Posts Tagged ‘liberated’

Gaddafi took the country with him: Why do Libyans feel occupied after being ‘liberated’?

Hillary Clinton on Qaddafi: “We came, we saw, he died!” The nation still remembers the old days of real sovereignty it had before 2011. Twelve years ago, the so-called Arab Spring visited Libya, ending Muammar Gaddafi’s rule and plunging the country into chaos, leaving it divided along tribal and regional lines. Gaddafi himself was murdered […]

Palestinians celebrate their liberated children albeit restrictions

26 Nov 2023  Source: Al Mayadeen A freed Palestinian prisoner cheers among supporters and relatives after being released from Israeli occupation prisons, in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank on November 26, 2023. (Photo by FADEL SENNA/AFP) By Al Mayadeen English The Palestinian Resistance in the Gaza Strip liberates 39 children from Israeli occupation prisons, as […]

The liberated space of Palestine Writes 

The Palestine Writes Literature Festival was a liberated space for Palestinians to speak and dream freely. It was an unequivocal display of love for a land and her people, their history and their future. Source

NATO-“Liberated” Libya: Foreign Minister Fired For Meeting With Israel

THE KHAZARIAN JEW HILLARY KLINTON OVERJOYED ISRAEL CONTROLLED US/DC MURDERED THE LIBYAN HEAD OF STATE Muammar Gaddafi AND BOMBED LIBYA BACK TO THE STONE AGE Libyan Foreign Minister Najla al-Mangoush met with her Israeli counterpart FM Eli Cohen last week in Rome. Upon reports of the “controversial” meeting, mass protests have erupted across the country, […]

Colin Kaepernick Claims Black Americans Will Not Be ‘Liberated’ Until Capitalism Falls

Multimillionaire social justice warrior Colin Kaepernick has now endorsed communism, while claiming he had to team up with avowed Marxists to edit his new black studies book because “black liberation simply isn’t possible under capitalism.” […] The post Colin Kaepernick Claims Black Americans Will Not Be ‘Liberated’ Until Capitalism Falls appeared first on The People's […]

Ramadan Deal Sees More Than 350 Yemenis Liberated from Saudi Prisons

 April 15, 2023 A flight carrying Yemeni detainees from Saudi Arabia on Saturday heading for Yemen’s capital Sanaa has arrived as part of a large-scale, multi-day exchange that comes as peace talks have raised hopes for an end to Yemen’s eight-year-old war. On Friday, 318 prisoners were transported on four flights between government-controlled Aden and the […]

The Slaveholding City-State Of Sparta’s Liberated Women

On the face of it, Spartans might have felt right at home living under the iron fist of the Third Reich given that this city-state—more than any other in the Greek world—- sacrificed individuality on the altar of authoritarianism. Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

Tears of relief and grief: Photographs from liberated towns in Ukraine

Dozens of Ukrainian towns occupied by the Russian forces since the first weeks of the the full-scale invasion back in February were retaken by Ukrainian forces last week.  Photographs of locals stepping out of their damaged homes to meet the Ukrainian troops, of others returning home first time in 6 months together along with horrific […]

Tears of relief and grief: Photographs from liberated towns in Ukraine

Dozens of Ukrainian towns occupied by the Russian forces since the first weeks of the the full-scale invasion back in February were retaken by Ukrainian forces last week.  Photographs of locals stepping out of their damaged homes to meet the Ukrainian troops, of others returning home first time in 6 months together along with horrific […]

Tears of relief and grief: Photographs from liberated towns in Ukraine

Dozens of Ukrainian towns occupied by the Russian forces since the first weeks of the the full-scale invasion back in February were retaken by Ukrainian forces last week.  Photographs of locals stepping out of their damaged homes to meet the Ukrainian troops, of others returning home first time in 6 months together along with horrific […]

Russian Torture Chambers found in Ukraine’s liberated Areas

    In recovered areas of the northeastern Kharkiv district, troops discovered what Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky alleged were “torture chambers” and Russian-made equipment. “More than ten torture rooms have already been found in the liberated areas of Kharkiv region — in various cities and towns,” Zelensky said. “As the occupiers fled, they also dropped […]

Russian Torture Chambers found in Ukraine’s liberated Areas

    In recovered areas of the northeastern Kharkiv district, troops discovered what Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky alleged were “torture chambers” and Russian-made equipment. “More than ten torture rooms have already been found in the liberated areas of Kharkiv region — in various cities and towns,” Zelensky said. “As the occupiers fled, they also dropped […]

Russian Torture Chambers found in Ukraine’s liberated Areas

    In recovered areas of the northeastern Kharkiv district, troops discovered what Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky alleged were “torture chambers” and Russian-made equipment. “More than ten torture rooms have already been found in the liberated areas of Kharkiv region — in various cities and towns,” Zelensky said. “As the occupiers fled, they also dropped […]

Russian Torture Chambers found in Ukraine’s liberated Areas

    In recovered areas of the northeastern Kharkiv district, troops discovered what Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky alleged were “torture chambers” and Russian-made equipment. “More than ten torture rooms have already been found in the liberated areas of Kharkiv region — in various cities and towns,” Zelensky said. “As the occupiers fled, they also dropped […]

Lugansk PR liberated. 3M22 Zircon as strategic factor

July 03, 2022 Please visit Andrei’s website: support him here: The Lisichansk locals about their liberation by Russian forces Cossacks and Chechens celebrate together their victory in Lisichansk Source

Russia Declares Donbass Republic ‘Fully Liberated’; U.S. Media Begins Walking Back ‘Rosy’ Coverage of Ukraine

The Zelensky regime meanwhile might be using the long-range missile systems America sent them to carry out strikes in Russia — which is exactly what they “promised” the US they wouldn’t do so as to avoid triggering World War III. Source

Islamic Jihad Denounces Assault on Liberated Prisoner Al-Akhras

Posted on August 22, 2021 by uprootedpalestinians 22 Aug 2021 Source: Al Mayadeen The family of liberated Palestinian prisoner Maher Al-Akhras protests alongside dozens of Palestinians in front of the police headquarters in Bireh to demand the release of their kin whom the Palestinian Authority arrested. Liberated Palestinian prisoner Maher Al-Akhras (Archive) The family of […]

Maskless Dr. Fauci Tells Reporters He Feels ‘Liberated’ Under Joe Biden

Dr. Anthony Fauci told a room full of reporters on Thursday that he feels extremely “liberated” now that he is serving under President Joe Biden. New York Times reporter Michael Scheer asked Fauci to share his emotional thoughts about the change of administrations during a Thursday press briefing. “The idea that you can get up here […]

Dr. Fauci Admits Feeling Liberated Under Joe Biden’s Administration

Dr. Anthony Fauci reappeared in the White House press briefing Thursday, admitting that he felt more liberated speaking about the coronavirus under President Joe Biden, rather than former President Donald Trump. New York Times reporter Michael Scheer asked Fauci to share his emotional thoughts about the change of administrations and speaking about the virus going […]

Palestine will not be liberated in isolation: a look back at the 2011 uprisings

December 17 marked ten years since Mohammed Bouazizi, a street vendor in Tunis, set himself on fire in an act of defiance and desperation that triggered what would become known as the Arab Spring.  Over the course of the last ten years, we have witnessed revolutions sweep the Middle East and North Africa, but we […]

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