Posts Tagged ‘elephant’

Fish and Wildlife Service publish final rule on African elephant imports

New restrictions on imports of African elephant hunting trophies and live elephants were adopted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The amendment to the 4(d) rule for African elephants is said to protect and conserve African elephants both in the wild and in captivity. The final rule will only allow trophy and live elephant […]

‘The elephant in the room’: NBC’s McDaniel hiring sparks on-air criticism from one of its own

Ronna McDaniel may have secured a gig as a political contributor at one of America’s top left-leaning news networks, but it’s clear at least some of the journalists there aren’t happy about it. Former “Meet the Press” host and one of America’s most prominent political journalists Chuck Todd castigated the leadership of his own company, […]

Inflation and the Elephant in the Room

I recently came across this excellent article that explains in simple terms the reason for the current spiking inflation. The author focuses on the Icelandic economy, but the situation he describes and the arguments he puts forward apply to more or less the whole world. This article is written by Icelandic engineer Jóhannes Loftsson, a […]

The Pentagon is the elephant in the climate activist room

We can’t keep ignoring its enormous “bootprint.” Source

White elephant $220million 1000-bed quarantine centre is given away for FREE after housing just 730 travellers – at a cost of $300,000 a person

QLD Wellcamp Facility handed over to Wagner Coperation The $220m qurantine camp only held 730 over 14 months It was operated at a cost of $300,000 per unvaxxed person A $220million quarantine centre has been handed over to a property magnate after housing just 730 tourists at the 1,000-bed facility over 14 months.  The Wellcamp […]

The Best White Elephant Gifts, So You Can Absolutely Win the Holiday Party

The holiday season may be full of Nativity scenes, twinkle lights, menorahs, reflections on the good (or bad) behavior of ourselves and others, and general angelic brouhaha—but White Elephant is for the rest of us hellish little biatches. White Elephant is Satan’s time to shine, because it’s your chance to pluck presents that fly deliciously […]

Australia, the White Elephant project colony

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance was privileged to attend the recent launch in Brisbane of this very enlightening book. Brought to you by Connor Court Publishing and edited by David Gration, Bruce Kingston and Scott Prasser, White Elephant Parade catalogues some of the biggest, most unworkable white elephants across recent government policy. Given our obvious enthusiasm […]

Were Cyclopes Legends Inspired by Ancient Elephant Skulls?

Ancient Greek mythology is full of fantastic beasts and monsters. One of the most famous examples is the brutal one-eyed race of giants, the cyclopes. Several different cyclopes appeared in various myths.  Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Europe Read Later  Source

Execution by Elephant Was a Brutal Form of Capital Punishment For 2,000 Years

Elephants are one of the smartest and most powerful animals in the world. It is no wonder then that these magnificent beasts were exploited and trained to be brutal executioners. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

India’s elephant god idol makers gear up for mega-festival after Covid hiatus

Plaster-caked workers bustle around colourful idols of the elephant god Ganesha along a narrow Mumbai street, racing to complete the storeys-high statues for one of India’s biggest religious festivals as business booms after a Covid hiatus.

‘India’s Skinniest Elephant’ Found in Captivity on Brink of Death, Until Rescuers Bring Her to Care Center to Heal

An emaciated elephant calf in India was being held by neglectful owners and was on the brink of death. Looking like skin and bones, she suffered from extreme malnourishment—until a community of caring animal activists came to the rescue. When a pro-animal rights individual, Mr. S. Jain, reported witnessing the terrible state Lakshmi the elephant was […]

‘The View’ Replaces Republican Host With Elephant Piñata They Can Hit With Sticks All Day

‘The View’ Replaces Republican Host With Elephant Piñata They Can Hit With Sticks All Day Brought to you by: NEW YORK, NY—After a long and fruitless search for a conservative host willing to subject herself to daily appearances on The View, producers have announced that in lieu of a conservative host, they will instead bring […]

How to deal with the elephant in the room with family over Christmas

20 dec, 2021, A few tips [written as opinion – a mindful hint not literal advice]. If the elephant that has been ignored for so long bursts into the dining room this Christmas and starts trumpeting opinions, perceptions and biases about covid, before engaging, remember that people who are traumatised often cover it up with […]

Elephant In The Room

The Indian elite is given to thinking of the Constitution as some sort of a sacred emblem, and believes that none will dare commit sacrilege against it.But the constitution,however noble a document,is made by people,and it has to be protected by people from damage and danger.When one reads that an MP of the governing party […]

Fed Up Parent At School Board Meeting Identifies The Elephant In The Room: ‘It’s The Jews’

(Jewish News of Greater Phoenix via JTA) Jewish groups are circling the wagons and going into damage control after a parent at a school board meeting — while expressing her concerns over controversial COVID vaccine mandates and Critical Race Theory — stated what everyone knew but was too afraid to say — “It’s the Jews.” […]

Omari Hardy boldly addresses the ‘elephant in the room’ — Palestinian human rights

BDS has become a big issue in the Democratic primary election in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to fill an open seat in Congress. Eleven candidates are running, and Omari Hardy, a 31-year-old state representative and former middle school teacher, has been unapologetic in his support for BDS and Palestinian human rights. He tweeted: I understand that […]

Elephant -Kary Mullis – Police – Autism

[embedded content] Kary Mullis [embedded content]… [embedded content]… Source

Masks Remain DESPITE The Science, Natural Immunity Elephant In The Room & Vaccine Narrative Meltdown

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/8/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and […]

Another Elephant Herd in Southwest China

Chinese residents liken a quarantine site to a concentration camp in the city of Guangzhou. The facility was set up to combat a surge in the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus there. While under at-home quarantine, a group of Chinese citizens were seen crying out to nearby authorities for help. They explained they’d been stuck inside for […]

As U.S. synagogues start to reopen, Zoom becomes the elephant in the room

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

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