Zionist State Of Israel Amps Up Genocide By Moving Forward With Rafah Ground Offensive

READ HERE: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/civilians-ordered-out-rafah-idf-ground-attack-proceed-us-halts-ammo-shipment-1st-time


-Hamas claims to accept ceasefire, hostage deal while Israel says ‘This isn’t what we agreed to’

-Bombardment and air strikes on eastern Rafah

-Over 50 targets hit as IDF prepares for ground operation

-President Macron warns against ground op

-Civilians warned to evacuate. Tens of thousands of flyers dropped

-Biden phoned Netanyahu to urge against Rafah ground op without acceptable evacuation plan 

-Axios reported that for the first time the US has paused ammo shipments to Israel

-Palestinians on streets holding premature celebrations over Hamas accepting deal, but Israel rejects thus far

-Senior official: Israel will achieve all its war objectives

-‘Bibi is abandoning the hostages!’: Protesters in Jerusalem demand deal

-Al-Quds Brigades fires rockets towards Israel

-Israel says ground offensive necessary after four soldiers killed by rocket fire out of Rafah

-European Union says offensive is “unacceptable”

-Palestinian Authority alleges US not interested in achieving truce

-Jordan says PM Netanyahu jeopardizing ceasefire by bombing Rafah


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