Posts Tagged ‘supporters’

(Trump Shot) Elon Supporters Blatantly Ignore Twitter’s Partnership With #GARM & Israel Bombs “Safe” Zones Again

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/13/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

True the Vote Conspiracy Theorists Urge Supporters to ‘Step Onto the Battlefield’

True the Vote, a group that has promoted false claims about election fraud to justify restrictions on voting, made a fundraising pitch on X/Twitter on Tuesday, saying it was trying to raise $150,000 to meet a match and advance toward their goal of recruiting and training “1,000,000 pro-liberty election workers.” Given that True the Vote leader […]

Labour Friends of Israel hides “supporters” list ahead of election

First published by The Electronic Intifada. Labour lawmaker Jess Phillips posing in 2017 with a member of Israel’s parliament and Labour Friends of Israel’s then chairperson Joan Ryan. (LFI) Israeli embassy front group Labour Friends of Israel has deleted its public list of “Parliamentary supporters” ahead of the UK’s upcoming general election on 4 July. […]

Hall of Shame: Congressional supporters of Genocide

Sat 30 March 2024  Written by Peter Miller These members of Congress signed a letter condemning the International Court of Justice decision that Israel is likely committing acts of genocide in Gaza. Shame on you for not uphold the rule of international law and for not protecting the lives of innocent civilians. Genocide Deniers . . . […]

Biden Campaign Targets Nikki Haley Supporters In New Anti-Trump Ad

Biden is hoping to woo Haley supporters with new ad! An inceasingly desperate Biden campaign is now is targetting supporters of failed Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use […]

Using cell phone pings to target Trump and MAGA supporters is okay, says NYT – but leave BLM rioters alone!

(NaturalNews) The Fani Willis witch hunt saga is once again bringing to light the politics of using cell phone pings to solve crimes. When the alleged crimes… Source

Trump Supporters Deny ‘Vast’ Evidence About Jan. 6 Insurrection; Right Wing Watch Has Receipts

Commentary As we approach the third anniversary of the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol by Donald Trump supporters intent on disrupting congressional affirmation of his 2020 election defeat, Trump and his MAGA Republican allies continue to spread damaging lies about the election and the insurrection itself—and argue against holding him accountable for his antidemocratic […]

Resistance, supporters bid farewell to martyr Saleh Al-Arouri

January 4, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English Martyr Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri is laid to rest in the Martyrs’ Cemetery in the Sabra and Shatila camp. The deputy head of the Hamas movement’s Political Bureau, Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri, was laid to rest Thursday following his assassination in an Israeli aggression on Tuesday. Al-Arouri was buried […]

Dec 14 – A Message to Supporters of Gaza Genocide

Message to Supporters of Gaza Genocide What is the matter with you? You have descended into a moral sewer. We are all Palestinians and you will get a taste of what you condone. Israel’s assault on Gaza is repugnant and your support makes you complicit in war crimes.  There are too many of you to put on […]

In order to prevent another January 6, FBI says Trump supporters must be treated like TERRORISTS

In order to prevent another January 6, FBI says Trump supporters must be treated like TERRORISTS Did you know that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) considers it a crime to support President Trump because to do so makes a person “anti-government?” Being “anti-government,” whatever that even means, is not even a crime in and […]

Vernon Coleman – Israel Supporters are Monsters

How long will it be before anti-semitism becomes  the regrettable but default condition for billions  of caring and morally responsible citizens of the world? “Jews who think Israel can do no wrong will fill the internet with anonymous abuse and threats  but the fact is that Israel is now the most wicked nation the world […]

Germany today using same Nazi-style tactics against supporters of Palestine in Berlin that were used against Jews in Nazi Germany

(NaturalNews) In a show of force eerily similar to what happened in 1930s Germany, police forces across Berlin this past week searched the properties of residents… Source

Supporters try to rekindle Puerto Rico status change

Supporters of changing Puerto Rico’s territorial status are turning to the Senate to keep a compromise bill alive as rapidly shifting political dynamics threaten to bury the proposal for a plebiscite on the issue. Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) introduced the Puerto Rico Status Act in the upper chamber Wednesday, leading 21 Democratic co-sponsors on the… […]

It Begins. Biden’s DOJ Starts Arresting Trump Supporters Who Stood Outside the US Capitol and Committed No Violence – Despite Registered Rallies on Capitol Grounds that Day

It Begins. Biden’s DOJ Starts Arresting Trump Supporters Who Stood Outside the US Capitol and Committed No Violence – Despite Registered Rallies on Capitol Grounds that Day Source

1,000 Days in Prison Without a Trial; Trump & His Supporters ARE THE TARGET!

JAN. 6 COVERAGE 1,000 Days Without a Trial: Jan. 6 Prisoner Shares His Story of ‘Endurance, Perseverance, and Hope’ On Oct. 12, Jan. 6 prisoner Jake Lang passed a milestone—1,000 days in jail without a trial. Now he wants Americans to know what he and others have endured. Jake Lang rescued Philip Anderson from a […]

Robert De Niro Claims Trump Supporters Are ‘Criminally Insane’ In a ‘Medical Sense’

Unhinged far-left Hollywood star Robert De Niro has returned to his favorite side gig — badmouthing former President Donald Trump and his supporters. According to De Niro, Trump supporters are “criminally insane” and hell-bent on […] The post Robert De Niro Claims Trump Supporters Are ‘Criminally Insane’ In a ‘Medical Sense’ appeared first on The […]

Hamas supporters TAKE OVER Sydney, Australia while government tells JEWS to stay home and not show their faces

(NaturalNews) Sydney, Australia was the epicenter of tyranny during the Covid plandemic, where citizens were abused by medical terrorism, denied medical freedom,… Source

FBI closely monitoring Trump supporters in run-up to 2024 election

(NaturalNews) Using the excuse of fighting “ideological agendas” that contradict the establishment’s version of “truth,” the corrupt Federal Bureau of… Source

The FBI Gestapo is Targeting Trump Supporters on Behalf of the British Empire

Exposed: The FBI Gestapo Is Now Targeting All Trump Supporters By Barbara Boyd October 06, 2023 Twitter Login to follow ShareFacebookTwitterPrintFriendly Bill Arkin, the storied national security reporter for Newsweek, published a story this week which should command your urgent attention. He documents that a secret unit of the FBI is now targeting supporters of Donald Trump […]

Democrat J6 Prosecutor Who Jailed Trump Supporters ARRESTED for Stabbing Innocent Person

Democrat prosecutor Patrick Scruggs, who jailed Trump supporters who entered the Capitol on January 6, 2001, was arrested this week for stabbing an innocent driver on a bridge in Tampa, Florida. Patrick Douglas Scruggs, 38, […] The post Democrat J6 Prosecutor Who Jailed Trump Supporters ARRESTED for Stabbing Innocent Person appeared first on The People's […]

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