Posts Tagged ‘ashkenazi’

Israeli Geneticist Reveals Non-Israelite Origins Of Ashkenazi Jews

( While many Jews — along with many Christians — still vehemently deny that Ashkenazi Jews have their origins in the Turkic peoples of the Khazar Kingdom, research conducted by an Israeli geneticist appears to confirm that these Jews do, in fact, descend from a Turkic people prior to migrating up into the Khazar Kingdom […]

Ashkenazi Jews descended from ancient Turkey: New research

Ashkenazi Jews descended from ancient Turkey: New research New research suggests Yiddish language has its origins in north-east Turkey Ultra-Orthodox Jews burn leavened items in Jerusalem during the final preparations before the start of the Jewish Passover holiday (AFP) By MEE staff Published date: 25 April 2016 20:36 BST | Last update: 7 years 5 […]

‘Zionism is an Ashkenazi thing’: how Zionism engineered the expulsion of Iraq’s Arab Jews

THREE WORLDSMemoir of an Arab Jewby Avi Shlaim336 pp. One World, 2023 $29.95 Avi Shlaim’s new work, Three Worlds: Memoir of an Arab Jew, is truly a brave book. Its message is clear: “The Emperor Has No Clothes.” This truth was not uttered by a brave boy among the chorus of hypocrites and liars — […]

Aryan Mafia of CCR5 Supremacists Made Up of Ashkenazi Jews!

Before you go and pigeonhole CIN as an anti-Semitic rag, let me make one thing crystal clear… Semitism is the root form of language. Semitism is not a race at all… The biggest truth is that all languages, spawn from Semitism… 200512AuOr05RubioDownload That’s right! All our languages derive from Canaanite. It’s Babylon, baby! To say […]

VOCI – Ashkenazi Jews of Khazaria, Part 1

EURO FOLK RADIO VOCI – Ashkenazi Jews of Khazaria, Part 1 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Full text of “Ashkenazi Jews Of Khazaria – A History By Gaylon Ross Freeman” ( (I believe I was mistaken about the author being a Jew) Share this: […]

Remains of 17 People Were Ashkenazi Jews, Victims of Medieval Antisemitism

Ashkenazi Jews, who migrated into Holy Roman Empire territories around the 1st millennium AD, also settled in parts of England but how they were treated is less understood. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later 

Ashkenazi Jews Not Affected By the Jab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to Dr. Lee Merritt Ashkenazi Jews not affected by mass sterilization through covid vaccines – Dr. Lee Merritt ( Covid Toxxines are killing people: Irrefutable Evidence: The COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing People! ( Tell everyone you know about EFR. Share this: Source

Why Cannabis is Illegal (Cuts Into Profits of “Jewish” Big Pharma-Khazar Ashkenazi Mafia)

November 8, 2021 Save Get the latest Waking Times articles delivered to your inbox. Sign up here. Matt Agorist, The Free Thought ProjectWaking Times Despite the state spending thousands of dollars a second – ticketing, kidnapping, caging, and killing evil drug users, the rate of lethal drug overdoses in the last 15 years has skyrocketed at near-exponential rates. According to […]

The Deep Rig (Obvious Corruption Run By Our AshkeNAZI/Khazar/Zionist/BritishEmpire MAFIA

by Admin · Published August 16, 2021 · Updated August 16, 2021 My Comment: We have an organized CRIME SYNDICATE RUNNING AMERIKA. We Are Run by ZIONists or Rothschild ZIONISTS of British Empire. They are actual NAZI creators. The Cabal that ran this voting Fraud via George Soros, ZIONIST Crime Syndicate Money Man, OWNS […]

The Indo-European, Ashkenazi Jew is not a Cousin of any Arab-Semitic Muslim

22 Jul, 2021 Source: Al Mayadeen Susana Khalil We are in the 21st century of secular values; the colossal Zionist propaganda distorts religion with ethnicity, to hide the colonial anachronism. Part I.  Seen the successful fraud of falsifying history, the theft of history by the Euro-Zionist colonial movement, where European converts to the Jewish religion […]

Jared Taylor Says Ashkenazi jews Are “Patriotic Men of the West” & “Allies” in White Struggle

Jared “jews look h’White to me” Taylor has been shilling for jews from the start, so this is really nothing new. Anyone who really thinks this guy is on our side is deluded. The people who are genociding us are really White allies? Share now! Source

Lizard Has Ashkenazi DNA Same as George Soros & Rothschilds Re 23&Me

Monday, June 28, 2021 by: Ethan HuffTags: 23andMe, ancestry, badmedicine, badscience, Collusion, deception, DNA, faked, fraud, genetic lunacy, junk science, lizard, saliva, science fraud, stupid, TwistedBypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy URL13KVIEWS (Natural News) A man and his wife decided to test the accuracy of 23andMe’s at-home DNA testing kit by sending in a saliva sample collected from their pet lizard. What they found is that the whole thing is a sham. […]

My mom is Moroccan, my dad was Ashkenazi. It was clear which culture would prevail

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Leading Israeli Actors Lior Ashkenazi, Sasson Gabay Star in New Israeli Film ‘Karaoke’

Lior Ashkenazi. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Lior Ashkenazi and Sasson Gabay, two of Israel’s most well-known actors, will co-star in the new Israeli film “Karaoke,“ Deadline reported on Thursday. The drama-comedy is about an older couple (Gabay and Rita Shukrun) who become infatuated with their “flamboyant” new neighbor, a former modeling agent played by Ashkenazi, according to […]

Ashkenazi, Lithuania FM slammed for not addressing ‘Holocaust distortion’

Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center‘s Israel office and Eastern European Affairs Dr. Efraim Zuroff has strongly criticized a recent display of amity between Israel and Lithuania despite what he described was the latter’s attempts to minimize its history of Nazi collaboration in the Holocaust.In a recent op-ed published in The Jerusalem Post last week […]

Ex-Israeli envoy reveals large number of Ashkenazi Jews lived in Cairo

Former Israeli ambassador to Jordan Jacob Rosen published an extensive list of Jewish surnames in Cairo that disclosed a stunning number of Ashkenazi-sounding surnames. “Jewish refugees from Russian pogroms settled in Egypt,” Rosen said in an interview. Rosen, who also served as a diplomat in Egypt, said there were about 40,000 Jews in Cairo during […]

Join a curator on a virtual tour of the Met’s Ashkenazi Jewish treasures

THE NEW YORK JEWISH WEEK — The Metropolitan Museum of Art is open by reservation only and capacity is limited. For art-starved New Yorkers, the next best thing may be an online course with a curator, like the one being offered during the 2021 YIVO-Bard Winter Program on Ashkenazi Civilization, being held from January 5-22. […]

Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? Their Origins May Surprise You

Ashkenazi Jews are a Jewish ethnic group who have their earliest ancestors from the indigenous tribes of Israel…at least on one side of the family tree. A study published in 2013 in Nature Communications has shown their maternal lineage comes from a different, and possibly unexpected, source. Tracing the Matrilineal Line The research shows the […]

Obvious Vote Fraud Enabled Fake Biden (Admitted Zionist) Win; It’s Ashkenazi Jews VS Americans!

By infostormer -November 4, 20207 Donald Trump won the election last night. There is no doubt about it. All the numbers in the key swing states showed him ahead by substantial margins. He rightly declared victory and called out the Democrats for attempting to steal the election through fraud. The fraud is transparently comical. Several states just […]

A Stolen Election Follows a Coup on Trump’s Presidency by the Ashkenazi/Zionist Mafia Crime Syndicate

Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn’s attorney, exposed one of the most significant vote fraud instruments on the Lou Dobbs Tonight show. Here, former National Security Agency analyst J. Kirk Wiebe explains how it worked.READ MORE [embedded content] [embedded content] Our guests today include Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Harley Schlanger, Kirk Wiebe, Barbara Boyd and Diane Sare.READ MORE Stop WWIII […]

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