Posts Tagged ‘fosters’

Food Giant Fosters Lesbian Chic

This article which is almost 20 years old shows  how TV commercials have been used to emasculate men  and neuter women in order to prevent family formation.   ( From Oct 3, 2004) by Henry Makow PhD Nestle is using candy to peddle lesbianism (or vice versa) in a deceitful socially destructive television campaign. Their Aero […]

Israel’s conduct fosters antisemitism in the U.S., says Ken Roth

Ken Roth was attacked by Israel supporters because he said that Israel’s conduct fosters antisemitism in the west. But he joins a long list of distinguished writers who have said the same, including Hannah Arendt, Nathan Glazer, and Eric Alterman. Glazer warned long ago that Israel’s political dependence on American Jews for immunity over violations […]

The most outrageous Trump scam – that he ‘loves America,’ fosters greatness and serves the public 

How exactly does voter fraud, election-denial, insurrection, inciting mob violence, wacko pardons, illicit fundraising and espionage confirm love of country or a whiff of greatness?  Recently, a close friend/activist talked to an articulate, fellow organizer who happens to be a neighbor and Republican. So naturally Trump’s unavoidable misadventures come up – and no need to […]

Finland’s president who fosters friendly ties with Russia wins re-election

     Finnish President Sauli Niinisto has scored a landslide first-round reelection victory, an apparent vote of confidence for his delicate balancing of ties with neighbor Russia and the West. With all ballots counted on January 28, Niinisto had 62.7 percent of the vote, far more than his top rival, Pekka Haavisto of the Greens, with […]

Why criminalizing sexual harassment fosters warlock hunts

Sexual harassment digests a degenerate thug like Harvey Weinstein with a college student who makes an awkward pass or a well-intentioned boss who compliments a dress.      Are you exhausted with sexual harassment allegations? Their noise and strut are turning into one of those chronic conditions that we schlep around with, like athlete’s foot. Or […]

Far-right Britain First fosters ties with Zionist movement

Asa Winstanley Lobby Watch 31 August 2017 Britain First activist Paul Besser at an anti-Palestinian demonstration in 2015. (Britain First) An investigation by The Electronic Intifada has unveiled new links between far-right anti-Muslim group Britain First and the pro-Israel movement. Photos and video obtained by The Electronic Intifada show that Britain First’s leader in London Paul […]

On the Frontlines of Neoliberalism: Resource Extraction and Popular Resistance in Colombia

“The economic model is not up for negotiation,” said Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, before talks with the FARC rebel group (“The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia”) got underway in 2012. He might have added, “There is no alternative”. Colombia finds itself on the brink of formally ending its sixty year civil war with […]

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