Posts Tagged ‘identifies’

Ed Dowd Identifies Disturbing Problem in Cancer Trends

Data analyst Edward Dowd appeared on the Dr. Drew show Wednesday and unveiled startling data that points to a significant and troubling rise in cancer deaths. The latest report from Phinace Technologies, authored by Carlos Alegria and Yuri Nunes, uncovers a disturbing trend in cancer deaths among elderly people following the rollout of the COVID-19 […]

WATCH: IDF Identifies Hamas Rocket Launchers Near Children’s Playgrounds, Pools

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Sunday that it had discovered Hamas rocket launchers near sensitive sites, including schools, as IDF soldiers penetrated deeper into Northern Gaza. Source

RFK Jr. Identifies “The Real Shooter” Behind His Father’s Death

Just over fifty-five years ago, on June 5, 1968, Senator Robert F. Kennedy was gunned down in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, shortly after triumphing in the California and South Dakota Presidential primaries. Robert F. Kennedy, often referred to as RFK or Bobby Kennedy, was an American politician and lawyer who […]

Report: Teen Boy Who Identifies as Transgender Brawls with Girls at California High School

Video shows a male student, who reportedly identifies as transgender, brawling with teen girls at Martin Luther King High School in Riverside, California, FOX 11 Los Angeles reported on Thursday.  Source

AI identifies possible alien technosignatures in deep space

AI identifies possible alien technosignatures in deep space By T.K. Randall January 31, 2023 Has an AI identified a signal from deep space alien technology ? Image Credit: NASA / Rick Guidice Astronomers at SETI have been using artificial intelligence to aid in their hunt for signs of intelligent alien life. Founded in Mountain View, […]

Study identifies best place to hide from nuclear-blast shockwave-ANY Rothschild’s Estate


Snowden Identifies Real Scandal Regarding Biden Classified Docs

Snowden Identifies Real Scandal Regarding Biden Classified Docs Posted on January 13, 2023 The story about classified materials found in an office linked to the US president was suppressed days before the midterms. US President Joe Biden has probably made off with more classified documents than many whistleblowers, but unlike them he will get away […]

Prepare for a Massive Influx of “Nazis” After Ye Self-Identifies as Hitler-Loving Holocaust Denier

Ye repeatedly told Alex that he is a Nazi, he loves Hitler and his accomplishments, and denied that six million jews died in the Holocaust. Source

Biological war imminent? Russia identifies unmanned aerial vehicles over Ukrainian port city of Kherson equipped with containers capable of spraying BIOAGENTS

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Evidence has emerged to suggest that U.S.-NATO-led bioweapons operations are, in fact, taking place in and around Ukraine, and that Russia’s efforts there aim to dismantle this biological threat to the world.Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia revealed disturbing information in a … [Read More…] Source

Lancet Commission identifies six major reasons why global response to COVID-19 was colossal failure

(Natural News) A noted panel of experts released a report last month listing a half-dozen reasons why the world response to the China-caused COVID-19 pandemic was not just wholly inadequate, but a massive failure, with millions more lives lost than necessary. “As of May 31, 2022, there were 6·9 million reported deaths and 17·2 million […]

United States Identifies Monkeypox In Children For The First Time

The United States has identified its first two monkeypox cases in children. Cases of the viral disease were identified in a toddler in California and in an infant who is not a US resident, health […] The post United States Identifies Monkeypox In Children For The First Time appeared first on News Punch. Source

LIDAR Identifies Vast Complexes Of A Lost Amazonian Civilization in Bolivia

Researchers in northern Bolivia have used lidar to identify a series of raised platforms and pyramids. Interwoven by a complex hydrological network, these abandoned sacred sites are relics from a lost Amazonian civilization. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Americas Read Later 

Trans Killer Identifies As A Baby Demands Nappies, Baby Food & A Dummy In Jail

A convicted killer has been given a dummy by prison guards after claiming that she now identifies as a baby. Sophie Eastwood, a 36 year old transgender woman who received a life sentence for strangling her cellmate with shoelaces, is now demanding nappies and baby food. The convicted killer is also demanding guards hold her […]

Amazon’s Gender Recognition System Identifies Michelle Obama as a Man


Fed Up Parent At School Board Meeting Identifies The Elephant In The Room: ‘It’s The Jews’

(Jewish News of Greater Phoenix via JTA) Jewish groups are circling the wagons and going into damage control after a parent at a school board meeting — while expressing her concerns over controversial COVID vaccine mandates and Critical Race Theory — stated what everyone knew but was too afraid to say — “It’s the Jews.” […]

New study identifies regions of greatest conservation potential for species, water quality, carbon

A new study has mapped out the regions where conservation actions can maximize the protection of biodiversity, carbon stocks, and water, while a separate study has identified regions of the world where land animals are most at threat. The findings come in the run-up to global summits on both biodiversity conservation and climate change. The […]

British Influencer Comes Out As ‘Trans-Racial’ – Identifies as Korean

White British influencer Oli London has come out as trans-racial and now identifies as Korean having undergone surgery to make him look Asian. “TRANSRACIAL is a thing! I invented it! If you can be transgender you can be TRANSRACIAL. Live your life to the fullest, be who you want to be and spread love,” Oli […]

British ‘Influencer’ Now Trans-Racial, Identifies as Korean

A deluge of ignorant trans-racial haters responded to Oli’s announcement by suggesting that trans-racial is not a thing. Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet ——————————————————————————————————————— Brand new merch now available! Get it at Source

AI Algorithm Identifies Individual Dead Sea Scroll Scribes

After 70 years of research and controversy, scientists have finally gained intimate insights into the scroll scribes that produced the Dead Sea Scrolls, after advanced AI was used to analyze their handwriting. The Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient Jewish and Hebrew religious manuscripts that were found in the Qumran Caves in the Judaean Desert on […]

Iran identifies suspect behind ‘EXPLOSION’ at Natanz nuclear site, says he’s fled the country

Iran’s intelligence service has named a suspect in the ‘explosion’ that damaged the Natanz power plant last week. It says the culprit, identified as a man from a town near the nuclear facility, has already fled the country. “Reza Karimi, the perpetrator of this sabotage… has been identified” by the intelligence ministry, Iranian state television […]

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