Posts Tagged ‘trends’

Ed Dowd Identifies Disturbing Problem in Cancer Trends

Data analyst Edward Dowd appeared on the Dr. Drew show Wednesday and unveiled startling data that points to a significant and troubling rise in cancer deaths. The latest report from Phinace Technologies, authored by Carlos Alegria and Yuri Nunes, uncovers a disturbing trend in cancer deaths among elderly people following the rollout of the COVID-19 […]

Global Security In 2024: 5 Contextual Trends, 10 Possibilities

It is more than probable that 2024 will create a confluence of major strategic trends, which could increase the likelihood of formal, kinetic conflict and continued global economic decline… Each year of the past three decades has seemed like a pivotal year in the evolution of the post-Cold War global strategic architecture, and, indeed, that […]

‘She’s 83’ Trends as Nancy Pelosi Announces Reelection Bid

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced that she will seek reelection in 2024, prompting shock and amusement from critics. Source

#BanTheADL Trends On Twitter After ADL CEO Meets With X CEO On Expanding Censorship

#BanTheADL went viral on Twitter/X on Thursday night after Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt revealed he had a meeting with X CEO Linda Yaccarino on expanding censorship in the name of fighting “hate.” “I had a very frank + productive conversation with @LindayaX yesterday about @X, what works and what doesn’t, and where it needs […]

Fake about North Korean aid to the Wagner PMC as an illustration of new “evidence” trends

It would seem that not long ago we touched on the intricate situation regarding rumors of North Korean or South Korean arms being supplied to the region of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, noting that there was no real evidence of either. Unfortunately, the situation is not evolving for the better and even those in the US […]

The End of Travel As We Know It – 5 Trends That Will Completely Change the Travel Experience in 2023

Talking about the technological revolution in travel is no longer hypothetical. The next twelve months will see continuous changes in the way people travel. Source

‘My Son Hunter’ Trends on Twitter After Film’s Premiere

“My Son Hunter” was trending on Twitter Thursday morning, a day after the premiere of My Son Hunter, a film about President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s shady business deals, presented by Breitbart News and directed by veteran actor Robert Davi.

Children Are Being Influenced by ‘Trans Trends’

Commentary Can you remember the popular trends from your teenage days? Which of them were you caught up in? I can almost hear the groans as readers remember the clothes, hairstyles, and attitudes of their youth. When recalling their not-so-glory days, the oft-repeated slogan of anyone over 30 is, “I was so dumb back then.” […]

Dark Brandon Disaster: #PedoHitler Trends on Twitter After Joe Biden’s Divisive Speech

“#PedoHitler” began trending on Twitter following President Joe Biden’s divisive political speech Thursday at the Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where the president declared that “MAGA Republicans” are a “threat” to “American democracy” with ominous red lighting and members of the U.S. military behind him.

‘PedoHitler’ Trends on Twitter After Biden Demonizes Millions of Americans in Primetime Speech

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } Calls to impeach President Joe Biden trended on Twitter last night following a disturbing primetime address in which Biden accused tens of millions of conservative Americans of […]

‘PedoHitler’ Trends on Twitter After Biden Demonizes Millions of Americans in Primetime Speech

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } Calls to impeach President Joe Biden trended on Twitter last night following a disturbing primetime address in which Biden accused tens of millions of conservative Americans of […]

RadioShack Resurfaces as Crypto Exchange, Trends on Twitter After WILD Tweets

RadioShack Resurfaces as Crypto Exchange, Trends on Twitter After WILD Tweets Date: July 1, 2022Author: Nwo Report  The ‘Shack is Back’ Posted BY: Frankie Stockes | National File RadioShack is trending on Twitter after the defunct retailer resurfaced as a cryptocurrency exchange and new ownership took over the Twitter account belonging to the former electronics […]

‘Ministry of Truth’ Trends on Twitter After Government Unveils New ‘Disinformation Governance Board’

On Wednesday news broke that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) — a department that didn’t exist 20 years ago but today spends $52 billion annually — had created a new “Disinformation Governance Board.” The news comes just days after Twitter accepted Tesla-founder Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter for $44 billion, a move that […]

#DisneyGroomer Trends on Twitter – Hollywood Elites Outraged

“Disney Groomer” began trending worldwide on Sunday after Twitter suspended journalist Jack Posobiec for calling the pedophile executives at Disney a bunch of “groomers.” Trending at number 15, #DISNEYGROOMER received tens of thousands of tweets on Sunday evening. Posobiec broke the news after his account was reinstated by the social media giant. BYPASS THE CENSORS […]

Trends Forecaster: 10 Per Cent Chance of ‘Civilization-Ending Global Nuclear War’ Within a Year

Home » North America, Wars / Conflicts » Trends Forecaster: 10 Per Cent Chance of ‘Civilization-Ending Global Nuclear War’ Within a Year     Investment trends forecaster BCA Research says there is a 10 per cent chance that a “civilization-ending global nuclear war” will occur within the next 12 months. Yes, really. The doomsday prediction […]

#BareShelvesBiden Trends As Alarming Number Of People Report Empty Stores

The hashtag “BareShelvesBiden” has been trending on Twitter for the last 24 hours. The hashtag ranked on Twitter’s most trending list as of late Sunday evening. #BareShelvesBiden is Trending — Benny (@bennyjohnson) January 10, 2022 People from around the country tweeted pictures and videos of bare supermarket shelves as Biden’s Supply Chain Disruptions Task […]

#ArrestFauci Trends Amid Crimes Against Humanity, Evil Torture of Puppies

The hashtag #ArrestFauci is being shared by tens of millions of users in response to the mounting ‘crimes against humanity’ committed by Dr. Anthony Fauci. Twitter users posted the hashtag calling out Dr. Fauci over reports that taxpayer dollars were used to perform ‘evil’ torture experiments on homeless dogs, which led to their painful deaths. If you’re […]

10 Trends That Points To The End Of The Church Age And Beginning Of The Tribulation

In this post, we will examine the uptick of 10 trends relating to critical End Times prophecies. The latest news reports point to the imminent Rapture of the Church. 1. A Middle East peace plan that allows for the Temple to be rebuilt He will make a firm covenantwith many for one week,but in the […]

Israel: New Trends or Old Conflict?

It’s finally happening. Naftali Bennett was sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Israel on June 13. The new government was approved by 60 votes in favor, 59 against, and one abstention.  The vote followed four hours of speeches by party leaders and the election of Mickey Levy as Speaker of the Knesset. Israel […]

9 Signs That Some Of America’s Long-Term Trends Are Starting To Become Very Serious Short-Term Problems

#1 I have been warning about exploding debt levels for as long as I have been writing about the economy.  Most people know that the U.S. national debt has now crossed the 28 trillion dollar threshold, but hardly anyone is talking about the explosion of corporate debt that we have been witnessing in recent months.  […]

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