Posts Tagged ‘wars’

That new study about noodles is nonsense

     If you read or watch the news, by now you’ve probably seen headlines like this today: Don’t Skip the Spaghetti! New Study Says Pasta Not Fattening Eating Pasta Does Not Cause Obesity, Italian Study Finds Enjoy That Pasta Salad: Noodles Linked to Lower BMI Pasta Doesn’t Make You Gain Weight, Says Best Study Ever […]

Death of a humanist filmmaker: Kiarostami and the culture of peace

The death of renowned Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami has jolted the world of cinema mourning the loss of a genius who epitomized Albert Schweitzer’s philosophy of reverence for life. Although it is unclear if Kiarostami was familiar with the works of Schweitzer, nonetheless there is a great deal of natural affinity between them, worthy of […]

If You Like Obama, You’ll Love Trump

نصف الحرب إعلام: الأخبار والتحليل وكلام القادة لماذا يعلن أردوغان الاستعداد لمنح الجنسية للسوريين؟

Source ناصر قنديل – في تحليل النصوص السياسية للقادة والمسؤولين غالباً ما يقع مَن يقرأها، بحبائل وأفخاخ ما أراده صاحبها، إذا انطلقنا من كون القادة لا يتكلّمون لإخبار حقائق من موقع تأدية أمانة ومسؤولية ترتبان قولها، ولا لأنهم محللون موضوعيون محايدون يقدّمون معارفهم للناس بلا هدف، والمحللون أنفسهم لا يفعلون ذلك أصلاً، بل هم أشخاص […]

Bangladesh ISIS Hostage Siege and Killing is a Total Fake – Staged by Zionist Powers

Bangladesh ISIS Hostage Siege and Killing is a Total Fake – Staged by Zionist Powers Nothing could get more fake than the so-called Bangladesh ISIS-orchestrated hostage siege and killing, where, purportedly, some 20 foreigners were killed, while another 6, including police, were also slaughtered. It’s not true. It’s a fake. Moreover, this is easy to […]

Bangladesh ISIS Hostage Siege and Killing is a Total Fake – Staged by Zionist Powers

Bangladesh ISIS Hostage Siege and Killing is a Total Fake – Staged by Zionist Powers Nothing could get more fake than the so-called Bangladesh ISIS-orchestrated hostage siege and killing, where, purportedly, some 20 foreigners were killed, while another 6, including police, were also slaughtered. It’s not true. It’s a fake. Moreover, this is easy to […]

Bangladesh ISIS Hostage Siege and Killing is a Total Fake – Staged by Zionist Powers

Bangladesh ISIS Hostage Siege and Killing is a Total Fake – Staged by Zionist Powers Nothing could get more fake than the so-called Bangladesh ISIS-orchestrated hostage siege and killing, where, purportedly, some 20 foreigners were killed, while another 6, including police, were also slaughtered. It’s not true. It’s a fake. Moreover, this is easy to […]

World War 3 Prophecy #329 June 08 2016

What you are about to hear is another prophecy from the prophet who prophesied Japan’s judgments of God…SIXTEEN years PRIOR to March 11 2011. source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from

Top 5 Pains You Should Never Ignore

Popping a few pills might temporarily alleviate pain in the short-term but ignoring the symptoms for long can prove harmful to your body. Pain is a warning sign that something is wrong. by April McCarthy It’s when you don’t heed what the body is saying, that you suffer adverse consequences. Knowing the common pains that […]

Iran threatens to publish Hajj contract with Riyadh if necessary

TEHRAN – If it is needed, Iran will publish the contract with Saudi Arabia about this year’s Hajj ritual, the head of Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization of Iran said. Saeed Owhadi also said Saudi Hajj officials, in meetings in January and March with Iranian counterparts, had vowed to pay the damages for the last year’s crane […]

Unhinged German SJW: “Don’t Exploit Orlando” – Moslems Tolerate Gays!

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 22, 2016 Well then. Here’s this. Once again liberals display what a pleasure they are to debate with. When the speaker mentions the 50 homosexuals massacred by Omar Mir Seddique Mateen in Orlando in the name of Islam, a bystander throws a tantrum like in kindergarden. Instead of trying to make […]

Israel Denies Water to Palestinian West Bank Areas

posted by Steve Lendman @ 5:14 AM River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian    Filed under: AngloZionist Empire, Gaza, Jerusalem, Nazi Israel, Occupied W Bank, Palestine, Stephen Lendman Source Article from

Forest fires engulf further areas in Russia

     The area of forest fires in Russia increased by 20% in the past twenty-four hours to 10,000 hectares, with more than half of wildfires raging in the Russia’s Trans-Baikal Territory in East Siberia, the aerial forest protection service Avialesokhrana reported on Wednesday. “As of midnight Moscow time on June 8, a total of 65 […]

World War 3|Roblox #1

i know you guys love roblox id post of this many so pls leave a like and subscribe sorry the video stopped automaticly. source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from

2.8 to 4 Million Nonwhite Voters in UK

There are at least 2.8 million—and potentially as many as four million—nonwhite voters in Britain, the product of decades of legal immigration, and who will play a pivotal role in ensuring a “remain” victory in the upcoming referendum on European Union membership. The large number of nonwhite voters was revealed in a press release […]

Denmark eyeing mining cooperation with Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- Danish Ambassador to Tehran Danny Annan in a meeting with a high-ranking Iranian trade delegation in South Khorassan province voiced his country’s willingness to broaden mining cooperation with Iran. “The mining sector is one of the good areas for cooperation between Denmark and South Khorassan province,” Annan said. The Danish envoy pointed to […]

Saudis settle a score with Iran by refusal to okay Iranians for Hajj

Tehran, May 24, IRNA – The Saudis are settling a score with the Islamic Republic of Iran by refusal to give clearance to Iranian pilgrims to take part in this year’s Hajj rituals. At the same time, the Saudis reject any doubt that they have politicized Hajj pilgrimage. Since long ago and after disgraceful behavior […]

It’s about time to unmask the Axis of Evil: 23 million Syrians are besieged

The West and its allies are perpetrating unspeakable yet well-documented crimes against humanity as Washington forges ahead with its pre-planned agenda to destroy non-compliant areas in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in favour of its Wahhabi-inspired proxy armies, which include ISIS and al-Qaeda/Jabhat al-Nursra. US led NATO and its allies, including Wahhabi Saudi […]

Civilization Returns to Palmyra–While the West Scoffs

To cognoscenti there is also another twin city association of St Petersburg, that of the Northern Palmyra. That notion goes back to the age of Catherine the Great, who was likened to the 3rd century queen Zenobia, the powerful ruler of the Palmyran Empire who conquered Egypt and a large swathe of Anatolia. In the […]

US-led France ignored reality in Syria, harmed itself with Russia sanctions – frmr French intel boss

Alain Juillet, former deputy director of intelligence at France’s General Directorate for External Security, accused French authorities of making a range of poor foreign policy choices, such as its pro-rebel stance in the Syrian crisis and anti-Russian response to the Ukrainian turmoil, which he says have proven detrimental to French citizens. ‘Non, merci!’ Protests in […]

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