Posts Tagged ‘wicked’

Is something wicked coming at us on October 4? Better safe than sorry; so PLEASE turn OFF your cellphones & computers on that afternoon—and spread the word about it!

From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack One way to subvert these hellish “exercises” is to make the world aware of them beforehand On September 20, I wrote a post highlighting a video by one Jason Shurka, warning that a 5G signal could be broadcast worldwide on October 4 (or, failing that, October 11), with what […]

VOCI – Parable of the Wicked Tenants

Who are the wicked tenants?   The jooz, of course!   The Parable of the Tenants Mat 21:33  Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far […]

Baba Yaga: The Wicked Witch of Slavic Folklore

As ambiguous as she is hideous, Baba Yaga is an anomaly. In Slavic folklore, Baba Yaga is both a maternal, mother nature figure and an evil villain who kidnaps and eats children. Numerous renditions of her tale portray her as a harbinger of transformation , possessing the power to either assist or obstruct those who […]

Scholars Believe Jacob Forced The Angel To Tap Out With A Wicked Powerbomb

AMMAN, JORDAN — New evidence uncovered by researchers at the University of Jordan sheds new light on the scriptural tale of Jacob wrestling the Angel of the Lord. Scholars now believe the epic wrestling match ended after Jacob performed a wicked powerbomb, forcing the angel to tap out. In the book of Genesis Jacob wrestles […]

It’s totally true: Michigan has been taken over by the “Three Wicked Witches”!

Whitmer, Nessel, Benson — The Three Wicked Witches of Michigan Source

‘A small, arrogant, violent, wicked nation’ and a ‘Jewish mutation’ — ‘Haaretz’ prints denunciations of Zionism no U.S. paper would run

‘Haaretz’ runs two articles attacking Israeli Zionism as a hateful dead-end, urging the world to take action. The authors’ scathing words would never make it into an American newspaper. Contemporary Zionism is a “Jewish mutation,” Amira Hass writes in despair. While B. Michael writes that Zionism has created a “small, arrogant, violent, wicked nation” of […]

Wicked Deception & The Unveiling Of The Antichrist

I believe it’s God’s way of warning us; He’s telling us, and the world, that the day of His wrath is rapidly approaching. Why do I say that? It’s because I believe the Lord is providing foretastes of this coming time of great judgment upon the earth so His saints understand that their time of […]

The Wicked Child Killers Are the ‘Synagogue of Satan Who Call Themselves Jews and Are Not’-Jesus

Have you heard about Pizzagate and Save The Children? Did you know the whole world is undermined by countless tunnels? Did you know every year eight million children go missing? Did you know many of these children are held captive in the vast networks of thousands of miles of underground tunnels? Did you know these […]

Shane Vaughn Promises That God Will Remove ‘Profane, Wicked’ Biden and ‘Overturn the Election’

MAGA pastor Shane Vaughn preached a guest sermon at University Parkway Church in Aiken, South Carolina, Sunday, where he ranted about President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and proclaimed that God will soon remove them from the White House and restore former President Trump to office. “And thou profane, wicked president of my […]

Greg Locke Rants That Freemasonry Is ‘An Illuminati, Godless, Wicked Organization’

Radical right-wing pastor Greg Locke dedicated nearly 10 minutes of the Wednesday night sermon he delivered at his Global Vision Bible Church to ranting about the Freemasons. After initially declaring that he just wanted to have a nice worship service with his congregation, Locke eventually worked himself up into fury as he screamed that the […]

Wicked To Be Given Choice Between Hell And Standing Around At Some Kid’s Birthday Party For All Eternity

Wicked To Be Given Choice Between Hell And Standing Around At Some Kid’s Birthday Party For All Eternity HELL—In the interest of fairness and freedom of choice, Hell announced today that going forward, the wicked will be given the option of either going to Hell to burn where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, […]

Beware of the Cat: Tales of the Wicked Japanese Bakeneko and Nekomata – Part 1

Who knew innocent little Fluffy could be so devious? Cats’ reputations have often swayed from good to evil over the years as they have been both revered and feared around the world. One of the most famous malevolent associations cats have had is undoubtedly with witchcraft. Another, arguably lesser-known connection comes from Japan, in the […]

Our Dark Wicked Side

We have a dark wicked side. It controls many of our thoughts and actions. It ensnares the smart and the dumb, the privileged and the non privileged, the healthy and the sick. In today’s world it undermines many of our economic, social, political, philosophical and religious structures. It may be about to end our life on this […]

Trumpist Pastor Kent Christmas Declares ‘God Is Going to Begin to Kill Wicked Men and Women,’ Claims Trump Won ‘By About 80 Million Votes’

Thousands of right-wing Christians gathered at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee, on Independence Day for a “Let Freedom Ring” rally that featured self-proclaimed “prophets” and right-wing pastors Robin Bullock, Todd Coconato, Hank Kunneman, Mario Murillo, and Dutch Sheets as speakers. The event was organized by Kent Christmas, pastor of Regeneration Nashville, who took […]

Tell me about the wicked son

March 22, 2021 by Rabbi Raymond Apple Read on for article Rabbi Raymond Apple writes on Pesach. EREV PESACH ON SHABBAT – A CALENDRICAL PUZZLE Rabbi Raymond Apple Pesach is exciting, colourful and demanding. No other festival imposes such obligations on the Jewish home. No other festival pries so much into every nook and cranny […]

Eric Metaxas Plays the Victim, Claims ‘Wicked’ Cancel Culture ‘Really is Like What Happened in Germany in the ‘30s’ 

Eric Metaxas, a right-wing author who has tumbled ever-deeper into Trumpism and stolen election conspiracy theories, complained on his radio show Tuesday that he and his sponsor, MyPillow guy Mike Lindell, are the victims of a “wicked” cancel culture that Metaxas claimed “really is like what happened in Germany in the ‘30s.” Lindell became a major funder of […]

Sex Storm: Something Wicked This Way Comes

We are now in the vortex of a major sexual epidemic. Are they putting something in the drinking water? “By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes.” — Shakespeare, Macbeth The other day I received an email from a young man with an odd polysyllabic name of African provenance. I copy and […]

‘Wicked practice’: EU pushes Balkans to choose either West or Russia, says Lavrov

Ukraine was presented with same dilemma, Lavrov said, which “eventually led to a fracture in the Ukrainian society and state; caused an unconstitutional coup (in 2014) and the rise of radicals, including Neo-Nazis, in the internal political affairs of the country.” “Now they want to drag the Balkans into this same game, making them choose […]

Pepe Escobar: Unmasking his new Doctrine, Trump vows carnage for "wicked" N. Korea, Iran and Venezuela

     This was no “deeply philosophical address”. And hardly a show of “principled realism” – as spun by the White House. President Trump at the UN was “American carnage,” to borrow a phrase previously deployed by his nativist speechwriter Stephen Miller. One should allow the enormity of what just happened to sink in, slowly. The […]

Ernst Zündel and the Wicked Silence

By JOHN KAMINSKI IN AN AGE OF TYRANNY,TRUTH IS NO LONGER AN ADEQUATE DEFENSE He gave his life so everyone could be free 8 August 2017.  I can’t think of another person who has had a larger impact on the way people think than Ernst Zündel. By standing up to the powers that be, and […]

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