Posts Tagged ‘Munich’

Biotechnology should be high on the agenda at the Munich Security Conference

Biotechnology’s applications have the potential to alter geopolitical dynamics significantly. China has understood this reality for some time. Source

In Munich: West sounds alarm over Global South stances

The recent conference on international security policy focused extensively on the significance of the Global South to the west’s security. As power competition with China and Russia intensifies, the west is compelled to reassess its approach to relations with these countries. February 23 2023 By Mohamad Hasan Sweidan “I am struck by how much we are […]

Climate activists breach Munich airport to protest air travel on northern runway

Updated: 08/12/2022 – 22:00 Munich Airport saw its traffic disrupted on Thursday after climate activists staged a protest against the environmental impact of air travel. The group “Last Generation” said some of their members glued their hands on the tarmac while others entered the ground of Berlin Airport.  A spokesman for the Munich airport did […]

Germany apologises for 1972 Munich Olympics attack failures

Germany’s president Frank-Walter Steinmeier has apologised for multiple failures by his country before, during, and after the deadly attack at the 1972 Munich Olympics. It came as the country marked half a century since Palestinian militants killed 11 Israeli athletes. On Monday, Steinmeier attended a ceremony with his Israeli counterpart Isaac Herzog. at Fuerstenfeldbruck airfield outside Munich, the […]

Israel minister: ‘We will not forgive Abbas for Munich attack’

Israeli Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel claimed on Friday that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was one of the planners of the Munich attack on Israeli athletes in 1972, stressing, “we will never forgive him,” Israeli media reported. During the inauguration of the series Munich 72, Hendel accused the PA president, whom many Israeli politicians see as […]

Girl, 7, dies after being hit by falling statue at hotel in Munich

She was hit by a 200-kilogram statue in a hotel courtyard on Friday.

Families Of 1972 Munich Olympic Terror Attack Threaten To Boycott Anniversary Unless Germany Coughs Up ‘Normal’ Compensation

(Algemeiner) Who would have ever predicted that the family members of Jews who were killed — allegedly by the Palestinian terror group Black September 50 years ago at the Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany — are now demanding up to ten times what they originally agreed upon in compensation 20 years ago? Families of the […]

Families Of 1972 Munich Olympic Terror Attack Threaten To Boycott Anniversary Unless Germany Pays More Compensation

(Algemeiner) Who would have ever predicted that the family members of Jews who were killed — allegedly by the Palestinian terror group Black September 50 years ago at the Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany — are now demanding up to ten times what they originally agreed upon in compensation 20 years ago? Families of the […]

Families Of 1972 Munich Olympic Terror Attack Threaten To Boycott Anniversary Unless Germany Pays More Compensation

(Algemeiner) Who would have ever predicted that the family members of Jews who were killed — allegedly by the Palestinian terror group Black September 50 years ago at the Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany — are now demanding up to ten times what they originally agreed upon in compensation 20 years ago? Families of the […]

Backlash Over Munich Orchestra Conductor Being Fired For Failure to Denounce Putin

RT News broadcasts have been completely cut off in the UK following the European Union’s move to ban the network, despite the fact that the UK isn’t even in the EU anymore. The BBC reports that RT has disappeared from all platforms in the UK, with access “affected by a ban imposed by the European […]

German Police Searching for Suspect Who Spat in Face of Jewish Man in Munich’s Main Square

Police officers are seen Ostkreuz Station, in Berlin, Germany, Nov. 2, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Annegret Hilse. German police are searching for the assailant who verbally abused and spat in the face of a young Jewish man as he walked through Munich’s bustling main square. The 23-year-old victim, who was wearing a kippah, was subjected […]

Munich-esque Davos

January 31, 2021 Rostislav Ishchenko – Crossposted with permission from Stalker Zone Vladimir Putin’s speech, delivered in the format of remote participation in the annual Davos forum, is already being actively compared with his Munich speech of 2007. Well, there is something in common. It is about the same general as between Stalin’s “Brothers and Sisters!” in 1941 […]

Fatah lauds Munich Olympics massacre as a ‘quality operation’

Browse > Home / News / Fatah lauds Munich Olympics massacre as a ‘quality operation’ January 29, 2021 by JNS Read on for article Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction posted a video last week praising Black September commander Ali Hassan Salameh, one of the architects of the 1972 Munich massacre. A memorial in […]

Munich Olympics Official Who Negotiated With Palestinian Terrorists Dies at 91

An image of one of the Palestinian terrorists who took part in the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. The International Olympic Committee announced yesterday the death of Walther Tröger, a former Mayor of the Olympic Village during the 1972 Munich games who took part in failed negotiations with Palestinian terrorists.  On Sept. 5, […]

Former head of Israel’s Olympic delegation who survived Munich massacre dies at 95

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PSG v Bayern Munich: Who will win the Champions League?

Germany’s five-time champions Bayern Munich will face France’s Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League final on Sunday night. The German football club is looking to clinch their sixth crown, while Paris’ hometown team is just glad to make their first final. Euronews heads to France and Germany to see how each country is preparing for […]

German, Israeli air forces fly past 1972 Munich Olympic attack site

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Israeli, German jets to make 1st joint flyover at Dachau, Munich Olympics site

BERLIN (JTA) — Israeli and German military planes will perform a joint flyover in Germany for the first time ever. The Aug. 18 flight will pass over the site of the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics and skirt the edge of the city of Dachau, where the Nazis established their first […]

Iran wants to annihilate 6 million Jews — Netanyahu’s Munich rant, interrupted

Netanyahu, what a speech you gave at Munich Security Conference on Sunday. You even brought a piece of the downed Iranian constructed drone and threatened to attack Iran directly.   Allow me, Netanyahu, to interrupt your speech in retrospect. You began by pointing out the historical echoes of Munich, with two anecdotes – first the more […]

Going Underground – BUT FIRST: Why did Benjamin Netanyahu bring a prop to Munich?

Going Underground – BUT FIRST: Why did Benjamin Netanyahu bring a prop to Munich? Going Underground with Afshin Afshin Rattansi on the allegations made by the Israeli Prime Minister against Iran during the Munich Security Conference. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground Afshin Rattansi on Instagram… View the original video for […]

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