Posts Tagged ‘portuguese’

Portuguese parliamentarians vote in favour of euthanasia despite president’s veto

Portugal’s parliament has passed a bill legalising euthanasia after an intense debate including a veto by the country’s president. Source

Portuguese ceramic industry takes a dent as energy crisis looms

The ceramics sector in Portugal is one of the most affected by the increase in energy prices. The gas bill of this company, in the north of Portugal, increased by almost five times, from €300,000 to almost €1.5 million a month. The electricity bill doubled. “The gas and electricity used to represent about 30% of […]

Largest Ever Dinosaur Fossil Emerges from Portuguese Jurassic Backyard

The skeleton of a ginormous 82-foot (25-meter) long late-Jurassic dinosaur skeleton was found in central Portugal, which was accidentally unearthed in a man’s backyard in the city of Pombal back in 2017. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later 

Portuguese UN troops suspected of smuggling diamonds from Central African Republic

Portugal has carried out a series of raids as part of an investigation into diamond smuggling involving suspect United Nations troops. Portuguese soldiers are suspected of trafficking diamonds, drugs, and gold back into Europe.from the Central African Republic. Police said they had carried out a major crackdown on a criminal network that used the soldiers […]

‘Portuguese Schindler’ who saved thousands from Nazis is honoured in Lisbon

Portugal has paid official homage to a diplomat who helped save thousands of people from Nazi persecution during World War II. Aristides de Sousa Mendes — known as the “Portuguese Schindler” — was honoured at the country’s National Pantheon on Tuesday. Leading Portuguese politicians, public figures and the diplomat’s own descendants attended the formal televised […]

Norse Explorers Reached Azores 700 Years Before Portuguese

Until now it was believed that the Azores island group was discovered by Portuguese sailors in the 15th century. However, a new study shows Norse explorers had brought animals to the islands 700 years earlier. Furthermore, the Norsemen burned and engineered the wild wooded landscape to better suit cattle grazing. The view of Mt. Pico […]

Iran summons Portuguese ambassador over EU sanctions

TEHRAN – The Iranian Foreign Ministry has summoned the Portuguese Ambassador to Tehran, Carlos Costa Neves, to protest at the European Union’s “impudent” move to blacklist a number of Iranian officials and bodies. “Following the European Union’s impudent move to put the names of several Iranian officials and institutions on its list of human rights […]

Judge drops corruption charges against Portuguese ex-PM Socrates, who still faces trial for alleged money-laundering

The corruption charges facing Portugal’s former prime minister, Jose Socrates, since his arrest in 2014 have been dropped, but he will still stand trial for alleged money laundering, according to local reports. Ivo Rosa, a judge at Portugal’s highest criminal court, announced on Friday that Socrates would no longer face corruption charges due to insufficient […]

Historic Portuguese Appeals Court ruling on PCR test

Historic Portuguese Appeals Court ruling on PCR test Jon Rappoport February 24, 2021 I’m continuing my series exposing the COVID test fraud. [1] On November 11, 2020—and ignored completely by major media in the US and other countries—the Lisbon, Portugal, Court of Appeal ruled against lockdowns, because they were based on unreliable PCR tests. [2] […]

Portuguese politician implies Jewish finance behind Israel vaccine success

A Portuguese politician suggested that Jewish financial domination has facilitated Israel’s success in vaccinating for COVID-19. His tweet prompted an unusual repudiation several days later by the country’s second-largest party. “The Jews, as they dominate the fiscal world, bought and have the vaccines they wanted,” Rodrigo Sousa e Castro, a local lawmaker from Lisbon, wrote. […]

Portuguese Nurse Dies Suddenly After Receiving COVID Vaccine

(Zero Hedge) The latest suspicious death to occur days (or, in some cases, even hours) after a patient received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine has surfaced in Portugal, where a pediatric surgery assistant in Porto (who was reportedly in “perfect health” when she received her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine) has died […]

Portuguese Court Rules That The PCR Test “Is Unable To Determine” A COVID-19 Infection

The Facts: A Portuguese court has determined that the PCR tests used to detect COVID-19 are not able to prove an infection beyond a reasonable doubt, and thus determined that the detainment of four individuals was unlawful and illegal. Reflect On: With no clear cut answer, and many doctors and scientists contradicting each other, should […]

Photos: Portuguese Castle in Hormuz Island

IFP- The Portuguese Castle of Hormuz Island, built in the early 16th century, is one of the last surviving monuments of the Portuguese rule in the Persian Gulf. The castles built by Portuguese during their colonial rule in the Persian Gulf in 16th and 17th century are scattered across its littoral areas and islands, including […]

Portuguese Children To Sue European Govs Over Climate Change

One of the children spearheading the unprecedented case is 18-year-old Claudia from the Leiria district, who said older generations have a responsibility to stop releasing dangerous pollution. “What worries me the most about climate change is the rise in temperatures, which has contributed to the number of fires taking place in our country,” she said. […]

Portuguese photographers launch Israel boycott pledge

On World Photography Day, over 40 Portuguese photographers, teachers of photography and photography students have launched a pledge not to accept professional invitations or financing from the State of Israel and to refuse to collaborate with Israeli cultural institutions complicit in  Israel’s regime of occupation, colonialism and apartheid. The pledge is the first of its […]

Portuguese airline chief may ask to ground all drones following near-miss incidents

If drones “keep entering airspace, we’re going to call for them to be grounded,” TAP Airline President Fernando Pinto told Portuguese radio station TSF, as quoted by AP. Personal drones no longer need to be registered with FAA, US federal court rules He went on to state that such a request could set off a […]

Pope canonizes Fatima children as thousands flood Portuguese town amid tightened security

“We declare the blissful Francisco Marto and Jacinta Marto saints,” the pope said after a mass at the shrine complex in the town of Fatima located north of the Portuguese capital of Lisbon that marked the centenary of the apparitions of Madonna to the Marto siblings and a third child. The announcement was met with […]

Germany, intl migration body to create global databank for tracking refugees

The move was announced by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).  “Especially in critical times, such as those we are facing today, it is our task to ensure that responses to migration are based on sound facts and accurate analysis,” IOM Director General William Lacy Swing said on Tuesday in the German capital. The system, […]

Ultra-orthodox Israeli rabbi bans girls over five from riding bikes because it is ‘provocative’

Philippines to buy Iranian LNG

Following several Asian and European countries, the Philippines, as the second most populous country in South East Asia, has expressed eagerness to engage with Iran’s oil and gas industry. The South East Asian state has formally called for the purchase of Iranian gas as well as launching new LNG production projects in southern Iran. Accordingly, […]

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