Posts Tagged ‘warmonger’

DERANGED GENOCIDAL MANIAC!!! Warmonger Lindsey Graham Suggests Dropping Nuclear Bombs on Iran and Palestine to Protect Israel (VIDEO)

Warmonger Lindsey Graham Suggests Dropping Nuclear Bombs on Iran and Palestine to Protect Israel (VIDEO) Source

NEOCON ZIONIST WARMONGER Ben Shapiro looking for street cred after his “Gaza genocide” commentaries by becoming a cringeworthy rapper! (chuckle, chuckle)

___ Source

Zionist Warmonger Joe Biden Commits U.S. With Full Congressional Backing To Supporting Palestinian Genocide and Gaza Land Grab

READ HERE: No possibility of Gaza ceasefire – Biden   Source


The Most Vicious and Vengeful, Evil and Wicked, Malicious and Malevolent, Nefarious and Noxious, Dangerous and Deadly, Odious and Repugnant Witch in the World! SOTN Editor’s Note: Truly, the current United States Deputy Secretary of State — Victoria Jane Nuland — has proven to be the bane of our existence, both the American people and […]

China Calls Out NATO as the Troublemaker (Not a Peace Keeping Agency But a Warmonger Bunch of Rapists!)

China has rightly called out NATO for causing all sorts of trouble around the world. RT: NATO is “the real troublemaker” that has fully embraced “Cold War thinking and ideological prejudice” as it continues to generate global tensions, China’s permanent representative to the UN has said. In a statement on Thursday, Zhang Jun hit back […]

Watch Scott Horton’s One-Sided Debate Beatdown Of Warmonger Bill Kristol

An important and long-overdue debate has occurred between Iraq-raping arch-neocon Bill Kristol and the tireless libertarian war critic Scott Horton on the subject of US interventionism, and you should definitely drop whatever you’re doing and watch it immediately. The resolution up for debate was “A willingness to intervene, and to seek regime change, is key to an American foreign policy that […]

The NED’s New CEO: Atlantic Council Warmonger Damon Wilson

The US government’s regime change funding organization – the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) – headed since its inception in 1983 by Carl Gershman – now has a new president and CEO – Damon Wilson.  The NED’s own announcement regarding the handover provides some background for Wilson, claiming: Mr. Wilson currently serves as Executive Vice […]

U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper Morphs Into Naked Warmonger

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper told Europeans, in statements on July 29th and August 9th, “I’ve said that very publicly, I’ve said that very privately to my counterparts as well, about the importance of NATO, any alliance, sharing the burden so that we can all deter Russia […]

Lest We Forget–‘Arch Neo-Con, Consummate Warmonger and Israel firster John Bolton says he’s no longer allowed to see Trump’

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How the US Became a Warmonger Police State

Arch Neo-Con, Consummate Warmonger and Israel firster John Bolton says he’s no longer allowed to see Trump

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David Irving: Warmonger Churchill vs. Peacemaker Hitler

  August 26, 2017 I heard David Irving give a talk in Costa Mesa, CA somewhere around 1999 I think. He’s a likeable guy and gave an interesting talk. However, everyone in that room struck me as Pro Hitler and Pro Nazi, including David Irving. The books on display for sale, the photos, posters, etc,; […]


John McCain: Russia, not ISIS, is the Bigger Threat by Kerry R Bolton Jul 17, 2017 THE LUNATIC ANTI-AMERICANITE McCain Click for Source Article on ForeignPolicyJournal McCain-Clinton-Obama-Soros-Rothschild-Swiss ZIO-MOB Warmongers robbed $5 Trillion in gold-oil from IRAQ = British-Swiss Rothschilds VAULTS + Americans ROBBED of $21 TRILLION from Pentagon + Americans forced to pay to guard […]

Nikki Haley: Warmonger Extraordinaire!

South Front Written by Antonius Aquinas; Originally appeared at It must now be a prerequisite of those who become an American ambassador to the UN to possess certain characteristics and traits, the most important of which are rabid warmonger, child killer, and outright liar. Remember it was Madeleine Albright when asked about the US blockading Iraq […]


SUSAN RICE AND PART OF THE ZIONIST MOB Click for Source Material Click for Source Article on Aim4Truth SUSAN RICE = PUBLIC SERVANT FOR SOROS-BRITISH-ISRAEL-ROTHSCHILDS ZIO-SYNDICATE THAT SOMEHOW HAS $40+ MILLION IN HER BANK ACCOUNTS! In 2012 it was documented at $20 Million! DOUBLED+! SUSAN RICE WEALTH = Big investments in 12+ Canadian oil companies […]

Trump tweets ‘Clinton corrupted’ with six-pointed star, drawing accusations of anti-Semitism

Immediately after the publication of the tweet, social media users bombarded Trump with criticism. READ MORE: Clinton tells Trump to delete his Twitter account  Trump was accused for using what looked like a Star of David along with Clinton’s image in front of a pile of cash. “THIS is textbook anti-Semitic imagery,” said one of […]

Photos: Leader receives Islamic countries’ ambassadors to Iran

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei received a number of senior officials in the country, Islamic countries’ ambassadors to Iran and people from different strata here on Thursday.   By ISNA Source Article from

$1400 Device Can Cause LTE Mobile Phones to Use Compromised 2G Networks

$1400 Device Can Cause LTE Mobile Phones to Use Compromised 2G Networks March 13th, 2016 Via: Bloomberg: Phones now operate on more sophisticated 3G and 4G (also known as LTE) networks. In theory, IMSI catchers can pinpoint only the location of these phones, not […]

White House Petition Calls For Obama To Be Tried For War Crimes

A petition has been published on the White House website accusing Barack Obama of war crimes and demanding his prosecution.  “We demand conviction of a war criminal Barack Obama and trial in the International Criminal Court in [The] Hague. He is guilty of crimes not only against the USA citizens, but against the whole world,” […]

Masked Vigilantes Get Revenge After “Refugees” Invade, Teach Them BRUTAL Lesson [VID]

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Europe is experiencing the repercussions of what happens when you foolishly welcome refugees from uncivilized nations with open arms. Many of these refugees are violent and have no intention or desire to assimilate or follow the laws of the land. Alexandra Mehzer, a 22-year-old aid worker was stabbed to death by […]

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