Senate on the verge of passing $95 billion foreign aid package, April 23, 2024 news

$95 billion is a reminder that the Jesuits were created to counter the 95 Theses, written by Martin Luther. And go figure Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated on the 95th day of the year, would have turned 95 this year on January 15, or 1/15. This also ties in with the Baltimore Key Bridge collapsing on Nancy Pelosi’s birthday and the bridge coming down being compared to Salvador Dali’s The Broken Bridge and the Dream. *Baltimore=95

As you’ll recall, the war in Israel began on the anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe’s death in Baltimore.

As for this passing later this week, April 24 will be the 201st day of the war in Israel, and April 25 will be 201 days after the war began, or the 202nd day of the war, and DC is the (202) area code.
The Jesuit Order=201
Order of Illuminati=201
State of Israel=201
Donbas Region=201

Recall that both the Ukraine & Russia wars and the Israel & Gaza wars began in 201 rituals.

Chuck Schumer is asking for the funding to be passed today, 152 days after his birthday, or his 153rd day of age. Tomorrow will be 153 days after his birthday.
Joe Biden=152 *Jesuit Order=153

For one more, today is the 114th day of the year. *Charles Ellis Schumer=114


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