Posts Tagged ‘unveils’

Barbie Unveils First Black Retarded Doll: “We’re More Inclusive Now”

Barbie has unveiled the newest blind, black and retarded doll as part of a push to be “more inclusive” towards minorities. The new dolls were made available to purchase earlier this week on July 23. […] The post Barbie Unveils First Black Retarded Doll: “We’re More Inclusive Now” appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

HRW’s Gaza report: Fact-check unveils bias and injustice

17 Jul 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Rasha Reslan In its latest reports, the HRW perpetuates a longstanding Western narrative that serves to whitewash the current Israeli atrocities being committed in Gaza by the Israeli occupation. Over the past nine months, a well-documented genocidal carnage in Gaza has been unfolding daily, live and unabated […]

China Unveils New ‘Mind-Melting’ Weapon That Causes Instant Brain Damage

China is gearing up for World War 3 by readying a disturbing cache of mind-melting weapons, experts have warned. According to reports, the Chinese military have access to weapons that are capable of rendering the […] The post China Unveils New ‘Mind-Melting’ Weapon That Causes Instant Brain Damage appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Bill Gates Unveils Plan to ‘Experiment’ on Humanity With $2 mRNA Vaccines ‘For Every Disease’

Globalist billionaire Bill Gates has unveiled his plan to inject the entire world with multiple doses of mRNA, vowing to “experiment” with mRNA “for every disease that we don’t have a vaccine.” “We just have […] The post Bill Gates Unveils Plan to ‘Experiment’ on Humanity With $2 mRNA Vaccines ‘For Every Disease’ appeared first […]

Hezbollah Steps Up Strikes on Israeli Posts, Unveils “Jihad Mughniyeh” Heavy Rocket

May 14, 2024 Lebanon – Live News – News – Story of the day Hezbollah is stepping up strikes against Israeli posts along the Lebanon border, as the Lebanese resistance group introduces a new heavy rocket named after prominent Hezbollah fighter, Jihad Mughniyeh. Hezbollah fighters carried out so far on Monday two strikes targeting Israeli sites, the group’s Military Media announced. […]

Progressive International unveils database exposing global right-wing network threatening democracies

This database, which results from a year of meticulous research, exposes the mechanisms through which these forces erode democratic norms and foster geopolitical instability. Source

Club of Rome Unveils Plan to Cull Billions from the World Population

by John Bowne The Club of Rome is the psychotic brain behind the net zero cult phenomenon and book that started it all, The Limits To Growth. Except this cult wants every last human dead to reduce that pesky CO2 that the globalists that want the planet all to themselves keep complaining about. Problem is, […]

Rep. Chip Roy Unveils Bill Allowing Public To Sue Big Pharma for Genocide During COVID Pandemic

Rep. Chip Roy has introduced a bill that would allow Americans injured by the mRNA vaccines to sue Big Pharma for attempted genocide. The bill will dismantle the protective shield around Big Pharma that allows them to avoid civil liability if their products causes harm. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight […]

Rep. Chip Roy Unveils Bill Allowing Public To Sue Big Pharma for Genocide During COVID Pandemic

Rep. Chip Roy has introduced a bill that would allow Americans injured by the mRNA vaccines to sue Big Pharma for attempted genocide. The bill will dismantle the protective shield around Big Pharma that allows them to avoid civil liability if their products causes harm. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight […]

Rep. Chip Roy Unveils Bill Allowing Public To Sue Big Pharma for Genocide During COVID Pandemic

Rep. Chip Roy has introduced a bill that would allow Americans injured by the mRNA vaccines to sue Big Pharma for attempted genocide. The bill will dismantle the protective shield around Big Pharma that allows them to avoid civil liability if their products causes harm. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight […]

Hezbollah commander unveils new weapon on Al Mayadeen

February 27, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English The commander of Hezbollah’s anti-armored munitions unit reveals a new NLOS weapon developed by the Resistance in the face of the Israeli occupation. Since the start of the confrontations on the Lebanese-Palestinian border area on October 8, there have been talks within “Israel” about the […]

Data Analyst Unveils Where the Vaccine Deaths Are Hiding

“Myocarditis has become the darling of the anti-vax community. But myocarditis is about 1% of the overall vaccine deaths,” says John Beaudoin Sr, author of “The Real CDC.” Beaudoin discovered that in 2021, excess deaths in Massachusetts shifted from respiratory deaths to blood and circulatory system issues, such as clotting and bleeding. There is where, […]

US Senate unveils aid bill amidst criticism over support for Netanyahu’s military actions

The unfolding scenario brings to light the complexity of U.S. foreign aid and its ramifications on international relations and human rights. Source

Former Pharma Insider Unveils Big Pharma’s ‘Open Secret’

If you’ve ever wondered why the American news media appears to shy away from delivering impactful critiques of the pharmaceutical industry, your curiosity has now been answered. It may or may not come as a surprise, but TV pharmaceutical ads are illegal in every country besides the United States and New Zealand. One of the […]

WEF Unveils ‘Flying Microchips’ That Can Detect ‘Thought Crimes’ and ‘Disable Your Brain’

The World Economic Forum in Davos has unveiled the latest technology designed to surveil populations, monitor for thought crimes and alter human behavior – with or without your consent. As NPR report, it’s “neither a […] The post WEF Unveils ‘Flying Microchips’ That Can Detect ‘Thought Crimes’ and ‘Disable Your Brain’ appeared first on The […]

Samsung unveils “Ballie” SPY MACHINE that rolls around your home spying on everything while controlling your electronic devices

Samsung unveils “Ballie” SPY MACHINE that rolls around your home spying on everything while controlling your electronic devices In a race with Amazon to the bottom, Samsung has unveiled a new spy machine robot called “Ballie” that rolls around people’s homes watching and listening to everything they do while controlling all their electronic devices. First […]

Wealth over fairness: Shocking report unveils tax favoritism for the rich in 41 US states

According to the report, in 41 out of 50 states, the wealthiest 1 percent are subjected to lower tax rates compared to other income groups. Source

AMD Unveils New AI Chip To Challenge Nvidia’s Market Dominance 

Shares of Advanced Micro Devices rose in premarket trading on Thursday after chief executive Lisa Su unveiled AMD’s newest artificial intelligence chip, the Instinct MI300X, at an event in San Jose, California, on Wednesday. Su highlighted that this new chip surpasses the performance of Nvidia’s current AI chips. The launch of MI300X is one of […]

Gov. Kathy Hochul Unveils ‘Ministry of Truth’ For Students In New York

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced that she is forming an Orwellian Truth Ministry for public school students where they will learn how to hunt down so-called “misinformation.” The Democrat governor declared Tuesday: “Today, I’m directing the Director of the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to develop media literacy tools for K […]

IRS Unveils New Tax Bracket Income Limits For 2024

Standard Deductions The standard deduction, which is typically used by people who don’t itemize their taxes, raises the amount of income people can earn before they have to hand some of it over to the government through taxes. Under the IRS’s newly announced annual inflation adjustments, the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly in […]

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