Posts Tagged ‘ashamed’

Trump: Jews should be ‘ashamed’ if they vote for Biden

Trump: Jews should be ‘ashamed’ if they vote for Biden lead image Source

Video: NY Post Reporter Tells Press Secretary “You Should Be Ashamed”

A New York Post reporter blasted White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Wednesday, accusing her of being against a free press by refusing to call on him for months. The Post‘s Steven Nelson told Jean-Pierre “You haven’t called on me in two seasons, Karine.” “And I’m not calling on you today,” the Press Secretary flippantly shot back. […]

Jack Hibbs Says He’s ‘Ashamed That I’m Not Being Attacked’ for His Right-Wing Bigotry

When right-wing youth organizer Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA spoke at University of California, Davis, last week, protests erupted that resulted in various acts of vandalism and arrests. When right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills church, who is ardent supporter and close ally of Kirk’s, heard about the protests, he took […]

Tempi train collision: “I’m ashamed to be alive,” says 19-year-old who escaped the dining carriage

A 19-year-old physiotherapy student who was traveling with her boyfriend on Intercity 62, the passenger train involved in the Tempi train collision, is evidently suffering. In an interview, she said, among other things, “I’m ashamed to be alive” and “I’m sorry I survived.” Vasiliki was in the restaurant carriage, the second carriage of the train… […]

Don McLean of ‘American Pie’ Fame: ‘The New World Order Are Trying to Make Americans Feel Ashamed of Their Country’

Singer Don McClean, the man behind “American Pie,” claims the ‘New World Order’ elites are attempting to brainwash Americans to feel ashamed and embarrassed of their country. McLean told Fox News in a recent interview that to celebrate the 50th anniversary of “American Pie” he intends to tour over 30 North American stops and 25 shows […]

Exclusive — McAuliffe Spokesman ‘Ashamed’ of Racist Tweets, Apologizes Days Before Election

Renzo Olivari, Communications Director for Terry McAuliffe, has apologized for a series of bigoted tweets that were unearthed just days before Virginia’s gubernatorial election. Social Media users shared screenshots displaying several of Olivari’s alleged tweets, some of which were deleted after being exposed. In these posts, Olivari uses the N-Word and makes stereotypes about the […]

NatGeo: There’s No Such Thing As Race But White People Should Be Ashamed Of Their Race

By Chris Menahan National Geographic editor in chief Susan Goldberg published a dramatic front-page article in 2018 stating that the concept of race is “a made-up label” with “no scientific basis.” “There’s no scientific basis for race — it’s a made-up label,” the article title read. “It’s been used to define and separate people for […]

Going Underground – BROKEN NEWS: Labour MPs who cozy up to Russia should be ashamed

Going Underground – BROKEN NEWS: Labour MPs who cozy up to Russia should be ashamed Going Underground with Afshin Afshin Rattansi and Matt Turner review this week’s news from Cold War rethoric to UK air and drone strikes in Iraq and Syria. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground Afshin Rattansi on Instagram […]

US military should ‘feel ashamed’ over aircraft incidents – Okinawa governor

“I want them [the US military] to feel ashamed of their inability to be in control of what they are doing,” Okinawa governor Takeshi Onaga said on Tuesday, as cited by AFP. “I am lost for words, really,” Onaga said, reacting to recent incidents on the island, which is home to nearly 1.1 million residents. […]

I Am Ashamed of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month Movement

I’m honestly embarrassed by the Breast Cancer Awareness Month movement. Now before you start writing your hateful comments, let me explain why. The main reason for my shame is the godawful slogans used solely to grab anyone’s attention instead of pointing out the issue, to name just a few of the many: “Save the tatas”, […]

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