Posts Tagged ‘zionist’

Paise the Lord, Send Ammo To Israel to Holocaust Palestinians & Vote for a Pedophile-The Southern Zionist Christian View of Life

At the end of the illegal invasion of the Confederacy by the God-less yankee puritans, they not only indoctrinated southern children with their evil and lies in our schools, but in our churches. Southern Christianity was about a personal daily walk with the Creator God in which the individual tried to become a better husband, […]

Israel launching sinister Zionist plot to erase the First Amendment in the name of stopping “antisemitism”

(NaturalNews) The Zionist lobby is dumping lots of cash into a nationwide effort to redefine “antisemitism” in United States law and make it illegal for Americans… Source

In the US You can vote only for a Zionist with red hat or Zionist with blue hat


The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel

Innocent Jews are under siege from the blowback of the malfeasance of the Jewish Mafia in recent years. There is a rise of anti-semitism, due to the war in Gaza and due to so many treasonous Biden administration officials involved in the COVID genocide being Jewish Mafia, in addition to many Biden executives facilitating the […]

Zionist Lobby Will Now Be Putting HUGE Pressure On Biden Administration Like This To Compel Full Support Of The Gaza Genocide

“I Can No Longer in Good Conscience Continue to Represent This Administration” – Biden Interior Department Staffer Abruptly Resigns Source

UC protests test the limits of Zionist fiction

The aftermath of the violence at UCLA illustrates that we live in an upside-down world where we decry property damage on college campuses as we fund the genocide in Gaza, and where we advocate for free speech until it says “stop the genocide.” Source

Zionist State Of Israel Amps Up Genocide By Moving Forward With Rafah Ground Offensive

READ HERE: Summary:  -Hamas claims to accept ceasefire, hostage deal while Israel says ‘This isn’t what we agreed to’ -Bombardment and air strikes on eastern Rafah -Over 50 targets hit as IDF prepares for ground operation -President Macron warns against ground op -Civilians warned to evacuate. Tens of thousands of flyers dropped -Biden phoned […]

GRIM REALITY: Even most of the largest Alt Media platforms are shills for Zionist Israel

Comment posted by A rope leash Apparently, the entirety of the establishment is ruled by Zionists. No one in the mainstream of media or politics can be against Israel. This power for this control comes directly from the power to print paper and call it money.  Banks have been controlled by Jewish interests for centuries…control […]

The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government

Beginning in 1962 they were known as the American Zionist Council, and President John F. Kennedy was ordering them to register as a foreign agent. Along with members of the US government, the Zionists fought against this. In October of 1963, forms were prepared for them to register. But the next month, JFK was assassinated. […]

April 27- Universities Between Communist Rock and Zionist Hard Place.

Please send links and comments to [email protected] After decades of turning students into Communists, universities face defunding by Zionist donors Students say they will disrupt campuses until colleges cut financial ties with Israel. How are Zio-Nazis going to win WW3 when a huge segment of the population is opposed to it? Bipartisan bill would create ‘antisemitism […]

Hezbollah Hits ‘Israel’ Painfully: Zionist Killed in Shebaa Farms Ambush

April 26, 2024 Lebanon – Live News – News – Story of the day – Top Hezbollah goes ahead with its painful strikes against the Israeli enemy, with an Israeli being killed early on Friday in a double ambush carried by the Lebanese resistance group in occupied Shebaa Farms. Hezbollah’s Military Media announced the strike on Sehbaa Farms early on Friday, saying that […]

April 26 – Zionist Murderers Have Co Opted the West

Please send links and comments to [email protected]  If Westerners don’t realize they are governed by traitors, they deserve their fate. —– $95 BILLION Aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan READY WITHIN HOURS, Lawmakers’ Personal Visit to Kiev “A good day for peace” he said on the day a 95 B military aid package was approved. […]

Palestinians warn of a Jewish and Christian Zionist plot to threaten Al-Aqsa Mosque, starting with a red heifer from Texas

Palestinians are warning the world of threats by Israeli religious extremists and Christian Zionists to implement a bizarre but lethal plot to demolish the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque to make way for the Third Jewish Temple. Source

ZIONIST PROPAGANGA AS ALWAYS! Saudi Arabia denies shooting down Iranian drones destined for Israel

READ HERE: Riyadh has refuted Israeli media reports about its alleged participation in repelling Iranian drone and missile attack   Source

ISRAEL’S EPIC CLUSTERF*FUCK! The Whole World Now Sees The Apartheid Zionist State As A Cowardly Toothless Tiger



Riyadh has refuted Israeli media reports about its alleged participation in repelling Iranian drone and missile attack Source

Patrick O’Carroll – Hitler was a Mind-Controlled Zionist Puppet

 As an “Illuminati Programmed Multiple”, Adolf Hitler was programmed and controlled by British intelligence who have always been a Rothschild play thing. by Patrick O’Carroll  (   In 1913, Hitler showed no signs whatsoever of what he later became. During this period of his life, he associated almost exclusively with Jews.  Hitler’s business-partners at this time […]

Meet Abe Feinberg – The Most Powerful And Feared Zionist ‘Godfather’ You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Abraham (Abe) Feinberg (1908-1998) was a a rich and powerful Jew who spent his entire life using his wealth and influence behind the scenes as a shadowy influence peddler, arms smuggler, political fixer, and espionage agent who dedicated his life to manipulating American politicians into giving the Zionist state of Israel anything it wanted — […]

David Icke Interview – The Zionist Infiltration Of Judaism, Weaponized Migration

Joining me today is David Icke, here to discuss what he has coined as the Mainstream Alternative Media (MAMs) and how it is being used to control perception and drive establishment agendas. We also discuss the highly contentious issue of Zionism and how these two topics intersect. We highlight Zionism’s manipulation of Judaism, as well […]

The Deir Yassin massacre reminds us — every Zionist accusation is a confession

Content warning: this article contains graphic descriptions of rape, gore, and extreme violence. Like a vicious beast with an insatiable bloodlust, he shot a bullet into her neck and then sliced her abdomen open with the welding knife, until it turned into a bloody pulp from the fury of razor-sharp ravaging teeth.   Twenty-year-old Salhiyeh Eid […]

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