Outrageous! Biden Regime to Send Another $250 Million Security Assistance to Ukraine

Outrageous! Biden Regime to Send Another $250 Million Security Assistance to Ukraine Source

Outrageous! Republican National Committee blew millions on limos, private jets, booze, and expensive retreats but failed to capture Senate

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Republicans did so much more poorly than was expected of the party during a midterm election cycle that 1) normally favors the party out of the White House; and 2) amid record inflation, gas prices, supply chain shortages, and a chaotic southwestern border.While the GOP narrowly won a majority in the House, […]

Scientists outline outrageous plan to refreeze the North and South Poles

Scientists outline outrageous plan to refreeze the North and South Poles September 16, 2022 Should we really be meddling with Earth’s atmosphere ? Image Credit: NASAThe controversial plan would involve using a fleet of 125 tanker jets to shroud part of the Earth’s atmosphere.Some climate experts have recently warned that human activities have pushed global […]

Scientists outline outrageous plan to refreeze the North and South Poles

Scientists outline outrageous plan to refreeze the North and South Poles September 16, 2022 Should we really be meddling with Earth’s atmosphere ? Image Credit: NASAThe controversial plan would involve using a fleet of 125 tanker jets to shroud part of the Earth’s atmosphere.Some climate experts have recently warned that human activities have pushed global […]

The most outrageous Trump scam – that he ‘loves America,’ fosters greatness and serves the public 

How exactly does voter fraud, election-denial, insurrection, inciting mob violence, wacko pardons, illicit fundraising and espionage confirm love of country or a whiff of greatness?  Recently, a close friend/activist talked to an articulate, fellow organizer who happens to be a neighbor and Republican. So naturally Trump’s unavoidable misadventures come up – and no need to […]

Why are liberals defending the outrageous secrecy of this supposedly ‘democratic’ nation?

Ever since President Harry Truman, in 1947, turned the wartime Office of Strategic  Services (OSS)  into the Orwellian-named Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)  and converted the Army’s code-breaking Signal Intelligence Service (SIS)  into the National Security Agency (NSA), this country has been in the process of becoming not even a pseudo democracy, but a National Security […]

Greece rebukes outrageous Turkish military and historical threats

Greece rebuked the continuing aggressive rhetoric and threats emanating from Turkey and include ‘reminders’ to Greeks over the 1922 Asia Minor catastrophe, with the Turkish President going as far as saying the Turkish forces can invade Greece overnight. “Greece will not join Turkey in the slide containing outrageous and beyond-all-limits remarks and threats, taking place […]

Robert Gibbs: Sen. Graham’s Riot ‘Threat Is Outrageous’ — ‘He’s Inviting People to Get into the Streets’

Former Obama White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday on MSNBC’s “Chris Jansing Reports” that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was making outrageous threats and encouraging people to riot.

Preventing ‘Unvaxxed’ Novak Djokovic From Playing The US Open Is An Outrageous Embarrassment

By QTR’s Fringe Finance Novak Djokovic, a 21-time Grand Slam champion, is being robbed of the opportunity to further his legacy in the world of tennis, simply because he isn’t vaccinated. He announced on Twitter yesterday that he would not be able to travel to the U.S. for the U.S. Open due to travel restrictions […]

Preventing ‘Unvaxxed’ Novak Djokovic From Playing The US Open Is An Outrageous Embarrassment

By QTR’s Fringe Finance Novak Djokovic, a 21-time Grand Slam champion, is being robbed of the opportunity to further his legacy in the world of tennis, simply because he isn’t vaccinated. He announced on Twitter yesterday that he would not be able to travel to the U.S. for the U.S. Open due to travel restrictions […]

Commodus: The Outrageous Emperor Who Fought as a Gladiator

Roman Emperor Lucius Aurelius Commodus was a corrupt ruler who was not well-received by the Roman people during his reign. He also believed himself to be a reincarnation of Hercules and enjoyed fighting in an arena as a gladiator. His outrageous tactics, such as slaying people with disabilities and slaughtering wild beasts in the arena, […]

One of the Most Outrageous Vaccine Legislations Yet: Doctors Can Vaccinate Kids in DC Without Parental Knowledge (Mercola)

Story at-a-glance The Council of the District of Columbia disempowered parents by enacting a law that made it illegal for a doctor, insurance company or school administrator to divulge a child’s vaccination history in records that can be seen by the child’s mother or father The law denies basic parental rights to protecting their child […]

Outrageous! Here’s a Look at the Shocking White Privilege, Gender Equity Lesson Plans Used To Indoctrinate Your Children

by Alicia Powe Parents may not be able to vet or opt out of the social justice, ideologically skewed educational regimen being taught nationwide in K-12 classrooms. But thousands of lesson plans designed to instill students with a gender-fluid, racist, anti-American ideology are available for review at, a site allowing teachers to sell and […]

Outrageous! Here’s a Look at the Shocking White Privilege, Gender Equity Lesson Plans Used To Indoctrinate Your Kids

by Alicia Powe Parents may not be able to vet or opt out of the social justice, ideologically skewed educational regimen being taught nationwide in K-12 classrooms. But thousands of lesson plans designed to instill students with a gender-fluid, racist, anti-American ideology are available for review at, a site allowing teachers to sell and […]

Think U.S. health authorities have never conducted outrageous medical experiments on children, women, minorities, homosexuals and inmates?

Think U.S. health authorities have never conducted outrageous medicalexperiments on children, women, minorities, homosexuals and inmates? Think again: This timeline, originally put together by Dani Veracity (aNaturalNews reporter), has been edited and updated with recent vaccination experimentation programs in Maryland and New Jersey. Here’s what’s really happening in the United States when it comes to […]

Turkey says it will respond in time to ‘outrageous’ US genocide statement

US President Joe Biden’s declaration that the massacres of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire constituted genocide is “simply outrageous” and Turkey will respond in various ways over the coming months, Turkey’s presidential spokesman said on Sunday.Biden broke on Saturday with decades of carefully calibrated White House comments over the killings in 1915, delighting Armenia and […]

Sacha Baron Cohen: An outrageous comic with a serious point, and 2 Globes nods

LONDON (AFP) — From a tracksuited rapper to a bumbling Kazakh TV reporter in a green mankini, Sacha Baron Cohen has made his name with outrageous characters who expose real people’s prejudices and hypocrisy. On Sunday, Baron Cohen’s wild portrayal of the journalist Borat could win him a Golden Globe — but he could also […]

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