Posts Tagged ‘feels’

What It Feels Like To Survive An IED Blast

Authored John J. Waters via, (emphasis ours) The following is an excerpt from River City One: A Novel (Knox Press; November 7, 2023). I’m laughing now because I can still see him. He’s got his helmet on, the chinstrap dangling and tobacco spit coming off his lip. I tell you the right side of his face […]

Zelensky ‘feels betrayed’ by West

The Ukrainian president said that the conflict has “become like a show” to the Western public. Source

I Tried the Limba Flex, a Bendy Dildo That Feels Custom-Made for Your Cooch

When it comes to sex toys, I usually belong to the less-is-more camp. Dildos with dizzying amounts of bells and whistles can feel a lot like going to one of those restaurants where everything is doused in truffle oil, or like hanging out at your rich best friend’s house in the 90s and wondering if […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Feels Like Communism

Candice Ortiz @ Mediaite: Marjorie Taylor Greene Delivers Warning From Her Home Gym We’re ‘Post-Constitution’ With Third Trump Indictment: ‘Feels Like Communism!’ Karim Zidan @ Sports Politika: The evolution of fascist fight clubs. Emine Yücel @ Talking Points Memo: Tennessee Dems Expelled After Gun Protest Win Back Seats In Special Election. Joe Jervis: Anti-Abortion Extremist […]

To Many Americans, It Already Feels Like We Are In A Deep Recession

Are you deeply struggling right now?  If so, I want you to know that you are not alone.  Source

Fauci: ‘Whole Scientific Community Feels’ You Have to Be Able ‘to Manipulate Organisms’ — ‘Very Few Reasons’ to Make Pathogens Worse

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” former NIAID Director and former White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci stated that there are “very few reasons” to engage in research “where you deliberately make a pathogen Source

Trudeau says he feels “serene and confident” over decision to freeze protesters’ bank accounts

An attempt to justify his actions. Source

How it feels to visit an apartheid country

The racial profiling is rampant before your eyes. I sauntered through Damascus Gate at midnight. The young Palestinian just behind me got stopped by soldiers demanding his i.d. card. Abuse and invective are normal here. Just look at the picture the racist Israeli politician Itamar Ben-Gvir posted of the Palestinian politician Ahmad Tibi wheeling a […]

Handsy Uncle Joe Publicly Feels up ANOTHER Child: Anatomy of a Dementia-Riddled Predator

The alleged president (who’s not actually in charge of anything, even his own schedule) continues his career-long tradition of molesting children in front of cameras. Recorded incidents occur at an increasing, and alarming, clip. Source

Transgender Movies Take the Spotlight at Venice Film Festival: ‘A Child Who Feels She Is a Boy’

This year’s Venice Film Festival in Italy, which kicks off Wednesday, features two movies in the official competition that have transgender protagonists — including a 12-year-old girl who believes she is a boy.

‘Harvard Crimson’ gets backlash over endorsing BDS — though this time it feels different

Pro-Palestine activists have repeatedly been beaten back at Harvard, and sure enough, today the school paper’s endorsement of BDS is facing intense backlash. But this time round the pro-Israel arguments feel familiar, and have lost their bite. Faculty and alumni letters claim the endorsement will cause Jewish students to feel alienated. One alum warns angrily […]

WATCH: NYPD Rookie Who Gave Lt. Lap Dance Feels ‘It Would Have Stayed In-House’ if Man Did It

The rookie New York Police officer, who was seen in viral video giving her lieutenant a raunchy lap dance at the 44th’s precinct’s Christmas party, says she feels “it would have stayed in house” if a man had given the dance. “I feel like just because mainly, I’m a female dressed the way I was, being […]

‘The occupation feels like it is here to stay and that I should forget my dreams’: snapshots from three young Palestinians

The following articles appeared in the 2021 Christmas Alert compiled by the Christian Palestinian Initiative Kairos Palestine. This year’s alert—”Highlighting the Palestinians unity in struggle, resistance, and hope”—featured glimpses of life across the West Bank, Jerusalem, Gaza, and Israel. Below are the excerpts of three young people we shared with our members over the last month. […]

MP Who Claims She Feels “Unsafe” Around Maskless is Pictured Partying Maskless

An MP who claimed she felt “unsafe” around people who don’t wear masks proudly posted maskless photos of herself to Twitter enjoying a party surrounded by people not wearing masks. Whoops. “I feel incredibly unsafe in the chamber,” when Tories don’t wear masks Labour MP Zarah Sultana stated during a recent BBC News interview. Zarah […]

Hezbollah MP Hits back at Geagea, Says Feels ‘Pity’ for Him

Posted on December 1, 2021 by uprootedpalestinians December 1, 2021 Member of Hezbollah’s Loyalty to Resistance bloc MP Ibrahim Mousawi hit back at accusations made by Head of Lebanese Forces party Samir Geagea that Hezbollah is seeking to delay parliamentary elections. In a statement late Tuesday, MP Mousawi stressed that Hezbollah’s stance towards date of […]

How to fight for a better world when hope feels scarce

Maybe you’re like me and you think you’ve got a pretty good handle on why you’re operating in low gear right now. I’ve written my own list in journals, played it out in my head. Maybe some of this sounds familiar:  “I keep waiting for this pandemic to really, really be over so I can […]

Ben Cohen feels ‘totally fine’ over ‘absurd’ accusation of antisemitism

Ben Cohen says he is “totally fine” with accusations of antisemitism over Ben and Jerry’s decision to stop selling ice cream in Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories because the charge is “absurd.” Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, who cofounded the company, were interviewed by Alexi McCammond of Axios, an exchange published yesterday on Axios/HBO. McCammond asked: “You’re both […]

Bolsonaro’s Own Version Of Jan. 6 Now Feels Inevitable In Brazil

On the morning of Aug. 10, Brazilian military tanks paraded through Brasília, past the presidential palace and in front of the country’s National Congress, where lawmakers were debating a constitutional amendment that would overhaul an election system widely considered one of the safest and most efficient in the world. Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro has spent […]

Jill Biden tells ‘dreamers’ she feels inspired by them

First lady Jill Biden on Thursday told young immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children that she feels “inspired” by them because they didn’t just receive a college education, they “fought for it.” “Your journey from this day forward will be both heartbreaking and hopeful, bruised and beautiful. But you already know […]

Maskless Dr. Fauci Tells Reporters He Feels ‘Liberated’ Under Joe Biden

Dr. Anthony Fauci told a room full of reporters on Thursday that he feels extremely “liberated” now that he is serving under President Joe Biden. New York Times reporter Michael Scheer asked Fauci to share his emotional thoughts about the change of administrations during a Thursday press briefing. “The idea that you can get up here […]

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