Posts Tagged ‘unknown’

What They Don’t Want You to Know About ‘Animal-Free’ Milk (aside from 92 mysterious unknown compounds)

Wouldn’t you know Billy Boy would have his finger in this pie. And not so long ago he was dutifully warning us that breast milk wasn’t natural! Really, who ever swallows this BS? … EWNZ Story at-a-glance Synthetic dairy products, including milk made from genetically engineered yeast, are being touted as environmentally friendly health foods […]

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Captured by Unknown Forces

In this Special Report: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Captured by Unknown Forces Source: Greg ReeseIn Case You Missed It: Why It Really Is “All Of Them” According to God Dustin Nemos – Hidden History – w Flat Earth Dave For breaking news from one of the most over the target and censored names in the […]

Christian Shot Dead in Pakistan for Unknown Reasons

Farhan Ul Qamar was killed on Nov. 9, 2023. (Morning Star News courtesy of family) LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – A Muslim gunned down a 20-year-old Christian in Pakistan on Nov. 9, the latest case of a religious minority victimized for unknown reasons with police slow to act, sources said. In Talwandi Inayat Khan village, […]


The Future of Alternative Media Is Unknown, But Critical

BBC journalist Andrew Marr: “How can you know that I’m self-censoring?”  Noam Chomsky: “I’m not saying you’re self-censoring. I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believed something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.”  I’m supposed to tell you about the future of alternative media, but […]

Israeli Media: Hamas used unknown communication devices for operation

October 9, 2023 Source: Israeli media By Al Mayadeen English Channel 12 Military affairs commentator Nir Dvori has acknowledged that Hamas had orchestrated the major operation using an undisclosed communication network unbeknownst to the Israeli military. Channel 12 Military affairs commentator Nir Dvori stated that Hamas prepared for the major operation with a communication network unknown […]

Blinken: Tunisia faces the ‘unknown’ if it does not reach an agreement with the IMF

Washington: US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, warned on Wednesday that Tunisia urgently needs to reach an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, after the European Union expressed concern about the deteriorating political and economic situation in this country. "The most important thing they can do in Tunisia, from an economic point of view, is […]

Tracing the Unknown Origins of the Enigmatic Nomoli Figures

Legend has it that the people of Sierra Leone in  Africa first uncovered hundreds of extraordinary stone figures while working their land or hunting for diamonds. Discovered underground or within caves, they have come to be known as Nomoli figures. Despite being known to Africanists, there is little information about the true origins and purpose of […]

Jessica Rose PhD Interview – #Blotgate & The Unknown Risks Of “Truncated Spike Protein”

Joining me today is Jessica Rose PhD, here to discuss what has been termed “#Blotgate” on social media and what this potentially means for those who have taken any of these shots, let alone those who are still allowing themselves to be injected with this dangerous gene therapy. This is the discussion of what are […]

KILLER JABBED 25 Year Old Doctor of Pharmacy dies suddenly of “Unknown Cause”

A 25-year-old doctor of Pharmacy died suddenly in Pittsburgh in December, just before her father was rushed to the ICU, loved ones say in a GoFundMe campaign. Dr. Lindsay Ann Heck, 25, died unexpectedly from an unknown cause on Dec. 20, 2022, as stated in her obituary. She was known as “the light of everyone’s […]

Ancient DNA Reveals Hitherto Unknown Aspects of Human Evolution

Ancient DNA from human remains that are around 45,000 years old has given scientists new insights into human evolution. Read more Section:  News Evolution & Human Origins Read Later  Source

Episode 431 – Unknown Unknowns

What you don’t know won’t hurt you . . . maybe. But it could change your mind about things you believe to be true. We all know this, of course, but do we really keep it in mind when we think about what we really know? And what does our tendency to exclude the unknown […]

World-class bodybuilder Doug Brignole dies of ‘unknown causes’ after getting Moderna Covid jab

Another avid vaccine pusher and promoter dies from SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) soon after getting the Moderna mRNA gene mutation jab for the Fauci Flu, and ironically after he promoted the clot shot jab across all of social media. Doug Brignole was 63 years of age and an icon in the bodybuilding world, who […]

World-class veteran bodybuilder Doug Brignole dies of “unknown causes” after getting Moderna Killer jab and advising the world to avoid all the anti-vax

Another avid vaccine pusher and promoter dies from SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) soon after getting the Moderna mRNA gene mutation jab for the Fauci Flu, and ironically after he promoted the clot shot jab across all of social media. Doug Brignole was 63 years of age and an icon in the bodybuilding world, who […]

World-class veteran bodybuilder Doug Brignole dies of “unknown causes” after getting Moderna Covid jab and advising the world to avoid all the anti-vax “fearmongers”

(Natural News) Another avid vaccine pusher and promoter dies from SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) soon after getting the Moderna mRNA gene mutation jab for the Fauci Flu, and ironically after he promoted the clot shot jab across all of social media. Doug Brignole was 63 years of age and an icon in the bodybuilding […]

COVID Jab Coverup Exposed & WHO Chief Scientist Admits It’s Unknown If Bivalent Jabs Safe/Effective

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/7/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for […]

IT’S THE VACCINE: “Unknown causes” are now the leading cause of death in Alberta, Canada

(Natural News) A study published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases revealed that “unknown causes” are now the leading cause of death in Alberta, Canada – ahead of dementia and Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) This development came to light last month as Canadian doctors and a civil liberties lawyers raised concerns about the growing trend. Dementia was the leading […]

IT’S THE VACCINE: “Unknown causes” are now the leading cause of death in Alberta, Canada

(Natural News) A study published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases revealed that “unknown causes” are now the leading cause of death in Alberta, Canada – ahead of dementia and Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) This development came to light last month as Canadian doctors and a civil liberties lawyers raised concerns about the growing trend. Dementia was the leading […]

UK Gov Admits Safety Of The COVID Jab For Pregnant Women Unknown After 2 Years Of Claiming It’s Safe

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/29/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for […]

Doctors Shocked as Canada’s Main Cause of Death becomes ‘Unknown’

    More people in Alberta, Canada are dying of “ill-defined and unknown causes” than any other cause of death including cancer, heart disease, and Covid-19, according to a study released in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases. The unusual story surfaced in Alberta, Canada, last month and is just now starting to gain traction […]

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