Posts Tagged ‘ending’

Universities Are Ending Complicity in Israeli Apartheid and Its Gaza Genocide in Numbers Never Seen Before

Universities Are Ending Complicity in Israeli Apartheid and Its Gaza Genocide in Numbers Never Seen Before Update Global campus mobilizations for Palestinian rights have compelled dozens of universities across the world to commit to steps toward divestment from complicit companies and/or cutting ties with complicit Israeli academic institutions. Academic Boycott Student solidarity May 19, 2024 By:  […]

Ending Scene | ‘Leave The World Behind’ (2023)

Not to mention that Barack and Michelle Obama were the executive producers of this film… Source

AMERICA: You are being slowly set up for an apocalyptic Republic-ending collapse by your most dangerous enemy.

This has never happened before….. …and the tragic self-immolation of a serviceman the U.S Armed Forces, outside the front gate of the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C., has not even begun to trigger the visceral global outpouring of raw anger and grief and dismay and anguish and despair and consternation and sorrow and rage […]

A new chapter in Wisconsin politics: Ending gerrymandering

The gerrymandered districts had long been a point of contention, with numerous legal experts deeming Wisconsin one of the most gerrymandered states in the nation. Source

Weapons sent to Ukraine are ending up in the hands of Mexican cartels, report reveals

(NaturalNews) The Russian news agency TASS reports that some of the weapons sent by Western nations to help Ukraine’s war efforts have ended up in the hands of… Source

After Ending Gas imports from Russia, Biden Halts Gas Exports to Europe because of Climate Change

US President Joe Biden has directed a temporary halt on liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports from new American projects, asserting concerns over their potential impact on climate change. This decision, while aiming to address environmental considerations, comes amid a Europe grappling with an ongoing energy crisis. Biden’s pause on LNG exports is intended to allow […]

Yemen’s Houthi Rebels Show No Sign Of Ending ‘Reckless’ Red Sea Attacks, U.S. Commander Says

There have been about two dozen attacks on international shipping by the Houthis since Oct. 19. Source

Germany’s Commitment To End Coal By 2030 Is A Never-Ending Shell Game

Authored by Mike Shedlock via, Place the idea of Germany ending coal use by 2030 on the list of energy things that has little chance of happening… Here is an article from November 2, 2022 that serves as a nice background starting point for today’s discussion. Reuters reports Germany’s Cabinet Approves Accelerated Coal Exit by 2030 in […]


Russian Parliament to vote on ENDING Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

READ HERE:   Source

Sistani: Ending Occupation only way to grant Palestinians their rights or resistance will continue

Iraq’s senior Shia cleric, Grand Ayatollah, Ali Al-Sistani, has issued a statement yesterday in light of the on-going atrocities committed by Israel against the Palestinian people, calling on the world to rise up and end the “terrible brutality” the Zionist state is inflicting on Gaza which has killed and injured some 6,000 people in total. […]

Multiple Top Psychics Warn of ‘World-Ending Event’ at Year’s End

Multiple top psychic’s have warned that a cataclysmic event is set to occur by the end of this year that will permanently alter the course of humanity. [SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO] The general public is […] The post Multiple Top Psychics Warn of ‘World-Ending Event’ at Year’s End appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Russia Blasts Saudi Arabia Talks On Ending War In Ukraine After Moscow Gets No Invitation

Senior officials from around 40 countries gathered in Jeddah for a two-day meeting to agree on key principles about how to end the conflict. Source

Leading liberal Zionist voices call for ending U.S. aid to Israel

A New York Times Op-Ed featuring liberal Zionist leaders calls to end military aid to Israel as the country passes a law gutting its judiciary. This is the moment people working to end U.S. aid to Israel has been waiting for. Source

Are weapons sent to Ukraine ending up in the hands of drug cartels?

A Mexican TV report alleged drug cartels and other criminal organisations were illegally buying rocket launchers sent to Ukraine by the West. But is it true? Source

The US has no strategy for ending the standoff with Iran

U.S. President Joe Biden sent his key Middle East advisor, Brett McGurk, on a quiet trip to Oman on May 8. The purpose of the trip was to try to revive efforts to reestablish a nuclear agreement of some kind with Iran. Oman is the conduit for most U.S. communication with Iran. The trip further […]

Yemen warns Saudi Arabia against ‘procrastinating’ ending war

May 15 2023 The Yemeni official also lauded the resistance’s recent victory against Israel, and warned the coalition that Tel Aviv cannot protect it ByNews Desk During a march of solidarity with the Palestinian people on 14 May, a member of the Sanaa government’s Supreme Political Council, Muhammad Ali al-Houthi, accused the Saudi-led coalition of “procrastinating” with […]

White House: We Were Prepared for Title 42 Ending, House GOP Wasn’t

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said that while Republicans in Congress did pass a bill on the border, “they waited until yesterday to put something forward,” and passing Source

Texas Lindsay Interview – The Never-Ending Fight Against COVID Propaganda (And All The Rest)

Joining me today on Moving Target is Lindsay Jones, owner of the prominent Twitter account Texas Lindsay, here to discuss the seemingly endless revival of debunked COVID-19 propaganda narratives, the effort it takes to constantly fight it back, and the censorship that has followed (and appears to still be taking place). ( (Click Here For […]

The Bernie Sanders 10-Step Plan For Ending Poverty

Hey folks, Bernie Sanders here! I am once again asking for your support in eradicating systemic poverty from the face of the earth. America can do it, but we won’t because America is immoral and Elon Musk has all the money. Horrible! I have a simple ten-step plan that is foolproof — and I should […]

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