Posts Tagged ‘part’

Final Absolute Proof One Died in Nice Truck Attack – It’s All Fake

Regarding the Nice truck attack where purportedly 84 people were run over and killed the fact is there is no possibility it is real. In other words, it is a fake, just like all the others, just like Sandy Hoax, the Boston Smoke Bombing fraud, San Bernardino, Paris, France (Charlie Hebdo), and Orlando, among numerous. […]

Amazon Wants Drone Docking Stations

Amazon Wants Drone Docking Stations July 19th, 2016 Via: CNBC: Amazon has been awarded a patent for “docking stations” for its delivery drones that will be built on tall structures such as lampposts or churches and allow the unmanned machines to recharge and pick […]

Medical Marijuana Sharply Reduces Prescriptions for Deadly Narcotics

Medical Marijuana Sharply Reduces Prescriptions for Deadly Narcotics July 18th, 2016 Via: Washington Post: There’s a body of research showing that painkiller abuse and overdose are lower in states with medical marijuana laws. These studies have generally assumed that when medical marijuana is available, […]

Alleged coup leader was once military attaché to Israel

Turkish media on Saturday named former Turkish Air Force chief Akın Ozturk as one of the main instigators of the country’s attempted coup on Friday. Ozturk, who led he air force between 2013 and 2015 before retiring from the army last year, was also the nation’s military attaché to Israel in […]

Truth Will Out Radio: Pure Hearts and Silent Weapons

Radio Aryan July 15, 2016 Sven Longshanks, Dennis Wise and Messerschmitt get together for another episode of Truth Will Out Radio. This week’s presentation by Messerschmitt is the third part in his Leon Degrelle series and sees the conclusion of the epic struggle for the small Ukrainian village which cost so many lives. After that […]

Russia and USA Closer to Cooperation on Syria After Kerry Visited Moscow

nsnbc : Talks between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian President Vladimir Putin have broken the ice the political stalemate and laid the foundation for a better understanding and closer cooperation. Major differences do, however, remain. Photo courtesy of TASS, Mikhail Metzel Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on the meeting between Kerry and […]


Prominent rapper and record producer Hopsin told the truth about ‘Black Lives Matter’ in a barrage of tweets that he was subsequently forced to delete, remarking that BLM activists can’t claim to care about black lives until they address the elephant in the room – black people killing each other in huge numbers. Hopsin – […]

Iran, France to cooperate on building fusion reactor: Official

Tehran, July 11, IRNA – Iran and France have agreed to develop ties in the international nuclear fusion research and engineering project, known as the ITER, says the spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization. Based on the general understanding between Tehran and Paris, for the first time and by 2030, the two countries are going […]

Paul Craig Roberts – Putin is the only responsible world leader the West has

     A Reuters news report under the names of presstitutes Robin Emmott and Sabine Siebold shows how devoid the West is of honest, intelligent and responsible journalists and government officials. First we will examine the dishonesty or incompetence of the reporters and then that of Western government officials. Emmott and Siebold describe NATO as a […]

German intel spied on over 2,000+ EU & NATO diplomatic missions up to 2013 – report

The German DPA news agency cited a document from the Bundestag’s Parliamentary Control Panel (PKGr), which provides parliamentary oversight for Germany’s foreign intelligence. A “low two-figure number of people” belonging to foreign governments were snooped on until October 2013, the report said. It is not yet clear when exactly the snooping started. The paper claims […]

Father & Son Spent 40+ Years Hiding From US Airstrikes In The Wild

The “Tarzans” were found in 2013 – Ho Van Thanh, now 85, and his now 44-year-old son Ho Van Lang, according to reports in local media. For over four decades they had been living as hermits in a remote area of the Tay Tra district of Quang Ngai region of Vietnam. The father served in the […]

Will Americans elect a ‘congenital liar’ president?

PATRICK J. BUCHANAN Does Hillary Clinton possess the integrity and honesty to be president of the United States? Or are those quaint and irrelevant considerations in electing a head of state in 21st-century America? These are the questions put on the table by the report from FBI Director James Comey on what his agents unearthed […]

China-DPRK – volatility or convergence?

Konstantin Asmolov (NEO) : In our last article on China-DPRK relations we paid particular attention to the ambivalence of Chinese politics, thinking about how soon the hard tone toward their relations with Pyongyang may change to a rhetoric of convergence. Today, we talk about the events that could be considered the first steps in this direction. […]

Active Shooter Drill Took Place 8 Days Before Dallas Massacre

FROM CBS DFW: The sights and sounds are scary, but not dangerous. Members of law enforcement, along with fire and EMS personnel conducted an active shooter exercise at a North Texas high school on Wednesday. Emergency vehicles could be seen responding with lights and sirens at Argyle High School. Local hospitals also participated in the disaster drill. […]

Pablo Escobar’s Hippos Keep Having Sex and No One Is Sure How to Stop Them

When drug kingpin Pablo Escobar was killed by the Colombian National Police in 1993, he left a vast and bloody legacy in his wake. The Medellín Cartel boss is regarded as one of the most prolific criminals in history, and is notorious for having built a cocaine-fueled empire on the bodies of thousands of […]

Brooklyn Muslims mark July 4th protesting attack on teens leaving Ramadan prayers

New Yorkers said “Happy Fourth of July” and “Eid Mubarak” at about the same time this year, thanks to the predictable lunar cycle. But a less predictable pattern of violence against Muslims marred the last few days of the holy month of Ramadan for Brooklyn Muslims. This story was originally going to be about the […]

The Ancient Giants of Nevada and the Mystery of Lovelock Cave

Founder of WorldTruth.Tv and Eddie (7698 Posts) Eddie L. is the founder and owner of WorldTruth.TV. and Both website are dedicated to educating and informing people with articles on powerful and concealed information from around the world. I have spent the last 36+ years researching Bible, History, Alternative Health, Secret Societies, Symbolism and […]

Gears of War 3 Mad world Original YouTube

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BEST OF THE WEB: Coup against Corbyn: Tony Blair’s elites try to snatch Labour Party back from the working class

     Steve Topple and Elizabeth Mizon contributed to research for this story. The latest coup attempt against Jeremy Corbyn within the Labour Party is being led by an elitist Blairite network who have always seen his sudden rise to leadership as a threat to their waning control of the party. An investigation by The Canary […]

Turkish aid ship sails to Gaza after talks with Israel ‘largely lift’ blockade

The Panama-flagged ship is carrying 2,000 tons of rice, five tons of flour, packs of sugar, at least 10,000 toys, and some 10,000 packages of food and aid for children in the Gaza Strip.  The goods are expected to be delivered via the Israeli port of Ashdod within 30 hours, the Hürriyet reported. Lady Leyla […]

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