Posts Tagged ‘april’

WHO Pandemic Agreement April Draft: Additional Concerns

The World Health Organization (WHO) negotiating body of the draft Pandemic Agreement to be voted on in late May produced yet another draft. As the previous text was dealt with in detail in a recent article, it seems relevant to provide a brief summary of the additional changes. As before, the document becomes vaguer but […]

April 20 — Swab Has Spawned a Conservative Backlash

Please send links and comments to [email protected]  In case you haven’t noticed, a massive conservative reaction is developing in the West, and it will only increase as the consequences of the satanist bankers’ malevolent policies become evident to more people. Talk about unintended consequences! Did the Masonic Jewish bankers make a fatal error by taking […]

April 29 – Gold is an Index of Fear

Please send links and comments to [email protected]       Gold is near all time highs due to war, USD and banking fears. The more terrified we are, the richer we get! We’ll be burned to a crisp in a nuclear war but the important thing is we’l die rich! NATO starts deploying troops as Russia […]

April 27- Universities Between Communist Rock and Zionist Hard Place.

Please send links and comments to [email protected] After decades of turning students into Communists, universities face defunding by Zionist donors Students say they will disrupt campuses until colleges cut financial ties with Israel. How are Zio-Nazis going to win WW3 when a huge segment of the population is opposed to it? Bipartisan bill would create ‘antisemitism […]

April 26 – Zionist Murderers Have Co Opted the West

Please send links and comments to [email protected]  If Westerners don’t realize they are governed by traitors, they deserve their fate. —– $95 BILLION Aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan READY WITHIN HOURS, Lawmakers’ Personal Visit to Kiev “A good day for peace” he said on the day a 95 B military aid package was approved. […]

April 25 – Why Does Russia Keep America’s Secrets?

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Why doesn’t Russia tell us what really happened on 9-11? Who murdered JFK and RFK? Who shot down MH 17 over Ukraine? What happened to MH 376 which disappeared in 2014? It’s obvious that Russia is in collusion with the NeoCons attempting to start WW3. This is why […]

Senate passes $95 billion aid for Ukraine and Israel, the evening of April 23, 2024 This bill has passed the evening of April 23, 2024 in the US, but in the early hours of April 24, 2024 for both Ukraine and Israel, countries in the same timezone. April 24 is the 201st day of the war in Israel, which began October 7, 2023. Thus, this is the latest pairing […]

Senate on the verge of passing $95 billion foreign aid package, April 23, 2024 news

$95 billion is a reminder that the Jesuits were created to counter the 95 Theses, written by Martin Luther. And go figure Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated on the 95th day of the year, would have turned 95 this year on January 15, or 1/15. This also ties in with the Baltimore Key […]

April 23 – We Live in Fear

Please send links and comments to [email protected] We live in fear and that’s deliberate. To paralyze us? We’re under constant spiritual, psychological and physical assault. The list is endless: direct energy weapons (Lahaina), chemtrails, gender dysfunction, Critical Race Theory, migration, muggings, censorship, lawlessness (shoplifting legalized), threat of war, attack on farmers (food supply), pandemic hoaxes, cancer, poisonous […]

April 21 – Swab Bumboy Changes His Tune on Israel

  (Understanding Macron, Sunak and Fidelito: “Many world leaders lost their virginity with Klaus Schwab.”) Please send links and comment to [email protected] By its support for Israel, the West has assumed the role of villain and guaranteed its destruction. The only way to stop Israel’s genocide of Gaza is to defeat Israel. Iran is willing to […]

April 20 – Bid’en Time…

(A reminder that people are beautiful and life is a miracle. Iran and Israel are downplaying the recent exchange of missiles  while at the same time Israel is continuing its genocide in Gaza.  Too bad Iran can’t step up like the Houthis have. Maybe they are playing for time to complete their nuclear defences. ———- Iran […]

April 19 – Don’t Let Satanists Define Reality

Please send links and comments to [email protected] We live in a world where Zionists define “terrorism” to exclude the genocide of 30,000 women and children while including an obvious Hamas false flag where the Israeli “Hannibal” doctrine was responsible for most deaths.  Not to mention the devastation of thousands of homes. The Israeli government has […]

April 18 – Fulfilling Doomsday Prophecy

(Schneerson to Satanyahu- Destroy the world to hasten the coming of the AntiChrist) I hate to repeat myself but few people are considering the possibility  that religious fanatics are fulfilling a demented prophecy that calls for apocalyptic catastrophe. Israel is controlled by these fanatics and through Israel, the West. This is why Satanyahu refuses to […]

April 17 – It’s Satanic Human Sacrifice Week!

(Please send links and comments to [email protected])  It’s obvious by the way the West has been sabotaged internally that it has been chosen to lose WW3. Its leaders are complicit in war crimes and genocide.  The leaders of the West have blood on their hands. People want to believe that cooler heads will prevail. I […]

April 16 – Humanity is Standing on a Ledge

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Israel vows to attack Iran. Iran vows to retaliate. The MSM is downplaying the urgency of our situation. Iran could close the Straits of Hormuz. The world has fallen into the hands of religious fanatics who think they are doing the Lord’s Work by destroying the world. The […]

April 15- Klaws Swab, 86, Hospitalized

We hope he was vaccinated! Seems to me that if Iran were a true ally of the Palestinian people, they would not have waited until Israel blew up their embassy in Damascus to launch a missile strike against military and economic targets. Anyone who condones Israeli genocide in Gaza is a monster. Israel is preparing […]

April 14 – Did Iran Stand Down?

Iran tells Israel it is a Paper Tiger Israel claims it shot down all of the Iranian drones and missiles.  Did Iran not anticipate this? It seems this was just a token response. Did Iran coolly refuse to take Satanyahu’s bait?  Israeli retaliation.   A few lights in the night sky and the Iranians said they […]

April 13 – Satanyahu’s Mission: Start World War 3

Please send comments and links to [email protected]  When they met in 1990, Chabad chieftain Menachem Schneerson predicted Satanyahu would  become PM and start WW3 in order to destroy civilization, a prerequisite for the return of the Jewish Messiah, the Antichrist.  Obviously, Satanyahu attacked the Iranian Embassy in Damascus to entrap the US in such a […]

April 12 – What Cognitive Dissonance Looks Like

This was the official logo of the 2020 Democratic Party Convention that nominated Biden.  “Death” (Satanic Star of Baphomet) to America. For once, a politician keeps his promise and no one notices. Please send links and comments to [email protected]  In the two years since I have had this logo posted on my site, NO ONE […]

April 11 – Keep Your Eye on the Big Picture

Albert Pike’s 1871 letter to Giuseppe Mazzini Please send link and comments to [email protected] Israel has withdrawn from Gaza. Can world war be avoided? Or are we following a set agenda?  Why am I the only person on the net who points out that the leaders of Israel and Iran, as well as Hamas and […]

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