Posts Tagged ‘congressional’

Watch Ben Shapiro Tear into Censorship Cartel in Fiery Congressional Testimony

During a House hearing titled “Collusion in the Global Alliance for Responsible Media,” Ben Shapiro delivered a blistering critique of the legacy media and its manipulation tactics. “We’re in the midst of a trust crisis in the world of media,” declared Shapiro. “So many in the legacy media have lied to preserve left-leaning narratives.” Shapiro […]


Here’s why the U.S. Congress is sanctioning the ICC for issuing an arrest warrant for war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu. SOTN Editor’s Note: A guilty psychopath will always strike out at its accuser out of sheer guilt.  This is what they do, and often with great success.  However, that wily tactic will not work in this case […]

Noem dog shooting sparks Congressional Dog Lovers Caucus

Call them the Paw-cus. A bipartisan group of lawmakers launched the Congressional Dog Lovers Caucus on Thursday — less than a week after South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s killing of her dog disgusted Democrats and Republicans alike. “Dogs are the only thing on earth that loves you more than they love themselves. Their joy to […]

Resist Congressional efforts to silence free speech on Palestine

Editor’s Note: The following statement is from the Rutgers Faculty for Justice in Palestine chapter in response to a letter from U.S. Representative Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), chair of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, criticizing Rutgers University for creating “a pervasive climate of antisemitism,” and an alleged “failure to protect Jewish students.” The Foxx […]

Intelligence agencies seek congressional approval for expanded surveillance powers

(NaturalNews) Intelligence agencies in the United States are urgently seeking congressional approval for the reauthorization and expansion of their surveillance… Source

Hall of Shame: Congressional supporters of Genocide

Sat 30 March 2024  Written by Peter Miller These members of Congress signed a letter condemning the International Court of Justice decision that Israel is likely committing acts of genocide in Gaza. Shame on you for not uphold the rule of international law and for not protecting the lives of innocent civilians. Genocide Deniers . . . […]

Congressional leaders strike deal on Homeland Security funding ahead of shutdown deadline

Congressional leaders have struck a deal to fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the remainder of fiscal year 2024, a source familiar with the matter confirmed to The Hill, closing out the six bills due by Friday’s shutdown deadline. Negotiators are still working out the details and legislative text of the DHS agreement,… […]

Congressional Republicans introduce LIABLE ACT to hold COVID vaccine makers accountable for mass injuries, deaths

Congressional Republicans introduce LIABLE ACT to hold COVID vaccine makers accountable for mass injuries, deaths U.S. House Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) just introduced a new bill that would eliminate the liability shield that has protected the COVID vaccine makers from lawsuits. The new bill — Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered Act (LIABLE ACT) — […]

MAGA Pastor Mark Harris Makes Congressional Comeback in Victory for Christian Nationalists

Rev. Mark Harris, an anti-LGBTQ activist and vice president at the Family Research Council, won a multi-candidate primary election in North Carolina’s 8th congressional district this week, barely crossing the 30 percent threshold he needed to avoid a runoff in a district that has been gerrymandered “to heavily favor Republicans.” In a victory speech, Harris […]

RINO North Carolina Congressional Candidate Laurie Buckhout Was Arrested for Drunk Driving

Last Updated on February 2, 2024 North Carolina Republican establishment congressional candidate Laurie Buckhout was arrested for drunk driving in 2017, making it clear that the neocon wing of the GOP is going to have some trouble locking up the nomination in the Tar Heel State’s First Congressional District. In the primary, Laurie Buckhout is […]

Congressional stock trading: Ethical dilemmas and the push for reform

Unveiling the profitable pursuits of Congress: a deep dive into lawmakers’ stock market triumphs and the ethical quandaries they pose. Source

Congressional stalemate: $858 billion for military, yet $12 billion child poverty aid stalled

A critical look at the Congressional impasse over funding $12 billion for Child Tax Credit expansion amid the approval of a colossal $858 billion military budget. Source

Boebert announces congressional district switch

Boebert announces congressional district switch lead image Source

I Hear These Are Standard Equipment In Congressional Offices Nowadays

Any guesses? — Historic Vids (@historyinmemes) December 14, 2023 Source

Democrat Congressional Candidate in Oregon PANICS After She’s Outed as Dominatrix Who Charged Clients $500 Per Hour

Democrat Congressional Candidate in Oregon PANICS After She’s Outed as Dominatrix Who Charged Clients $500 Per Hour Source

Senator Ron Johnson Presents the Most Censored Chart in Congressional History

Originally Published on Vigilant News On January 25, 2022, Senator Ron Johnson (WI – R) held the world-famous “Second Opinion” panel with top experts in the medical field. During that hearing, he presented a chart comparing adverse events of different medical products, like ivermectin, Remdesivir, and the COVID-19 vaccines. After doing so, Senator Johnson’s chart […]

Zionist Warmonger Joe Biden Commits U.S. With Full Congressional Backing To Supporting Palestinian Genocide and Gaza Land Grab

READ HERE: No possibility of Gaza ceasefire – Biden   Source

CONGRESSIONAL MOBSTER Kevin McCarthy Lashes Out at the “Crazy Eight” Republicans Who Ousted Him, Wants Consequences for Their Actions

Kevin McCarthy Lashes Out at the “Crazy Eight” Republicans Who Ousted Him, Wants Consequences for Their Actions – Matt Gaetz Issues Brutal Response (VIDEO) Source

Pentagon halts travel to Israel, discourages congressional visits

The Pentagon will no longer allow its senior military leaders to travel to Israel and will discourage members of Congress from making trips amid the country’s ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza, according to a memo released Friday. The memo, confirmed to The Hill by a Defense Department official, was dated to go into effect… […]

Congressional Witness: Liberals Siding with Corporations to Keep Wages Down via Mass Immigration

Liberals are siding with corporate America over the nation’s workers in their promotion of mass immigration, a key tool in keeping wages down, Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research Steven Camarota told lawmakers this week. Source

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