Posts Tagged ‘supremacists’

Discussion Between CCR5 Supremacists

Aryan Mafia of CCR5 Supremacists Made Up of Ashkenazi Jews talk shit about those of us that don’t have the chosen “mutation”. It’s important to peer into the mind of those people that are in the know. Post navigation Source

Patriot Front unmasked as FEDS pretending to be white supremacists, to help the state crack down on (what they call) “the right”—the latest twist on Operation Gladio, which did that to the left

The FBI is very busy doing with “white supremacy” exactly what it did with “Islamic terrorism,” and, before that, the “communist threat”—i.e., creating the ILLUSION of a clear and present danger. Source

Aryan Mafia of CCR5 Supremacists Made Up of Ashkenazi Jews!

Before you go and pigeonhole CIN as an anti-Semitic rag, let me make one thing crystal clear… Semitism is the root form of language. Semitism is not a race at all… The biggest truth is that all languages, spawn from Semitism… 200512AuOr05RubioDownload That’s right! All our languages derive from Canaanite. It’s Babylon, baby! To say […]

Power-Grid Attacks Up 71% And Biden Acolytes Tell Us It’s All Those White Supremacists

The latest news is a disturbing report from an industry-watcher using federal data, pointing out that attacks on America’s power grid are up 71%. Source

The coming nightmare: White supremacists/extremists prepare to take total control of this government and country

So, what will Republicans do if they find some way to win this election and take over the entire government? Source

FBI Agent: ‘We Have More People Assigned to Investigate White Supremacists Than We Can Actually Find’

The Biden regime is planning on hosting a forum Thursday at the White House together with the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center aimed at combatting the “explosive rise in extremism and White supremacy that threatens the core of America’s democracy,” the Washington Times reports. From The Washington Times, “FBI insiders say white supremacy […]

Catholic League: White Liberals Are the Real ‘White Supremacists’

Catholic League president Bill Donohue said Monday that white liberals qualify as the worst of white supremacists because “they don’t believe blacks have the ability to raise themselves up by themselves.”

Chelsea Clinton: ‘ALL Republicans – Even Black Conservatives – Are White Supremacists’

Chelsea Clinton has accused the Republican Party and all of its members, including black Conservatives, of being “white supremacists.” The former first daughter made the outlandish comments during Friday’s broadcast of “The View,” while discussing Sen. Lindsey Graham announcing he will not vote to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. BYPASS THE CENSORS […]

Jewish Supremacists Celebrate Hanukkah By Gaslighting America About ‘Antisemitism’

(ShineALightOn) To better celebrate the traditional lighting of candles on the ersatz Jewish “holiday” Hanukkah, ShineALightOn, a Jewish supremacist organization which — according to its website — admits to being part of an international network of other supremacist cell groups — such as the Anti-Defamation League, B’nai B’rith International, and Chabad — has released a […]

AU Premier Gaslights Aborigines — ‘White Supremacists’ Are Trying To Kill You With Anti-Vaxx ‘Disinformation’

(Russia Today) Mark McGowan, the premier of Western Australia, has suggested US-based “white supremacist groups” are trying to kill Aboriginals by targeting them with anti-vaxx propaganda: “There’s been some misinformation provided to Aboriginal people from people who do not have their best interests at heart,” Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan told reporters on Thursday, adding […]

Australia Premier Blames White Supremacists For Low Vaccination Rates Among Aboriginals

The premier of Western Australia Mark McGowan has suggested that US-based “white supremacist groups” may be responsible for the low Covid vaccination uptake among Aboriginal people. McGowan claims that the Indigenous community has been targeted with anti-vaxx propaganda. He told reporters on Thursday: “There’s been some misinformation provided to Aboriginal people from people who do […]

Right-Wing Activists, White Supremacists Celebrate Rittenhouse Acquittal

Kyle Rittenhouse—the 18-year-old who shot three protesters, killing two, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during unrest there last year—was found not guilty on all charges Friday. The verdict was met with celebration from Republican lawmakers, right-wing activists, and white supremacists. Ahead of the trial, right-wing activists clamored to Rittenhouse’s defense, arguing the teen was being maligned by the […]

Rep. Cori Bush Claims ‘White Supremacists’ Shot At Her And BLM Protesters Marching In Ferguson – Actual Shooter Was A Black Man Shooting At Police

By Chris Menahan Missouri Rep Cori Bush (D) on Monday tried to dunk on Kyle Rittenhouse by claiming that when she and other Black Lives Matter protesters marched in Ferguson they were shot at by “white supremacists” who “never faced consequences” for trying to murder them. “When we marched in Ferguson, white supremacists would hide […]

DHS, CNN Scramble To Flip Biden Afghanistan Narrative Back To Domestic ‘White Supremacists’ Threat

In a bid to recapture the narrative and distract the minds of Americans from the Afghan farce, the Biden administration and liberal media appear to be attempting to shift the focus to who they believe the real enemy is… “White supremacist and anti-government extremists have expressed admiration for what the Taliban accomplished, a worrying development […]

9 Black People Who Are Really White Supremacists

You’d think that it would be impossible for a black person to be a white supremacist, or at least very difficult. But you’re not woke enough if you haven’t yet realized that black people can be some of the most anti-black people around. Just trust us, this makes sense. Here are 9 of the most […]

U.K. Bans ‘The Base’ — A Fake ‘Terror’ Group Created By FBI-CIA To Entrap White Supremacists

The U.K. Home Secretary announced that “The Base” — a fake white supremacist group created by the FBI/CIA to infiltrate and encourage unwitting members into acts of violence– has been officially banned: The Base became on Friday the UK’s fifth outlawed extreme right-wing group after MPs approved a proscription order earlier this week. Membership of […]

Progressive Jewish Supremacists Joke About Californian’s Fiery Destruction

Here’s a question. What happens whenever non-jews make fun of or joke about jews in public or in the media? The answer; the full might of ZOG in all its manifestations immediately descends upon the jokesters, condemning them for their thoughtless, anti-semitic behavior. The character of those responsible must be flayed and their material banned. […]

Pro-Israel Supremacists Suspend 14 Labour Party Members For Daring To Criticize Ongoing Genocide In Palestine

“What the Talmud teaches about you” [Not a jewish article] “The Talmud gets its name from the word Lamud – taught, and means The Teaching. By metonymy it is taken to mean the book which contains the Teaching, which is called Talmud, that is, the doctrinal book which alone fully expounds and explains all the […]

U.S. mainstream media hides or downplays Jewish supremacists who just carried out a ‘pogrom’ in Jerusalem

Last night, in the heart of Jerusalem, hundreds of Jewish supremacists, chanting “Death to Arabs,” attacked Palestinian passers-by; some 78 Palestinians were injured and 15 were hospitalized. IfNotNow, the activist organization of young American Jews, called the attacks “a pogrom.” In a surprise, the New York Times did report on the attack. Isabel Kershner’s article […]

As mob of Jewish supremacists unleash ‘pogrom’ against Palestinians in Jerusalem– AIPAC crows about 331 Congress members standing by Israel

There are horrifying images from Jerusalem last night of a mob of racist Jews chanting that the city belongs to them and Arabs should burn. The young American Jewish group “IfNotNow” labeled the mob a “pogrom,” in another assertion of moral leadership over community elders who ignore the violence. “Hundreds of Jewish supremacists march in […]

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