Posts Tagged ‘saleh’

Resistance, supporters bid farewell to martyr Saleh Al-Arouri

January 4, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English Martyr Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri is laid to rest in the Martyrs’ Cemetery in the Sabra and Shatila camp. The deputy head of the Hamas movement’s Political Bureau, Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri, was laid to rest Thursday following his assassination in an Israeli aggression on Tuesday. Al-Arouri was buried […]

‘I have not left Afghanistan,’ says resistance leader Amrullah Saleh

A rebel leader in Afghanistan that is leading the resistance movement against the Taliban has denied reports that he has left the country, claiming that they are “enemy propaganda”. Amrullah Saleh, former vice-president of Afghanistan and self-declared acting president of the country told Euronews that he remained in the Panjshir Valley with his National Resistance […]

NFL history made with hiring of Arab-Muslim Saleh as NY Jets head coach

Lebanese-American Robert Saleh, the San Francisco 49ers’ defensive coordinator since 2017, agreed in principle to become the head coach of the New York Jets, the team announced Thursday night.This makes Saleh the first person of Arab-Muslim descent to hold a head coaching position in the NFL.Saleh will be the third Arab-American to head coach an […]

Israeli forces shoot and kill Izz al-Din Tamimi in Nabi Saleh

Nabi Saleh, occupied West Bank — Janna Jihad woke up to gunshots and commotion outside her window around 10 a.m Wednesday morning, a familiar sound in the central occupied West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, home of imprisoned teenage activist Ahed Tamimi. Israeli forces had just shot her distant cousin, 21-year-old Izz al-Din Tamimi, at […]

Ahed Tamimi’s brother detained in overnight raid on Nabi Saleh

In the early morning on Thursday, around 5 a.m., Bassem Tamimi, the father of imprisoned teen activist Ahed Tamimi, abruptly woke up upon hearing sounds of footsteps around his home. He immediately knew it was Israeli soldiers, who often enter the village of Nabi Saleh in the occupied West Bank during early morning hours to […]

‘Death to Ahed Tamimi’: Israeli settlers vandalize Nabi Saleh

Bethlehem, occupied West Bank — On Thursday night, when residents of Nabi Saleh in the occupied West Bank were sound asleep in their homes, Israeli settlers crept through the village’s streets, vandalizing walls with graffiti threatening jailed teen activist Ahed Tamimi and her family. Some of the graffiti reads: “Death to Ahed Tamimi,” “There’s no […]

‘They’re trying to punish us through our children’: A report from Nabi Saleh on Ahed Tamimi’s 17th birthday

Driving into the village of Nabi Saleh, north of Ramallah in the West Bank, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) have already closed the main gate of entrance. It’s nearly dark and a handful of the village’s youth are still clashing with soldiers in the field beyond the gate. As the soldiers turn their back to […]

Israel declares the entire village of Nabi Saleh, home to Tamimi family, a closed military zone

Israeli army declares Nabi Saleh, home to Tamimi family, closed military zone RAMALLAH (Ma‘an) 13 Jan — The Israeli army declared the central occupied West Bank village of Nabi Saleh — home to imprisoned teenage activist Ahed al-Tamimi — a closed military zone on Saturday, closing off all entrances and exits. Official Palestinian Authority (PA)-owned […]

Israel declares Nabi Saleh, home of Tamimi family, closed military zone

Israeli occupation army declared central occupied West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, home of imprisoned teenage activist Ahed al-Tamimi, closed military zone. Israeli occupation forces set up barriers on the main road that leads to Nabi Saleh and prevented Palestinians, including journalists, from entering the village. Bilal al-Tamimi, the uncle of 16-year-old Ahed, who was abducted […]

Will Saudi Arabia Impose Ahmed Ali Saleh, son of a Dictator, as Ruler of Yemen?

The son’s effortless entry into parliament left Yemenis in no doubt that this was the first step in a succession plan: the grooming of Ahmed Ali to inherit the presidency from his father had begun. In 2012, though, the succession plan was thrown into disarray. Months of street protests forced President Saleh to step down […]

israeli soldiers arrest 16-year old Ahed #Tamimi and her mother in Nabi Saleh

Israeli soldiers arrest 16-year old girl and her mother in Nabi Saleh SEE ALSO Palestinian Girl in Viral Video Arrested by Israel for Making the Occupation Look Bad Army Arrests Palestinian Teen for Hurting Soldiers’ Masculinity Mother of Palestinian Teen Arrested After Going to Police Station to Ask About Daughter Israel Threatens Teenage Girl […]

YEMEN: Will Saleh’s Death Precipitate US Direct Military Action in a War They Orchestrated?

21st Century Wire says… It’s important to point out first, that while Saudi Arabia bombing civilians in the resistance-held territory, al-Qaeda continues to flourish in other areas. Hence, al-Qaeda has become a de-facto ally and pawn of the Saudi Arabia-US-UK axis (that is until they get a little too strong and the U.S. steps-in to […]

Yemen Interior Ministry confirms death of ex-President Saleh

The Lebanese Al-Mayadeen TV quoted the Houthi-controlled interior ministry of Yemen as saying that the ex-president has been killed. A report by the radio station of the Interior Ministry added that the state TV would soon broadcast footage of Saleh’s dead body, while social media users in Yemen circulated unverified images of a corpse which […]

Former Yemeni President Saleh has been killed

“1990 saw the neighbouring states of the Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen) and People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen), unite as the Republic of Yemen, under the Presidency of North Yemeni Ali Abdullah Saleh. The united state which was shaky from the beginning was torn apart in 1994 during the first of […]

Yemen ex-President Saleh killed by Houthis

The deposed leader was reportedly killed while on his way to the city of Maarib in Yemen, according to Iranian media. The killing of Saleh was also reported by a radio station in Yemen, which belongs to the country’s interior ministry. The Iranian Tasnim news agency shared an unverified image, allegedly depicting a dead Saleh […]

In pictures: Houthis shut down Saleh’s Yemen Today TV channel

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (3:15 PM) – Footage released by the Ansarullah Media Center and media office of the Ministy of Internal Affairs of Yemen show that forces loyal to Ansarullah, also known as the Houthis, have raided and shut down Sana’a-based news outlet Yemen Today, which is tied to the General People’s Congress party (GPC) of […]

In Pictures: Houthi forces capture Republican Guard HQ from Saleh’s troops

  03/12/2017 Ansarullah troops capture the Republican Guard general command in Sana’a on December 3, 2017 (Photo by Ansarullah Media Center) DAMASCUS, SYRIA (10:05 PM) – Armed forces loyal to Ansarullah, also known as the Houthis, have successfully captured the Republican Guard general command building in the capital of Sana’a, after driving troops supporting former […]

Nabi Saleh: ‘It’s a silent ethnic cleansing’

by Jaclynn Ashly Al Jazeera – The writer speaks to one of the heroines of the Palestinian popular resistance in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. Ahed Tamimi was just 14 when she rose to international prominence through the release of a video and a series of photos capturing her desperate attempts to save her 11-year-old […]

The children of Nabi Saleh in Israeli prisons: a conversation with Bassem Tamimi

The demonstrations in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh began in December of 2009. The villagers have been protesting against the theft of a local spring by the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Halamish, but it has also been a battle against the Occupation in general. The Israeli authorities have responded to the protests […]

Fearless Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh defines popular protest

Nabi Saleh … The name of this little Palestinian village half way between Jerusalem and Nablus has resonated in my mind for years. Gotta go there, I’ve said to myself. Gotta go see how their weekly, anti-occupation protests unfold, up close and personal. A forty-five-minute drive north of Ramallah A few years ago I visited […]

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