Posts Tagged ‘pathologist’

Cancer risk soars 52% among fully vaccinated aged 15-59, pathologist finds

(NaturalNews) A Croatian pathologist by the name of Ivana Pavic spoke with investigator Steve Kirsch recently about a disturbing phenomenon she is observing in… Source

Israel’s Chief Forensic Pathologist Pushed ‘Hamas Beheaded Babies’ Hoax

Israel’s chief forensic pathologist, Dr Chen Kugel, helped pushed the atrocity propaganda hoax that Hamas “beheaded babies” on October 7th. Source

Top Pathologist Sounds the Alarm: ‘52% Increase in Turbo Cancer for Vaxxed’

A top pathologist has warned that there has been a 55% increase in turbo cancers among the 18 to 69 year old population since the jab rollout. Ivana Pavic did an extensive study in Croatia that found that while 55% of the 18 to 69 year olds are vaccinated, 65% of the carcinoma cases in […]

Top Pathologist Sounds the Alarm: ‘52% Increase in Turbo Cancer for Vaxxed’

A top pathologist has warned that there has been a 55% increase in turbo cancers among the 18 to 69 year old population since the jab rollout. Ivana Pavic did an extensive study in Croatia that found that while 55% of the 18 to 69 year olds are vaccinated, 65% of the carcinoma cases in […]

Top Pathologist Sounds the Alarm: ‘52% Increase in Turbo Cancer for Vaxxed’

A top pathologist has warned that there has been a 55% increase in turbo cancers among the 18 to 69 year old population since the jab rollout. Ivana Pavic did an extensive study in Croatia that found that while 55% of the 18 to 69 year olds are vaccinated, 65% of the carcinoma cases in […]

German Pathologist Claimed Spike Protein Replaces Sperm in Vaxxed Men

The late pathologist Prof. Dr Arne Burkhard has claimed that cells in males who have received a Covid-19 injection are being replaced by spike proteins. Burkhardt passed away unexpectedly last year aged 79. He was […] The post German Pathologist Claimed Spike Protein Replaces Sperm in Vaxxed Men appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview – Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines

“Autopsy is not only a service to the doctors who were responsible for the patient, but it is a public service for our health system.” – Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt Many cases of sudden death and severe disease are being reported since the rollout of the COVID-19 gene-based vaccines. Early on, several doctors and scientists […]

World Famous Pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt’s Autopsy Slides Presented at European Parliament Proving COVID Vaccine Deaths

Tweeted and summarized by @DrJohnB2 Professor Arne Burkhardt’s testimony at the International Covid Summit, European Parliament, May 3, 2023. Dr. Burkhardt taught at the Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. He published more than 150 scientific articles in international scientific journals, and has audited and certified institutes of pathology. Dr. Burkhardt died in May of […]

Cancer Taking Off ‘Like Wildfire’: Unsettling Insights from Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole

Originally Published on DailyClout “So many doctors” have approached renowned pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole reporting the same unprecedented findings that he’s seeing. That is, cancers taking off or coming back “like wildfire” or occurring in young cohorts at rates never seen before. Here’s what those doctors (and others) are observing, per Dr. Ryan Cole: • […]

Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Pathologist Who Exposed COVID Vaccines as Major Cause of Death and Immune System Self-Attack, Passes

Dr. Arne Burkhardt, the distinguished pathologist who played a central role in exposing the dangers of the mRNA COVID “vaccines” after coming out of retirement to help grieving families who suspected the shots may have caused their loved one’s sudden death, has died on June 2, 2023. He was said to have been healthy and […]

Top German Pathologist Reveals Smoking Gun Proof From Autopsies How COVID Vaccines Cause Organ Failure And Death

(Doctors For COVID Dr. Arne Burkhardt — one of Germany’s leading pathologists — performed autopsies on otherwise healthy people who died soon after receiving COVID “vaccines” and discovered smoking gun proof that the “vaccines” tricked their immune systems into attacking their own internal organs, causing myocarditis, organ failure, and other fatal auto-immune conditions. You […]

‘Lymphocytes Amok’ Post-Covid Injection Is Very Alarming, Says Pathologist

Hosted by UK Column, last Friday Doctors for Covid Ethics (“D4CE”) held their second symposium, “Sounding the Call.” The symposium comprised 15 experts in science, medicine, finance, media, and the law who spoke as they should – freely and honestly. In September two pathologists, Prof. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Walter Yang released their findings of an investigation into […]

German chief pathologist raises alarm over fatal Covid vaccine injuries: “Vaccine causes death in 30-40% of newly vaccinated”.

German chief pathologist raises alarm over fatal Covid vaccine injuries: “Vaccine causes death in 30-40% of newly vaccinated”. The director of the Institute of Pathology at the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has conducted more than 40 autopsies on people who died within two weeks of receiving the Covid-19 vaccine and expressed concern about the […]

US Senior Pathologist who has witnessed “skyrocketing” cancer rates says “do not let your children near these shots, it’s immoral”

From The Health Forum NZ @ Facebook Dr Ryan Cole is an American Senior Pathologist.Summarising some of his key points from the video posted in comments below (video posted online on 18th August so all recent data):*Currently the UK is experiencing 15,000 “breakthrough” cases a day (breakthrough is the name given to positive Covid test […]

Mayo Clinic-Trained Pathologist Explains How Covid Vax “Spike Proteins” Are Killing People

Why are people being overwhelmed with spike proteins when these are well-known to cause people to fall ill? Link Share now! Source

Mayo Clinic-Trained Pathologist Explains How Spike Protein “Vaccine” Injections Are Killing Us. URGENT.

Dr. Ryan Cole, MD holds medical degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine (Board Certified Anatomic and Clinical Pathologist.) Shows lab evidence that Pfizer and Moderna mRNA spike protein injections may be quietly killing injection recipients through “micro-clots,” inflammation, and immune suppression. Dr. Ryan Cole: “The spike […]

German chief pathologist who has autopsied 40+ people sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries

From The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who had died within two weeks of their vaccination. Schirmacher expressed alarm over his findings. READ MORE Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source


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Top Pathologist: COVID is “BIGGEST HOAX”

BOYCOTT BYTEXANS JACK & DODIEON MAY 12, 2021 • ( 10 COMMENTS ) A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity, according to various and highly reliable sources and independent news organizations. Dr. Fuellmich and his […]

UK Pathologist Warns Spike Proteins will Cause All Men to Lose their Reproductive Capacity

    The synthetic “spike” proteins generated by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are capable of harming not just women’s reproductive organs but also men’s, warns Dr. Roger Hodkinson of Western Medical Assessments. In a recent interview, Dr. Hodkinson explained that there is now “sufficient evidence in the literature” to suggest that vaccine spike proteins express […]

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