Posts Tagged ‘forgive’

Mike Stone – Forgive Trump His Fakery

  Why the Fake Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump is a Good Thing After years of fake school shootings, fake mail-in ballots, two fake elections, a fake pandemic, and a fake vaccine, I see no harm in a fake shooting designed to win Donald Trump the presidency. Do you? If our choice for president is […]


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Forgive but Never Forget: Lessons from the West African Slave Trade

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL West Africans endured slavery for 400 years, when 15 million human beings were forcibly captured and sold into bondage. During this era, the world’s major secular and sectarian institutions regarded slaves as no better than animals, but modern West Africans look to the future, adopting a philosophy of forgiving but never forgetting. […]

‘Forgive me, dad’: Last words of Libya teen killed in deadly Derna floods

Deadly floods in Libya caused by a huge storm swept through the eastern Derna city, where families were left scattered or killed entirely as Storm Daniel has ravaged the region, Anadolu Agency reports. The devastating Mediterranean storm on Sunday hit the eastern region of Libya, causing massive floods in Derna and leaving thousands dead and […]

Iran says will neither ‘forget nor forgive’ perpetrators of gas attack on Sardasht

TEHRAN – Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian says Iran will “neither forget nor forgive” the perpetrators of the chemical attack on the border city of Sardasth in northwestern Iran in 1987. Source

Right Wing Round-Up: Forgive Hitler

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

Israel minister: ‘We will not forgive Abbas for Munich attack’

Israeli Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel claimed on Friday that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was one of the planners of the Munich attack on Israeli athletes in 1972, stressing, “we will never forgive him,” Israeli media reported. During the inauguration of the series Munich 72, Hendel accused the PA president, whom many Israeli politicians see as […]

Voters Split on Biden’s Plan to Forgive Portion of Student Loan Debt

Voters are split on President Biden’s sweeping plan to cancel $10,000 to $20,000 of student loan debt per qualified borrower, a Politico/Morning Consult survey released Wednesday found.

Nancy Pelosi Leading The Charge For Biden Administration To Forgive Bar Tabs

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On the heels of news that the Biden Administration is forgiving tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of student loan debt, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi began pushing the White House to offer the same relief to Americans with outstanding bar tabs. Source

Jack Hibbs Asks God to Forgive California for Electing ‘People with Antichrist Worldviews,’ Cites Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris

Mike Pompeo, a former Republican member of Congress who served as director of the CIA and secretary of state during the Trump administration, spoke at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills church in California Sunday, which was founded by right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs. Following Pomepo’s remarks during the early Sunday service, he and Hibbs sat down for […]

Joe Biden’s Effort to Forgive Debt for Farmers Based on Race Gets Second Court Rejection

President Joe Biden’s plan to give racial reparations to black farmers suffered another legal blow Thursday when a federal judge ruled part of his coronavirus law violates the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution. Biden’s legislation styled the reparations program as debt forgiveness for non-white farmers. However, Chief Judge S. Thomas Anderson of the U.S. District […]

Daughter learns to forgive but not forget mother’s involvement in cult

In early summer 1978, Ronit Plank stood inside Newark International Airport saying goodbye to her mother as she boarded a plane to India. Plank was just six years old at the time and had no idea that the moment would change her life forever. Plank’s divorced mother claimed she was off to spend a couple […]

Nancy Pelosi: ‘I’ll NEVER Forgive You Nasty Trump Supporters’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared on Wednesday that she would “never forgive” former President Trump and his supporters for as long as she lives. “I will NEVER forgive those people and the president who instigated the insurrection for the trauma they caused to the workers in the Capitol, whether the young people who work in […]

Meghan Markle: ‘I’m Ready To Forgive Racist Royal Family’

Meghan Markle has announced that she is “ready to forgive” the racist Royal Family in Britain, just five days after the death of Prince Philip. According to a friend of the ‘woke’ Princess, Meghan did not want to attend Prince Philip’s funeral because she “doesn’t want to be the center of attention”. You can unsubscribe […]

Learn How to Truly Forgive – and Truly Heal

March 31st, 2021 By Lawrence Doochin Guest Writer for Wake Up World Learning how to truly forgive is something we all need to learn, just as we learn lessons in school. And we are in a school of sorts. We come to this earth reality to evolve and remember who we are as divine beings. Forgiveness is a critical step in this growth. But the ego wants vengeance. It tells us we […]

Pope calls on Iraq’s Christians to forgive Islamic extremists

Bells rang out in the town of Qaraqosh as the pope arrived. Speaking to a packed Church of the Immaculate Conception, Francis said “forgiveness” is a key word for Christians. “The road to a full recovery may still be long, but I ask you, please, not to grow discouraged. What is needed is the ability […]

When Mothers Forgive Themselves: Tips for Adult Daughters on Not Getting What You (Still!) Want

February 11th, 2021 By Robin Rainbow Gate Guest Writer for Wake Up World Let’s get right to it, shall we? At this moment, I’m receiving a priceless gift: the forgiveness, acceptance and redemption that came to my foremothers in the full bloom of their sixties is arriving at my doorstep. I see the ancestors, the women of […]

Nancy Sinatra Says She’ll “Never Forgive” Trump Voters

Nancy Sinatra says she will “never, ever forgive” the people who voted for former President Donald Trump in 2016 and hopes that her anger doesn’t end up killing her. Had Trump won the 2020 election, Sinatra said she would have considered moving abroad. In an interview with The Guardian, the daughter of the late singer […]

Mad Maxine: I’ll NEVER Forgive Black Trump Supporters

Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters has slammed black Trump supporters, calling those who intend to vote for him “shameful.” During SiriusXM’s “The Joe Madison Show,” Waters declared: “I don’t even know where any Blacks would be coming from that would be voting for Trump.” “It just hurts me so bad to see Blacks talking about supporting […]

Megyn Kelly: Wrongly Convicted Black Men Can Forgive White Cops With God’s Help

MINNEAPOLIS — It just wouldn’t be Christmas without a story of hope and forgiveness. We can thank former Fox News figure Megyn Kelly, now an NBC News personality, for this one. The day after Christmas Kelly brought together for her feel-good show a wrongfully imprisoned man and the cop who framed him. The pair, Jameel […]

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