Posts Tagged ‘flyover’

Taliban Celebrates 9/11 With Patriotic Flyover Of U.S. Black Hawks

Taliban Celebrates 9/11 With Patriotic Flyover Of U.S. Black Hawks KABUL—According to reports coming out of Afghanistan, the Taliban celebrated its high holy day of 9/11 over the weekend with a patriotic flyover consisting of a full formation of Black Hawk helicopters recently acquired from the United States government. The formation flew over the capital, […]

France sends warplanes to Central African Republic for flyover to prop up president ahead of vote in former colony

French President Emmanuel Macron has confirmed sending fighter planes on a flyover mission in the Central African Republic, as a show of condemnation of “attempts to destabilize” the country ahead of a general election. Macron “ordered a flyover of Central African territory by fighter planes” at the request of CAR President Faustin-Archange Touadéra, and it […]

America’s Oldest World War II Veteran Receives Flyover for 111th Birthday

America’s oldest World War II veteran received a military flyover for his 111th birthday on Saturday as the coronavirus changed plans for a more traditional birthday celebration. Last year, New Orleans native and World War II veteran Lawrence Brooks received cupcakes, music, and lots of kisses at the National WWII Museum as the facility hosted […]

Israeli, German jets to make 1st joint flyover at Dachau, Munich Olympics site

BERLIN (JTA) — Israeli and German military planes will perform a joint flyover in Germany for the first time ever. The Aug. 18 flight will pass over the site of the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics and skirt the edge of the city of Dachau, where the Nazis established their first […]

3D flyover of Jupiter reveals planet’s menacing cyclones (VIDEOS)

The animation shows Jupiter’s north pole and the “engine” powering its magnetic field in never-before-seen and highly-textured detail. The churning surface looks almost menacing in the video which illustrates the polar region’s central storm and the eight cyclones – ranging in diameter from 2,500 to 2,900 miles (4,000 to 4,600 kilometers) – that encircle it. […]

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