Posts Tagged ‘replaces’

German Pathologist Claimed Spike Protein Replaces Sperm in Vaxxed Men

The late pathologist Prof. Dr Arne Burkhard has claimed that cells in males who have received a Covid-19 injection are being replaced by spike proteins. Burkhardt passed away unexpectedly last year aged 79. He was […] The post German Pathologist Claimed Spike Protein Replaces Sperm in Vaxxed Men appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Emory U. Healthcare System Replaces Christmas Eve with Juneteenth as Paid Holiday

By The College Fix ‘We hope this will allow more opportunities for celebration, reflection, and education’ A hospital Source

Ukraine Replaces Soviet-Era Emblem On Towering Kyiv Monument

The Mother Ukraine statue has lost its hammer-and-sickle, as officials replaced it with the country’s trident coat of arms to help reclaim its cultural identity. Source

YouTube Replaces ‘Hateful’ American Flag With ‘Inclusive’ MAPs Flag

YouTube has boasted that it has removed the “hateful” American flag from its list of available emojis and replaced it with the pro-pedophilia MAPs flag to promote “inclusivity.” Independent journalist Ryan Matta reported on the […] The post YouTube Replaces ‘Hateful’ American Flag With ‘Inclusive’ MAPs Flag appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

China Replaces Soldiers With Machinegun Carrying Killer Robots In Tibet

According to reports, China is deploying machine gun-wielding killer robots to Tibet, its western desert regions while there exists a conflict with India because Chinese soldiers are suffering from the high altitude. China is sending dozens of unmanned vehicles to the Indian border Kill-bots with machineguns and ammo transporters fitted on them have been dispatched After Chinese […]

‘The View’ Replaces Republican Host With Elephant Piñata They Can Hit With Sticks All Day

‘The View’ Replaces Republican Host With Elephant Piñata They Can Hit With Sticks All Day Brought to you by: NEW YORK, NY—After a long and fruitless search for a conservative host willing to subject herself to daily appearances on The View, producers have announced that in lieu of a conservative host, they will instead bring […]

Protocols of Zion: Protocol IV – Materialism Replaces Religion

PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION  Protocol No. 4 – Materialism Replaces Religion 1. Every republic passes through several stages. The first of these is comprised in the early days of mad raging by the blind mob, tossed hither and thither, right and left: the second is demagogy from which is […]

Alexander Schallenberg replaces Kurz as Austria’s new chancellor

Alexander Schallenberg has been sworn in as Austria’s new chancellor following the resignation of Sebastian Kurz amid claims of corruption. The former foreign minister was formally appointed by Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna on Monday. Schallenberg, 52, has been Austria’s foreign minister since 2019, but he is a […]

Taliban Replaces Ministry For Women With One Restricting Them

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghanistan’s new Taliban rulers set up a ministry for the “propagation of virtue and the prevention of vice” in the building that once housed the Women’s Affairs Ministry, escorting out World Bank staffers on Saturday as part of the forced move. It was the latest troubling sign that the Taliban are […]

Blinken Replaces ‘We Stand With the People of Hong Kong’ Message With Milder Version on Twitter

A Twitter post from the account of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that said the United States would “stand with the people of Hong Kong” was recently taken down and replaced with a more subdued version. Blinken’s statement was addressing news on Sept. 15 of how seven democratically elected Hong Kong opposition district councillors were disqualified […]

Disney Replaces Problematic Slave Leia With Burka Leia

BURBANK, CA—Disney continues doing new and innovative things with their Star Wars property, such as increasing diversity, loudly declaring that everything the fans like about Star Wars is dumb, and now getting rid of the word ‘slave’ from the franchise. “Slavery is really, really bad—well, at least in the past; whatever China is doing now is […]

After spat over support of Trump, Young Israel council replaces board

The National Council of Young Israel has replaced its entire executive board, a stark move away from its vocally pro-Donald Trump leadership, whose statements had led to controversy in the Orthodox synagogue association. The council represents more than 100 Orthodox synagogues across the country. It is more than a century old, and in recent years […]

Democrat Amnesty Bill Replaces ‘Alien’ with ‘Noncitizen’ in Federal Immigration Law

Legislation introduced in both chambers of Congress on Thursday by Democrats and supported by the Biden administration would replace the term “alien” with “noncitizen” in existing federal immigration law. The U.S. Citizenship Act, introduced by Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) in the House and Senate, respectively, includes a section titled “Terminology […]

‘Woke’ Los Angeles Cuts School Police Budget, Replaces Officers With ‘Climate Coaches’

The Democrat-run city of Los Angeles has approved a plan to slash one-third of its police school budget and divert the money to a program that focuses on black students achievement. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board of Education voted to cut 133 school police positions, including 70 sworn officers, 62 non-sworn officers, and one […]

The “Golden Rice” Hoax – When Public Relations replaces Science – By Vandana Shiva

This post replaces a previous one that has since lost all working links: Unfortunately, Vitamin A rice is a hoax; the problem is that vitamin A rice will not remove vitamin A deficiency (VAD). It will seriously aggravate it. It is a technology that fails in its promise. Source: “THE ‘GOLDEN RICE’ HOAX – When […]

Tony Blinken Replaces Mike Pompeo

By Philip Giraldi I for one am getting really excited by the staff that Honest Joe Biden is pulling together for the White House. When I first heard the name Tony Blinken during the Obama kleptocracy I assumed that he was one of those Ivy League lawyer types that proliferate in Washington, likely affiliated with […]

Klaus Schwab’s Reset: Communism Replaces Free Enterprise

Klaus Schwab’s Reset: Communism Replaces Free Enterprise Henry Makow TIME Magazine Backs Anti-Capitalist Reset Time Cover Symbolism 11 people on the Cover. (11 adults plus 1 child) The 11 is a Frequent NWO Number. Installing the Final Piece of the Globe. The Final Piece of the NWO Reset. The top Person is holding a Tree, […]

Patriot Removes California Flag, Replaces It With Trump Banner

A Trump supporter removed a California flag and replaced it with a Trump banner outside police headquarters in the city of Long Beach, according to reports. Police on Sunday confirmed that an unidentified person gained access to a secure construction area of the Long Beach Police Department and removed the city flag from a flagpole […]

Oman replaces foreign minister after conversation with Israeli counterpart

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Artist Replaces Billboards With Photos Of The Landscapes They’re Blocking

Next Story If you’ve ever driven across the US, you know how beautiful the scenery can be. Unfortunately in addition to all of the beauty, you are probably well aware of the multitude of billboards that inhabit the vast land, both countrysides and cities. While advertising can be a way to be informed sometimes, what […]

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