Posts Tagged ‘jihad’

Hezbollah Steps Up Strikes on Israeli Posts, Unveils “Jihad Mughniyeh” Heavy Rocket

May 14, 2024 Lebanon – Live News – News – Story of the day Hezbollah is stepping up strikes against Israeli posts along the Lebanon border, as the Lebanese resistance group introduces a new heavy rocket named after prominent Hezbollah fighter, Jihad Mughniyeh. Hezbollah fighters carried out so far on Monday two strikes targeting Israeli sites, the group’s Military Media announced. […]

Hezbollah introduces ‘Jihad Mughniyeh’ heavy rocket to Al-Aqsa Battle

 May 13, 2024 Source: Islamic Resistance Military By Al Mayadeen English In a significant tactical move, the Resistance used videos posted by Israeli settlers to identify and target newly deployed or repositioned Iron Dome platforms by the Israeli occupation forces. The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah announced on Sunday that it had targeted several […]

Palestinian Islamic Jihad: ‘Al-Aqsa Flood was a preemptive strike against the enemy’

OCT 30, 2023 In an exclusive interview, a top PIJ official revealed that the 7 October Al-Aqsa Flood operation was a preemptive strike against a US-Israeli plan to destroy the Palestinian resistance. Now, he says, we will not stop until we ‘break the American-Zionist project in this region.’ Ali Bou Jbara In an exclusive interview […]

Islamic Jihad Releases Propaganda Video, Offers to Release Two Hostages

Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a terror group controlled by Iran in Gaza, released propaganda videos Thursday that featured two Israeli hostages and offered their release in return for fuel and other supplies. Source

The Neocon Jihad Against Free Speech Goes Full-Tilt

Shocker: a huge contingent of “free speech warriors” never really meant any of it. Source

VACCINE JIHAD: Israeli child used for Pfizer’s covid vaccine propaganda DIES of a sudden heart attack at age 8

(NaturalNews) There’s nothing normal about an eight-year-old child suddenly having a heart attack and then dying at home in the bathroom. This was the tragic… Source

The Jenin Massacre Won’t Go Unanswered, Hamas, Islamic Jihad Pledge

 January 27, 2023 By Al-Ahed News In wake of the ‘Israeli’ occupation regime’s Thursday massacre in the Palestinian city of Jenin, Hamas Spokesman Abdul Latif al-Qanu’ told Al-Ahed News that “Our people and resistance in the West Bank are in the course of an open confrontation against the occupation, in which the struggle won’t stop […]

Islamic Jihad chief: Gen. Soleimani was champion on battlefield; Palestine was his main concern

Friday, 06 January 2023 11:06 AM   [ Last Update: Friday, 06 January 2023 11:06 AM ] 5 Jan 00:26  Source: Al Mayadeen English By Ali Jezzini  The leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement has hailed the late top Iranian anti-terror commander General Qassem Soleimani as an undisputed champion in various spheres of the resistance front, stressing that the […]

The Corporate Media Respects the Science©, Wages Jihad Against Natural Medicine

COVID-19 was so dangerous, according to the corporate media and federal government, as to warrant worldwide lockdowns and emergency “vaccines.” They came with nearly incalculable social fallout and economic costs – but those were just the costs we had to pay for the sake of Public Health©.

Israel vows Islamic Jihad ‘will pay price’ as fighter jets flatten Gaza homes

Israeli warplanes stepped up strikes on Saturday with hits on four residential buildings in Gaza City, all locations apparently linked to Islamic Jihad militants. Source

Israel Launches “Pre-emptive” Airstrikes On Gaza, Vowing To Wipe Out Islamic Jihad

Israel declared an “emergency” on its southern border with the Gaza Strip, citing fresh tensions and unrest facilitated by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Source

Islamic Jihad: Israel disrespects Egypt’s mediator

Following the Israeli assassination of its military leader in Gaza, Palestinian Islamic Jihad on Friday accused Israel of disrespecting the Egyptian mediator. Speaking to journalists in Gaza, Islamic Jihad's media chief Daud Shehab shared that his movement had been in contact with Egypt: "Just one hour before the attack on Gaza." Shehab added: "The Egyptian […]

Hamas mourns leader of Islamic Jihad’s military wing

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas on Friday mourned Tayseer Al-Jaabari, the senior military commander of the Islamic Jihad's military wing, Al-Quds Brigades. The Israeli occupation army carried out several air strikes in the besieged Gaza Strip, killing ten people, including Al-Jaabari and a five-year-old girl, and wounding 55 others, the Palestinian Ministry of Health […]

Islamic Jihad: ‘Israel started the battle and does not know how to stop it’

Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad Al-Nakhalah announced on Friday: "The enemy [Israel] started the battle [aggression on Gaza] and does not know how to stop it. Therefore, it should expect a strong retaliation." Al-Nakhalah asserted: "This moment is serious and decisive, and the priority is the resilience of the resistance forces," pointing out the importance of […]

Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas Warn ‘Israel’: Detainees’ Lives Redline

Posted on November 4, 2021 by indigoblue76 Nov 3, 2021 By Staff Palestinian ‘Islamic Jihad’ and ‘Hamas’ resistance movements threatened to escalate once again hadn’t the detainees’ sufferings in the ‘Israeli’ occupation prisons been finished, especially amid the news circulating that the hunger strike might lead to the martyrdom of some of them. The resistance […]

Love jihad has no truth to it

Love jihad is a highly debated  topic in India today. Whenever the issue starts to peter out someone will come up with a statement or an action to bring it back to the limelight. The latest being Pala Bishop’s controversial statement about both love jihad and narcotics jihad. Narcotics jihad is something that was hitherto […]

Islamic Jihad Warns “Israel” against “Collective Punishment” of Palestinian Inmates

 SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 By Staff, Agencies The Islamic Jihad strongly warned the “Israeli” regime against trying to punish other Palestinian prisoners over the recent escape of six inmates from a maximum-security “Israeli” jail. The Palestinian resistance movement issued the warning in a statement on Tuesday after Palestinian sources revealed that the regime was administering “collective […]

Islamic Jihad Denounces Assault on Liberated Prisoner Al-Akhras

Posted on August 22, 2021 by uprootedpalestinians 22 Aug 2021 Source: Al Mayadeen The family of liberated Palestinian prisoner Maher Al-Akhras protests alongside dozens of Palestinians in front of the police headquarters in Bireh to demand the release of their kin whom the Palestinian Authority arrested. Liberated Palestinian prisoner Maher Al-Akhras (Archive) The family of […]

Islamic Jihad to ’Act Accordingly’ If ’Israel’ Continues Gaza Strikes

Posted on June 19, 2021 by uprootedpalestinians 19/06/2021 By Staff, Agencies Palestinian resistance groups warned Egyptian mediators that their patience is “running out” after the Zionist occupation regime Thursday evening launched an attack against Hamas positions in retaliation for the launching of incendiary balloons, a senior Islamic Jihad official said on Saturday. The exchanges of […]

Islamic Jihad: Next Jerusalem battle will be ‘regional war’

The next battle over Jerusalem will be a “regional war”, a senior member of the Islamic Jihad Movement’s political bureau warned yesterday. “It is enough to hear five prominent leaders in the region expressing their readiness to defend Jerusalem,” Khaled Al-Batsh told reporters. He described those forces as “capable of waging war and leading a […]

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