Posts Tagged ‘neocon’

NEOCON TRIKKI NIKKI: A Super RINO, Democrat Plant, Uniparty Fraud, Or All 3


NEOCON ZIONIST WARMONGER Ben Shapiro looking for street cred after his “Gaza genocide” commentaries by becoming a cringeworthy rapper! (chuckle, chuckle)

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Vivek Ramaswamy Dunks On Dan Crenshaw After Neocon RINO Mocks Him For His Vow to Withdraw from Colorado Primary Until President Trump is Reinstated

Vivek Ramaswamy Dunks On Dan Crenshaw After Neocon RINO Mocks Him For His Vow to Withdraw from Colorado Primary Until President Trump is Reinstated Source

The Neocon Jihad Against Free Speech Goes Full-Tilt

Shocker: a huge contingent of “free speech warriors” never really meant any of it. Source

Tony Radakin – Through The Neocon Looking Glass – Serving Britain Or The US ?

On the night of October 27, the Kiev regime tried to carry out an unmanned attack on the Kursk nuclear power plant, located in the city of Kurchatov. The Russian Ministry of Defense reports that a Ukrainian drone was intercepted by air defense systems on duty. According to the latest data, we are talking about […]

Neocon Ben Shapiro Threatens Nuclear War Unless U.S. Gives Israel More Money and Weapons

This is not politics; this is blackmail. Source


The Most Vicious and Vengeful, Evil and Wicked, Malicious and Malevolent, Nefarious and Noxious, Dangerous and Deadly, Odious and Repugnant Witch in the World! SOTN Editor’s Note: Truly, the current United States Deputy Secretary of State — Victoria Jane Nuland — has proven to be the bane of our existence, both the American people and […]

Neocon dark money front launches desperate ad blitz as support for Ukraine forever war craters

A PR offensive to inundate the American public with pro-Ukraine war advertisements during the 2024 election is the latest initiative of neocon chickenhawk Bill Kristol. While targeted at GOP voters, the campaign appears to be another Democratic Party front. Source

Watch: Mike Pence Squirms As Carlson Dismantles Neocon Talking Points On Ukraine

As suspected following the Supreme Court’s recent ruling to block the Biden administration’s student loan forgiveness proposal, the administration has created their own loophole to do it anyway. On Friday, the administration announced the forgiveness of $39 billion in student debt for 804,000 borrowers. The new program is thanks to a new regulatory rulemaking process by the Department of […]

Neocon Zionist Warmongers Using Zelensky’s Neo-Nazi Regime to Wage a Perpetual Proxy War Against Russia


Neocon Zionist Warmongers Using Zelensky’s Neo-Nazi Regime to Wage a Perpetual Proxy War Against Russia


Proof that the rabidly Russophobic Neocon Zionist warmongers completely own and operate the Federal Republic of Germany!

READ HERE: German Cities Turn Off Hot Water And Cut Lighting At Government Buildings   Source

For the Neocon Zionist warmongers, it’s all or nothing—Either Hegemony or Armageddon!

NEO-CONS:   GENESIS TO ASENDENCY  Michael Brenner [email protected]  The latest formulation of a binary world pits the so-called democracies against the so-called autocrats. The United States is the self-designated champion of the former while China and Russia lead the array of autocrats. In effect, it’s a reversion to long-running democracy/capitalism vs Communism all-embracing conflict of […]

Ukraine is the latest neocon disaster

The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement. By Jeffrey D. Sachs The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement. The Biden Administration is packed with the same neocons who championed the US wars of choice in Serbia (1999), Afghanistan […]

Biden Official, NeoCon Victoria Nuland Admits to Biological Research Labs in Ukraine

Recall Victoria Nuland is the old Neocon, Hillary Clinton protege who in 2013 gleefully admitted to the US and George Soros dumping $5 billion into Ukraine for “democracy” projects. Soon after, in 2014, Ukraine had the Maiden Revolution in which Neo-Nazis played a large role, which overthrew democratically-elected Yanukovich. Coronavirus News Hotwire: Pfizer stock down […]

Vaxxed Washington Post Neocon Reporter Dies of Heart Attack After Getting Kill Jabs (Died in Service to Empire & Killed By Empire Policy of Kill Jab)

by Admin · December 8, 2021 Vaxxed WaPo Neocon Jew Dies of Heart Attack Source

Saagar Enjeti: The Pseudo-Populist Mainlining Neocon Ideas into Progressive Politics

WASHINGTON — Saagar Enjeti and Krystal Ball are the new king and queen of alternative media. After having just quit The Hill to go fully independent, their new show “Breaking Points” immediately debuted at number one in the global politics podcast charts, comfortably overtaking well-established brands like “Pod Save America” and “The Ben Shapiro Show.” […]

Podcast: The Neocon Agenda to Militarize Space with Robbie Martin and Whitney Webb

In this episode, Whitney and Robbie Martin of Media Roots discuss how the recent heavy promotion of UFOs by the military and intelligence communities masks a decades-old neoconservative agenda to militarize outer space as a way to indefinitely secure American military hegemony. Originally published June 12, 2021 on Source

The Neocon Agenda to Militarize Space with Robbie Martin

Podcast Episodes In this episode, Whitney and Robbie Martin of Media Roots discuss how the recent heavy promotion of UFOs by the military and intelligence communities masks a decades-old neoconservative agenda to militarize outer space as a way to indefinitely secure American military hegemony. Originally published June 12, 2021 on June 16, 2021 0 […]

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