Posts Tagged ‘patriotic’

Ivan Raiklin Tells NPR Producer of the “Patriotic & Peaceful” Retribution that’s Coming

Zoe Chace is a producer for a radio show called This American Life that airs on public radio stations, like NPR. She bumped into Ivan Raiklin at a Congressional hearing on Wednesday and wanted to do an impromptu interview with him, noting that he calls himself the “Future Secretary of Retribution” on his Twitter profile. […]

FBI Undercover Moles Infiltrate Catholic Churches to Spy on Patriotic Christians

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Alfred Lilienthal – Patriotic American Jew Fought Against Zionism

(Alfred Lilienthal, 1915-2008)  Alfred Lilienthal belongs to the ranks of courageous  Jews who opposed the Jewish supremacist agenda.  Others include Myron Fagan, Benjamin Freedman, Elmer Berger,  & Henry Klein.  In the 1950s, Alfred Lilienthal warned that the U.S. is fighting Israel’s wars  to dominate a region. The US is not fighting for our freedom as the propaganda machine […]

Vindication: Patriotic 12-year-old who was kicked out of class for having a Gadsden patch on his bag prompts school board to overturn discriminating viewpoint

(NaturalNews) The 12-year-old Colorado kid who got kicked out of class for wearing a Gadsden patch has won big against the school’s viewpoint… Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Patriotic Stud Muffin

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

Patriotic Alternative Is Going to Save Britain with Multi-Racial Christian Nationalism

Listening to non-White guy from Patriotic Alternative talk about how he is against ethnic nationalism is all you need to hear. Source

Biden Announces New Program For Patriotic Youngsters ‘Biden Youth’

BERLIN — Biden has announced a new program for youngsters called Biden Youth. The program is designed to remove kids from their parent’s influence and to instill the unifying core beliefs of Biden Reich while the children are at their most impressionable ages. Biden fervently stated that the nuclear family is yet another obstacle we […]

Biden Announces New Program For Patriotic Youngsters ‘Biden Youth’

BERLIN — Biden has announced a new program for youngsters called Biden Youth. The program is designed to remove kids from their parent’s influence and to instill the unifying core beliefs of Biden Reich while the children are at their most impressionable ages. Biden fervently stated that the nuclear family is yet another obstacle we […]

Biden Announces New Program For Patriotic Youngsters ‘Biden Youth’

BERLIN — Biden has announced a new program for youngsters called Biden Youth. The program is designed to remove kids from their parent’s influence and to instill the unifying core beliefs of Biden Reich while the children are at their most impressionable ages. Biden fervently stated that the nuclear family is yet another obstacle we […]

Biden Announces New Program For Patriotic Youngsters ‘Biden Youth’

BERLIN — Biden has announced a new program for youngsters called Biden Youth. The program is designed to remove kids from their parent’s influence and to instill the unifying core beliefs of Biden Reich while the children are at their most impressionable ages. Biden fervently stated that the nuclear family is yet another obstacle we […]

Can You Spot All The Signs Of Racism In This Patriotic Picture?

Racism is everywhere — especially on July 4th! To be a good anti-racist, you must train yourself to see racism everywhere and then loudly and obnoxiously point it out to everyone you meet. Source

Patriotic LA Sheriff Villanueva Instructs Deputies NOT To Enforce Unconstitutional VAX Mandates

On the day that Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors mandated Covid vaccines for all employees, Los Angeles Sheriff Alex Villanueva bravely announced he would not enforce the unconstitutional rule. “This issue has become so politicized, there are entire groups of employees that are willing to be fired and laid off rather than get vaccinated,” […]

Joy Behar Calls George W. Bush ‘Very Patriotic’ For Speaking Out Against His Own Party

Joy Behar thinks that former President George W. Bush was “very patriotic” after he spoke out against his own party during his speech at the 9/11 memorial service. Bush was comparing the January 6 Capitol protesters to the terrorists that attacked America on Sept. 11, 2001. Behar made her comments during “The View” on Monday. […]

Taliban Celebrates 9/11 With Patriotic Flyover Of U.S. Black Hawks

Taliban Celebrates 9/11 With Patriotic Flyover Of U.S. Black Hawks KABUL—According to reports coming out of Afghanistan, the Taliban celebrated its high holy day of 9/11 over the weekend with a patriotic flyover consisting of a full formation of Black Hawk helicopters recently acquired from the United States government. The formation flew over the capital, […]

Jared Taylor Says Ashkenazi jews Are “Patriotic Men of the West” & “Allies” in White Struggle

Jared “jews look h’White to me” Taylor has been shilling for jews from the start, so this is really nothing new. Anyone who really thinks this guy is on our side is deluded. The people who are genociding us are really White allies? Share now! Source

How Uncle Sam can encourage corporations to be more patriotic

Image Credit: Glen Lowry Since the struggle for American independence, times of national crisis have called for shared sacrifice. In World War II, for example, a number of top business executives became “dollar-a-year men” who donated their know-how to the war effort for a token sum. To those on the front lines, that sort of […]

Biden: Getting Your COVID Shot Is ‘Most Patriotic Thing You Will EVER Do’

After failing to reach his vaccination goal, Joe Biden begged Americans on Monday to do “the most patriotic thing you can do” and take the experimental COVID shot. If you haven’t gotten vaccinated, please do it now. It’s the most patriotic thing you can do. — President Biden (@POTUS) July 4, 2021 The tweet came […]

Biden Tells Americans Getting Vaccinated Is “The Most Patriotic Thing You Can Do”

After failing to reach his previously stated benchmark for vaccinations, Joe Biden desperately tweeted a plea for Americans to do “the most patriotic thing you can do” and take the COVID shot. If you haven’t gotten vaccinated, please do it now. It’s the most patriotic thing you can do. — President Biden (@POTUS) July 4, […]

Patriotic Millionaires urge global leaders to combat tax avoidance through wealth tax on world’s billionaires

The Patriotic Millionaires are urging global leaders to impose a wealth tax on the world’s billionaires to build fairer economies post COVID. According to an analysis conducted by the Program on Inequality at the Institute for Policy Studies, if billionaires paid an annual wealth tax in 2020, “modeled on the ‘Ultra-Millionaire Tax’ levy proposed by […]

Gov. Abbott Signs ‘1836 Project’ to Promote Patriotic Education in Texas

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday signed into law a bill that promotes education focusing on the history and values of the Lone Star Republic. The bill, HB 2497 (pdf), establishes the 1836 Project, an advisory committee designed to “promote patriotic education and increase awareness of the Texas values that continue to stimulate boundless prosperity […]

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