Posts Tagged ‘antichrist’

‘The globalist cabal want to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist on earth’ — Archbishop Viganò

‘These murderers will soon find themselves answering for their crimes, if not before the tribunal of the world, then certainly before God,’ Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote. Editor’s note: The following is the full text of a message from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò for the “First Health Holocaust Remembrance Day.” (LifeSiteNews) — Dear Friends, I […]

bill gates is the antichrist

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanism Agenda” from the top. SPM In a 1996 article; “HAIL GATES, DARK LORD”, the author argues that Bill Gates is the […]

AI, Israel & ChatGPT — The AntiChrist Conspiracy


BL – Who Is Antichrist, Part 2

A Prediction of the Antichrist’s Arrival Time by Charles Connor 2/7/2023 1. Why is this important? Because we do not want to be deceived into worshipping the Antichrist thinking that he is the real Jesus Christ and/or receiving his Mark of the Beast otherwise we reap the following consequences stated in the Book of Revelation. […]

Nostradamus Predicts the Antichrist Will Return and Cannibalism Will Be Popular in 2023

French mystic Nostradamus published a trove of prognostications nearly 500 years ago from his garret in Paris – and many have already come true, including Hitler’s rise to power, World War 2, JFK’s assassination, and […] The post Nostradamus Predicts the Antichrist Will Return and Cannibalism Will Be Popular in 2023 appeared first on News […]

GOP Congressional Candidate Jerone Davison Says the Antichrist Is ‘Being Birthed and Manifested Through the Democrat Party’

Republican congressional candidate Jerone Davison appeared on radical right-wing broadcaster Pete Santilli’s show Friday, where he declared that he is running for office because the Antichrist is “being birthed and manifested through the Democrat Party.” Davison’s campaign to represent Arizona’s 4th Congressional District in Congress is being managed by Austin Steinbart, a QAnon conspiracy theorist […]

Shane Vaughn Declares That COVID-19 Is ‘The Forerunner of the Antichrist’

Right-wing pastor Shane Vaughn used his Sunday sermon to rant about vaccines, mask mandates, and other efforts to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Vaughn said that COVID-19 is “the forerunner of the Antichrist” and a test from God for the church, declaring that if Christians will simply stop showing “fear” in the face […]

Wicked Deception & The Unveiling Of The Antichrist

I believe it’s God’s way of warning us; He’s telling us, and the world, that the day of His wrath is rapidly approaching. Why do I say that? It’s because I believe the Lord is providing foretastes of this coming time of great judgment upon the earth so His saints understand that their time of […]

NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson Says Transgender Rights Movement Is ‘Demonic’ and ‘Full of the Antichrist Spirit’

North Carolina’s Christian nationalist Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is under fire after Right Wing Watch posted a clip of him speaking Asbury Baptist Church in Seagrove, North Carolina,  ranting that Christians must take control of public schools because children are being abused by being taught “filth.” “There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should […]

“Not Any Hollywood Celebrities Came to the Defense of the Christians” Quote From AntiChrist Comment: Hollywood is totally controlled by Synagogue of Satan Financing. You must be a Synagogue of Satan Cabal member to be a Hollywood Celebrity or a D.C. Politician. Source

Jack Hibbs Asks God to Forgive California for Electing ‘People with Antichrist Worldviews,’ Cites Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris

Mike Pompeo, a former Republican member of Congress who served as director of the CIA and secretary of state during the Trump administration, spoke at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills church in California Sunday, which was founded by right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs. Following Pomepo’s remarks during the early Sunday service, he and Hibbs sat down for […]

Tom Horn Says an Asteroid Will Strike Earth in 2029, Unleashing an ‘Alien Virus’ That Will Give Rise to the Antichrist

While televangelist Jim Bakker’s daily television program has always been a repository for misinformation, baseless conspiracy theories, and End Times fearmongering, his show has gotten decidedly stranger in recent days. Earlier this week, Bakker interviewed right-wing conspiracy theorist Steve Quayle, who spent two programs warning about aliens, demons, trans-dimensional beings, and “diseases that are designed […]

Antichrist: The Deceiver, Betrayer and Herald of the End of Times

The Antichrist. The name itself is enough to instill dread into the hearts of all devout Christians as well as others. It is a name that was ever connected to the negative, the malicious, and the fundamentally anti-Christian. And indeed, the Antichrist is a seldom mentioned but very malevolent entity from the Christian Bible. But […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Biden’s Transgender Atheist Antichrist Army

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Is this Man the Antichrist?

Is this Man the Antichrist? Henry Makow David Mayer de Rothschild, 42. Could this handsome and charismatic Jesus wanna-be be the awaited Jewish false Messiah AKA the Antichrist? YM is an avid end times Muslim researcher with an interest in both Islamic and Christian eschatology – “We are experiencing a Bolshevik takeover on a global […]

Dress Rehearsal For The Antichrist

Dress Rehearsal For The Antichrist Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids Dress Rehearsal For The Antichrist March 1, 2018 © Watch ‘EU-Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________ More: When The Antichrist Comes Here Big Brother’s Forced Vaccinations Here World War 3…Birth Of A Brave New World Here What You Don’t See About The Antichrist Here Riders On The Storm Here […]

VIDEO: This Is How They Build The Antichrist World Church

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Rihanna: ‘Prince William Is The Antichrist’

Rihanna has told staff and associates that “Prince William is the Antichrist” and he will be the future king of a one world government promoted by the New World Order.  Explaining that she has met Prince William twice and he “always has demonic entities trailing around behind him“, Rihanna claims that William has “already taken up […]

‘Palestinians ought to be free’ — Cornel West’s historic moment

They must be opening up the champagne bottles in zio land (Sara Nutty will get rich with those empties) because they can now operate from Downing street. “Theresa May Will Be a Formidable PM and a True Friend of Israel Theresa May has been a firm, consistent friend of the UK Jewish community, committed to […]

21 Things You May NOT Wanna Know About The 4th of July

As Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence, British forces were on their way toward New York Harbor.  It began: “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate […]

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