Posts Tagged ‘please’

“Your licence, please” – Corrupt police, courts and a ‘racist’ judge?

 The Anglo-Masonic government of the colony called Australia has caused and evidently still does cause harm to many ‘ordinary’ Australians, some actions visible while many are not. The truth is that European migrants or now the derogatory term ‘wogs’ have been bullied, discriminated and degraded also held back from promotions, by Anglos in positions of […]

Meta’s fascist ways – “YOUR PAPERS, please!”

The online world is under a fascist state that would make Mussolini proud. For those of you who are not familiar with fascism, here is a brief description as documented within  Wikipedia: Fascism (FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, […]

Mafiocracy Now – Please Refrain from Urinating on the Rule of Law, Madam Secretary

Mafiocracy Now – Please Refrain from Urinating on the Rule of Law, Madam Secretary  Thu 4:05 pm +01:00, 28 Mar 2024   posted by pete fairhurst 2 [embedded content] Video above is 7 minutes Text below is from his substack, link at end Titus knows his financial onions, his back catalogue of videos is very […]

Please, do NOT send this video to anyone who has been vaxxed or given a nasal swab PCR test because……

…most of the vaccinated people could not handle this highly radioactive truth, if they truly believed it. Submitted by A Long Covid Coach & Vaccine Injury Consultant SOTN Exclusive There are very good reasons why the naked truth about the lethally weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’ has not made its way into Big Media quite yet. The […]

Al Gore & Greta Rothschild, Would Y’all Please Pick Up The Man Made Global Warming Red Phone, Cause This South Texican Boy’s Ass Is Freezing!

Would all the Ice Caps gonna melt from Man Made Global Warming Al Gore & Everyone’s gonna die from man made global warming Greta Rothschild please pick up the Man mad Global Warming red telephone please, cause it is damned well COLD in South Texas. Could y’all send some of that global warming down here? […]

Woke Arsenal? Please, Stick To Football!

Arsenal were once known as an ‘aristocratic, conservative’ club. Today, Arsenal appear more aligned with cultural Marxist woke central. Next, they are going to wear ‘No More Red’ white shirts. Tomorrow, Sunday, it seems Arsenal, The Gooners, are due to wear all white shirts without the club’s red. This is to highlight the problem of […]

True Journalism Reports The Truth | Please Support Independent Media

Dylan Eleven • We need the truth to navigate and to defend ourselves. We need the truth to know our enemy and  how they work against us. We need to keep up with every move they make to keep the truth in full focus. Keeping up with the onslaught of propaganda and attacks on […]

How to fight a president, please a billionaire and save a newspaper

Marty Baron ran The Washington Post’s newsroom for nine years. In that time, Marty clashed with then-President Donald Trump. He pacified rebellions from his younger and increasingly more ideological staff. And he partnered with Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos to take on arguably the biggest disrupter of all: technology. He’s written about all of this […]

Interview 1838 – Please Register Your Podcast With the Government – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: Canada continues its online crackdown with its latest totalitarian moves to regulate online streaming and podcast platforms; JPMorgan gets yet another wrist slap as regulators do their REAL job; and the Taos terror trial finally gets rolling as lockdowns and drills and exercises explode across the headlines. […]

Is something wicked coming at us on October 4? Better safe than sorry; so PLEASE turn OFF your cellphones & computers on that afternoon—and spread the word about it!

From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack One way to subvert these hellish “exercises” is to make the world aware of them beforehand On September 20, I wrote a post highlighting a video by one Jason Shurka, warning that a 5G signal could be broadcast worldwide on October 4 (or, failing that, October 11), with what […]

Please find enclosed details of an allegation of criminal conduct, by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

11 sept 2023 “It is clearly in the public interest – not only in the UK, but also across the world.” _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda One step at a time, hand in hand, we are […]

Biden is pushing Saudi normalization for one reason, to please the Israel lobby

The White House push for Saudi-Israeli normalization is the tail wagging the dog yet again. The only ones who really want this deal are Israel and its lobby, to distract the world from apartheid in Palestine. So Joe Biden is taking it seriously, dispatching one official after another to the Middle East. Source

Will the real Putin Please Stand Up?

If Prigozhin does indeed reach Moscow (and if he is legit), he would be in for some funny surprises. From the beginning of this war, it is unclear who is/was calling the shots on the Russian side. Putin? the FSB? the Generals? Those who saw the rise of the earlier Putin will recall that he […]

Rachel Hamm Begged God to ‘Please Send This Death Angel to Kill These Globalists’

In 2022, Rachel Hamm decided to run for secretary of state in California because, she claimed, “Jesus himself” appeared in a closet in her home and told her to do so. Perhaps not surprisingly, Hamm’s campaign was filled with wild tales and conspiracy theories, especially about the 2020 presidential election. Certain that she had been […]

Full of S#it Al “Man Made Global Warming” Al Gore Please Pick Up The Red Emergency Phone-China Suffers -50C (-58F) For First Time In 54 Years; The Russian Towns And Cities Enduring All-Time Record Cold;

Jan 20, 2023 China Suffers -50C (-58F) For First Time In 54 Years China did it, the forecasts were accurate: The northern city of Mohe has logged China’s first -50C since 1969. During the early hours of Friday, January 20 the official weather international station of Mohe dropped to -50C. This is the first time […]

Al send me your cash Gore, Please Pick Up the Receiver of the Red Emergency Phone!

About 20 years back there were a handful of real scientist who were saying going by historical records the world was heading for a mini ice age or at least a cooling off period leading to colder weather. Then Ratschild’s bitches like Al send me your cash Gore started screaming about “man made global warming”. […]

Elon Musk holds amnesty poll on Twitter to Unban Everyone Please VOTE

Elon Musk, the brand-new owner of Twitter, has launched a vote to grant banned users “universal amnesty.” If a suspended account hasn’t breached the law or participated in flagrant spamming, should Twitter grant it a general amnesty? Elon Musk poses the query to Twitter followers, who are given the option to respond by voting. After […]

Everyone, before you react to anyone out in public, please become aware of this increasingly common Covid ‘vaccine’ adverse effect!

COVID-19 pandemic triggers SURPRISING changes in personality, new study suggests by: Stephanie Woods NaturalHealth365 (NaturalHealth365)  It seems that there is yet another thing that we can blame on COVID-19: a bad attitude.  Or at least a worse one. If you’ve noticed that people aren’t quite as nice as they used to be pre-pandemic, you’re in […]

Attention, Please! YHWH and Your DNA

YHWH and the Genome Sequence   Yahweh speaks to us through mathematics and DNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     I stand in awe! The post Attention, Please! YHWH and Your DNA appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Voting=Please Stick a Red White And Blue Dick Up My A$$

What if they gave an election and no one came? ‘Cowering In The Grave They Dug ThemSelves, The American Sheeple Expired’ Cowering In The Grave They Dug ThemSelves, The American Sheep Expired- Bleating frantically, in their own piss and Poop softened pen mired- Smelly stupid herd animals, with illusions of balls of brass- Who sold […]

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