Posts Tagged ‘emory’

Public statement from Emory arrestees

The arrests and violence against protesters are meant to tire the movement for liberation and scare us into complacency. They are afraid of the power we hold as a collective. Source

‘I was arrested for trespassing on my own campus’: an Emory student on the school’s Gaza protest

David Meer was arrested during the brutal police raid on the Gaza solidarity encampment at Emory University in Atlanta. Meer talks to Mondoweiss about his arrest, the broad Palestine coalition on campus, and why he became involved. Source

Open letter on the anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic environment at Emory University

Students at Emory University have been targeted by racist, anti-Palestinian, xenophobic, and Islamophobic harassment and attacks for their support for Palestinian human rights. Instead of helping, Emory has committed discriminatory acts of its own. Source

Emory U. Healthcare System Replaces Christmas Eve with Juneteenth as Paid Holiday

By The College Fix ‘We hope this will allow more opportunities for celebration, reflection, and education’ A hospital Source

Florida’s Turkey Point nuke pollutes Biscayne Aquifer, Biscayne National Park

Contaminated water originating from the cooling canal system at Florida Power & Light’s (FPL) Turkey Point facility is reaching Biscayne Bay, threatening South Florida’s drinking water supply and Biscayne National Park. The findings and analysis by the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM) were released by Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s office late […]

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