Posts Tagged ‘King’

New Duke Video: Melania Trump Plagiarism? The real scandal of Media tyranny over free speech!

My new video defending Melania Trump on the Plagiarism charge and the real scandal of the media tyranny over our speech and thought! Print PDF Source Article from

Bahrain court ruling on al-Wefaq unconstructive: Iran

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman says a decision by a Bahraini court to dissolve the country’s main Shia opposition movement, the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, is unconstructive. The so-called administrative court in the capital, Manama, on Sunday ordered the dissolution of al-Wefaq and the seizure of its funds after the Bahraini Justice Ministry had suspended […]

Pablo Escobar’s Hippos Keep Having Sex and No One Is Sure How to Stop Them

When drug kingpin Pablo Escobar was killed by the Colombian National Police in 1993, he left a vast and bloody legacy in his wake. The Medellín Cartel boss is regarded as one of the most prolific criminals in history, and is notorious for having built a cocaine-fueled empire on the bodies of thousands of […]


by Jonathan Azaziah Jummah with Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is among the greatest gifts in the known (as well as the unknown) universe–as is any other day, really, when the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance graces us with his presence and blesses us with a speech. Billowing clouds of smog from the treacherous and traitorous […]

Jam petchem plant almost fully operational

TEHRAN, June 20 (Shana) — Polypropylene output of Jam Petrochemical Plant has neared its nameplate capacity since the beginning of the current Iranian calendar year on March 20, the plant’s CEO says. Speaking to Shana, Kambiz Mirkarimi said Jam is the biggest producer of the item in Iran and produced 48,000 tons of polypropylene in […]

CDC abandons public health in favor of politics: Disease being spread through illegal migration thanks to stunning lack of disease screening

(NaturalNews) A leading healthcare advocacy group is calling out the Centers for Disease Control for allowing refugees to enter the United States without first screening and treating them for latent tuberculosis. Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, noted that seven of the CDC’s own public […]

Another case of a knife being planted next to murdered Palestinian’s body

Video: Crime scene manipulated after Hebron killing, possibly disproving claims by Israeli soldier  BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — New video footage has surfaced of an Israeli ambulance driver kicking a knife towards the body of Abd al-Fattah al-Sharif, a young Palestinian whose execution-style murder by an Israeli soldier in March was caught on video, sparking international outrage. […]

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Microsoft Vow to Suppress Alternative Media

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft have officially partnered with the European Commission in order to crack down on free speech by banning “alternative media” from their platforms. by Sean Adl-Tabatabai The European Commission announced their partnership with Facebook and other social media giants on Tuesday, saying they have ordered these internet giants to completely eliminate […]

How Los Angeles teenagers compelled police to back down and remove military-grade weaponry from their high schools

     Los Angeles high school students and organizers forced police to remove grenade launchers and M-16s from their arsenals. A coalition of Los Angeles high school students and grassroots organizers just accomplished the unthinkable. After nearly two years of sit-ins and protests, they forced the police department for the second-largest public school district in the […]

Rise of the robots: Smartphone maker Foxconn eliminates 60,000 factory jobs by switching to robot workers

     The manufacturing hub for the electronics industry, Kunshan, in Jiangsu province, is seeking a drastic reduction in labour costs as it undergoes a makeover after an industrial explosion killed 146 people in 2014. The county, one-seventh the size of neighbouring Shanghai and the mainland’s first county to achieve US$4,000 per capita income, was adjudged […]

Activists In Pacific Northwest Vow To Keep Fossil Fuel Industry On Notice

Print Friendly Above Photo: The “It’s in Our Hands” march took place near Anacortes, Washington, on May 14, the Indigenous Day of Action. (Photo: Courtesy of Elliot Stoller) They call it a tipping point. It began with the “Shell No” mobilization last spring, when activists in Portland and Seattle thwarted the oil giant’s Arctic drilling plans. Now, after […]


Ziad Fadel AL-ZAARA VILLAGE:  Yesterday in the evening, a grouping of pestilential cockroaches belonging to the following terrorist organizations supported by the stinking rat-British scum:  Jabhat Al-Nusra/Alqaeda, Ahraar Al-Shaam, Faylaq Homs, Kataa’`ib Ahl Al-Sunna, Ajnaad Homs, descended upon a largely ‘Alawi village of peaceful citizens in an act of revenge for the massive achievements of […]

10 reasons israel Is Just Like Saudi Arabia

Israel Is Just Like Saudi Arabia On the surface, it would seem that Saudi Arabia and Israel would be the worst of enemies and indeed, they have never had diplomatic relations. After all, the Saudis have championed the cause of the Palestinians, who are oppressed by the Israelis. Israelis say they are besieged by Muslim […]

US General: We Prepared ISIL to Destroy Hezbollah

Local Editor US retired general Wesley Clark admitted that Washington and its allies made ISIL terrorist group to face Hezbollah in Lebanon. In an interview with CNN, Clark added that the Gulf states funded the terrorist group and the US prepared it to destroy Hezbollah. The US general also said that hundreds of millions of […]

Brexit Could Lead To World War Says David Cameron

British prime minister David Cameron has warned that peace in Europe could be at risk if Britain votes to leave the European Union He believes that Europe is keeping UK safe and pleaded for Britain to stay in the EU to help prevent the continent being ripped apart by another conflict. The Tory leader warned […]

It’s Official: Vaccinated People Responsible For ‘Spreading Mumps’

The recent outbreak of mumps at Harvard University was due to the fact that vaccinated students spread the disease throughout the campus, according to the Public Health department.  Researchers are now saying that any new outbreaks of mumps are likely to originate from people who are vaccinated against the disease, and not from those who […]

Judge Orders Mother’s Child to be Snatched Because She Believes in “Chemtrails”

A judge in Colorado ordered a mother’s child to be removed from her custody because the mother’s interest in “chemtrails” was a “fringe subculture” and represented a threat to her daughter. Boulder Judge Dolores Mallard told Becca Vandb that her interest in the chemtrail conspiracy – which holds that some contrails emitted by commercial […]

England Bans its Own Flag to Avoid Offending Muslims

From: St. George’s Cross “racist” towards immigrants Government officials said their city was too multicultural to celebrate St Georges Day, Englands version of the 4th of July. The council said that displaying the English flag may have been seen as racist towards immigrants. Source Article from

Wishful thinking: Saakashvili plots return to Georgia after Ukraine fiasco

     Disgraced former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, currently the governor of Ukraine’s Odessa region, appears to be homesick. The former president, who had his Georgian citizenship revoked and faces criminal charges including embezzlement and abuse of power, told Georgian television channel Rustavi 2 that he has plans to return home. Saakashvili explained that he would […]

Leader: Young Iranians ‘major target of cultural invasion’

TEHRAN, Apr. 20 (MNA) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution has told a meeting of Islamic Student Association members Iranian youth has been a soft target for enemies’ ‘soft war.’Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received on Wednesday thousands of members of Islamic Student Associations nationwide. Leader’s address focused on constant confrontation of the Imperialist front with […]

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