Posts Tagged ‘hibbs’

Jack Hibbs Says Campus Protesters ‘Have No Constitutional Rights’

Jack Hibbs, a far-right anti-LGBTQ pastor, conspiracy theorist, and Christian nationalist, posted a video on his YouTube channel earlier this week in which he lashed out at the protests that have sprung up on college campuses around the country in opposition to the ongoing war in Gaza. Hibbs, an ardent Christian Zionist whose own support […]

Jack Hibbs Says Critics Of Christian Nationalism Are ‘Literal Cancers’

Jack Hibbs is a far-right anti-LGBTQ pastor, conspiracy theorist, and Christian nationalist who was invited by House Speaker Mike Johnson to deliver a prayer to the House of Representatives last month. That decision understandably did not sit well with several House members who denounced Hibbs’ views and questioned why he had been invited to speak […]

Far-Right Pastor Jack Hibbs Says Mexico Is ‘The U.S.’s Gaza’

Earlier this month, far-right anti-LGBTQ pastor and conspiracy theorist Jack Hibbs posted a bizarre rant on his YouTube channel in which he repeatedly declared that the United States under President Joe Biden has become a “schizophrenic nation” because it has “rejected God.” Lamenting “America’s Sickness,” as the video was titled, Hibbs fumed over seeing needle […]

Megachurch Pastor Jack Hibbs’ Campaign to Out LGBTQ Students Begins at Home

Earlier this year, far-right anti-LGBTQ pastor Jack Hibbs announced that he was launching a campaign to pressure local school boards to adopt policies requiring schools to inform parents if their children identify at school in any way other than as the sex listed on their birth certificate. A bill imposing this requirement on all schools […]

Megachurch Pastor Jack Hibbs Launches Nationwide Campaign to Out LGBTQ Students

California Republicans recently introduced a bill that would require school districts to notify parents within three days of learning that a student is “identifying at school as a gender that does not align with the child’s sex on their birth certificate, other official records, or sex assigned at birth.” LGBTQ activists say that Assembly Bill […]

Jack Hibbs Says He’s ‘Ashamed That I’m Not Being Attacked’ for His Right-Wing Bigotry

When right-wing youth organizer Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA spoke at University of California, Davis, last week, protests erupted that resulted in various acts of vandalism and arrests. When right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills church, who is ardent supporter and close ally of Kirk’s, heard about the protests, he took […]

Jack Hibbs Asks God to Forgive California for Electing ‘People with Antichrist Worldviews,’ Cites Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris

Mike Pompeo, a former Republican member of Congress who served as director of the CIA and secretary of state during the Trump administration, spoke at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills church in California Sunday, which was founded by right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs. Following Pomepo’s remarks during the early Sunday service, he and Hibbs sat down for […]

Jack Hibbs Says ‘If You’re an Evolutionist, You Have to Be Against Same-Sex Unions’

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