Posts Tagged ‘hiring’

MIT eliminates DEI statements from faculty hiring process because “they don’t work”

(NaturalNews) The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has become the first elite academic institution in the United States to publicly get rid of… Source

‘Morning Joe’ co-hosts hope NBC will ‘reconsider’ hiring of Ronna McDaniel

MSNBC co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski railed against NBC News’ decision to hire Ronna McDaniel as a political analyst Monday, saying they hope the network “reconsiders its decision.” “To be clear, we believe NBC News should seek out conservative Republican voices to provide balance in their election coverage, but it should be conservative Republicans, […]

‘The elephant in the room’: NBC’s McDaniel hiring sparks on-air criticism from one of its own

Ronna McDaniel may have secured a gig as a political contributor at one of America’s top left-leaning news networks, but it’s clear at least some of the journalists there aren’t happy about it. Former “Meet the Press” host and one of America’s most prominent political journalists Chuck Todd castigated the leadership of his own company, […]

TRAITORS: Democrats in Denver suggest hiring illegals for government jobs amid financial strains and layoffs in the city

TRAITORS: Democrats in Denver suggest hiring illegals for government jobs amid financial strains and layoffs in the city Democrats in Denver, Colorado, have suggested hiring illegal immigrants for government jobs amid financial strains and layoffs in the city. In February, Jolon Clark, the recreation director of Denver Parks and Recreation, announced that some hourly on-call employees, including front desk workers, […]

UberⓇ India is Hiring

Back in the days of the Pandemic, UberⓇ India distinguished itself as a notorious promoter of the Covid-19 vaccines. Customers using the UberⓇ app were even notified in advance that their driver was indeed vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine. But as we now know, the vaccine may have made the driver more sick, by inducing […]

FAA Begins Hiring Severely Mentally Handicapped People To Fly Planes

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has begun hiring people with “severe mental disabilities” to help fly and land planes as part of Biden’s commitment to diversify the agency. The more mentally handicapped you are the […] The post FAA Begins Hiring Severely Mentally Handicapped People To Fly Planes appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Jobless Claims Data Surges (And Falls) With Seasonal Hiring At Decade Lows

Jobless Claims Data Surges (And Falls) With Seasonal Hiring At Decade Lows After an ugly JOLTs print and disappointing ADP report, the headline jobless claims data comes to the rescue of the ‘goldilocks’ narrative. Initial claims (SA) were flat at 220k (but on a NSA basis surged)… Driven by a plunge in California… Continuing claims […]

Fed Holds Rates Steady, Expects Economic Growth, Hiring, and Inflation to Slow

Growth is up. Inflation is up. Job openings are up. The Fed’s interest rate target, however, is not. Source

British Telecom CEO Firing Whites, Hiring Non-Whites to ‘Hit Diversity Targets’ and ‘Pocket £220K Bonus’

By Chris Menahan The CEO of British Telecom giant BT is reportedly firing some 1,100 employees in overwhelmingly Source

Israel supporters angry over CUNY hiring Marc Lamont Hill

In 2018, Marc Lamont Hill was fired from his job at CNN over comments he made in support of Palestinian liberation. Now, Israel supporters are angered over his hiring by CUNY. Source

Fox News Ratings Plunge After Hiring Non-Blonde Anchor With No Cleavage

NEW YORK, NY — The reign of cable news giant Fox News may have come to an end after top brass made a possibly-disastrous hiring decision, causing ratings for the nation’s most popular news channel to plummet with the hiring of a non-blonde anchor with no cleavage. Source

The Dangers of the NSA Hiring Recently Laid Off Software Engineers, Is There a Better Path?

Feb 6 2023 I had written up a post a few weeks ago about the massive bubble burst in the big tech space leading to over 80,000+ layoffs this year (in 2023) alone, tracked by the website Now the NSA is looking to poach these software engineers in a hiring surge, reaching out through […]

DoorDash Cuts 1,250 Jobs After Pandemic Hiring Surge

DoorDash is eliminating about 1,250 corporate jobs, or about 6 percent of its workforce, saying it hired too many people when delivery demand surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. CEO Tony Xu said in a message to employees Wednesday that DoorDash was undersized before the pandemic and sped up hiring to catch up with its growth. […]

Paris Las Vegas Hotel caught hiring PRIVATE gun confiscation goon squads to RAID guests’ rooms in search of legally acquired firearms

(Natural News) A man who was recently in Las Vegas for DEFCON, the world’s largest annual hacker convention, was harassed and had his room raided by law enforcement-impersonating private security goons at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel, which is part of the Caesars Entertainment family of hotels and casinos. Ben, as The Civil Rights Lawyer […]

ADP’s New Report Sees ‘Inflection Point’ as Hiring Turns Sluggish

ADP is no longer trying to forecast the official jobs report and says its report is an independent look a the labor market.

IRS Hiring College Grads to Go After U.S. Taxpayers With GUNS Serving the Criminal & Corrupt British Empire!

CNN+ Tanking Less than a Month After Hiring Leftists Jemele Hill, Rex Chapman

Despite the hype, CNN’s Internet streaming service, CNN+, is already tanking and facing the possibility of layoffs.

Austria Hiring People to “Hunt Down Vaccine Refusers”

The Austrian government is hiring people to “hunt down vaccine refusers,” according to a report published by Blick. Yes, really. The burden for enforcing the fines unjabbed Austrians will have to pay as part of their punishment will fall to their employers, necessitating a new army of ‘inspectors’ to ensure that process is running smoothly. […]

Hospitals Regret Firing Workers for Resisting Tyranny & Are Now Hiring Them Back

In September, despite claiming he wouldn’t issue one, President Joe Biden announced a jab mandate for all companies in the United States with more than 100 employees. If these companies refuse to comply, they were told they would face massive fines, upwards of $700,000. Not wanting to go out of business from massive fines, companies across […]

Feds: Corporation Imported Foreign Workers to take U.S. Manufacturing Jobs over Hiring Qualified Americans

The Igloo Products Corporation, known for producing ice chests, coolers, and other products, imported foreign visa workers to take United States manufacturing jobs over hiring qualified Americans, a Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation finds. On Monday, federal prosecutors announced a settlement with Igloo after they say the corporation imported foreign workers through the H-2B visa […]

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