Posts Tagged ‘sign’

Iran’s investment in industrial sector up 19.5pc

Iran’s annual investment in its industrial sector increased by 19.5 per cent in the year ending March 19, according to latest statistics revealed by the Central Bank of Iran (CBI). The industrial sector attracted investments totalling $38.6 billion during the mentioned period, added the Iran Daily News report, citing IRNA. The report further stated that […]

Angry birds: City birds are more aggressive than their country cousins

     No need to head to the movie theater or download the video game app: Angry Birds can be found right in your backyard this summer—if you live in the suburbs, that is. Virginia Tech researchers recently found in Southwest Virginia that birds that live in suburban areas exhibit significantly higher levels of territorial aggression […]

Smoking Pot Changes the Way You Look at Money, Study Finds

A new study came to a thought-provoking conclusion that smoking marijuana alters the way the human brain responds to money. Researchers of the University of Michigan Medical School conducted a four-year study that involved 108 people in their early 20s. For the purpose of the study, the participants were asked to play a game in […]

These People With Bernie Sanders Tattoos Must be Feeling Pretty Stupid Right Now

Bernie Sanders – the “anti-Wall Street candidate” betrayed his entire support base yesterday by endorsing Hillary Clinton – the ultimate Wall Street insider. Wall Street banks make up four of the top seven of Hillary’s all-time political donors. Hillary has received a total of over $6 million dollars from Wall Street […]


During a press conference on the sidelines of a NATO conference in Warsaw, Poland on Saturday, Obama said he will “start moving on constructive actions” to federalize state and local police. He will meet next week with the White House task force set up after Michael Brown was shot in Ferguson, Missouri. The task force […]

Why were Jewish Defense League extremists allowed at London Israel rally?

Hilary Aked Lobby Watch 8 July 2016 Roberta Moore and Robert de Jonge, wearing black T-shirts with the yellow Jewish Defence League logo, watch over Board of Deputies president Jonathan Arkush. Matthew Offord, a Conservative lawmaker, and Jonathan Arkush, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, spoke at a small pro-Israel rally in […]

Health Ranger’s science lab reveals alarming data: America’s municipal water systems violate federal regulations with high levels of toxic heavy metals

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on and a globally recognized scientific researcher in clean foods. He serves as the founding editor of and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. […]

Nostradamus Predicted Isis, Zika Virus And President Bernie Sanders

Nostradamus is famous for predicting major world events centuries before they took place, with scholars claiming he predicted Napoleon, Hilter, the JFK assassination and the 9/11 attacks among his prophecies – but did he also predict ISIS, the Zika virus, and a Bernie Sanders presidency? A newspaper cutting featuring a Nostradamus prediction foreseeing a “Muslim […]

SHOCK: Americans’ drinking water could become thousands of times more radioactive under new EPA proposal

(NaturalNews) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed rule changes that would permit drinking water to become hundreds of thousands of times more radioactive than currently allowed. The rule would permit water so radioactive that it would expose those drinking it to the equivalent of 250 chest X-rays per year. Environmental groups immediately […]

SHOCK: Americans’ drinking water could become thousands of times more radioactive under new EPA proposal

(NaturalNews) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed rule changes that would permit drinking water to become hundreds of thousands of times more radioactive than currently allowed. The rule would permit water so radioactive that it would expose those drinking it to the equivalent of 250 chest X-rays per year. Environmental groups immediately […]

Japan Outraged Over New Scandal Involving U.S. Military Base Worker

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : Only one week after tens of thousands of Japanese in Okinawa and Tokyo went to the streets to protest the epidemic proportions of violence, rape, murder and other crimes committed by U.S. military personnel as well as civilian military employees and contractors. Okinawans are outraged at yet another scandal. On Monday citizens in […]

Expert – Brexit Will Cause Temporary Turmoil But UK Will Remain In EU

Britain’s exit from the EU will cause turmoil, but only temporarily, as the UK will eventually remain part of Europe, according to American author and radio host Stephen Lendman Lendman believes, as do others, that the Union will continue and nothing will change as that is what the powers that be want. “There will be […]

Great White shark attacks fisherman near Cape Agulhas, South Africa

     A shark, apparently a Great White, attacked a spear fisherman near Cape Agulhas on Thursday, the NSRI said. A fellow spear fisherman brought the 43-year-old man to Arniston harbour around noon and used the rubber bands from their spear guns as a tourniquet on the wounds, National Sea Rescue Institute Agulhas station commander Reinard […]

US gives Israel F-35 jet to kill Palestinians

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem –The US is to send the first F-35 jet to Israel to kill Palestinian women and children, as well as to destroy schools, mosques, hospitals and kindergartens. F-35 is the world’s most advanced fighter jet. Israel is set to receive it amid a celebration that will be held in Washington which […]

Zarif departs Tehran for Paris

Zarif’s visit came upon an official invitation by his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault and he is also slated to held talks with François Hollande, President of French Republic, on Wednesday on expansion of bilateral ties as well as regional and international developments. Meeting with France’s speakers of Parliament and Senate and delivering a speech in a […]

12 people plotting terror attacks arrested overnight in Belgium – prosecutor

“In connection with a criminal investigation concerning terrorism… 40 people were taken for questioning. Twelve of them were arrested. The investigating judge will decide on their possible detention later today,” the prosecutor’s office said. Some 40 addresses were searched during the raid. The anti-terrorism operation was carried out in 16 areas, according to RTBF. Apart […]

See What Happens When 9 People Escape Reality & Unplug From The Matrix!

Have you ever wanted to escape the rat race and live a simpler less consumerist life? Have you ever wanted to be free and live a more meaningful life away from all the distractions? Ever wanted to step out of your comfort zone and explore what it means to live in community? This is what nine people […]

UK pedophile filmed himself raping toddler and recorded victims on toilet, sentenced to 12 years with possibility of early release

     Police raided 56-year-old Stuart Tomlinson’s home to look for indecent images of children on his computer A paedophile who filmed himself raping a toddler was jailed for 12 years. Police raided 56-year-old Stuart Tomlinson’s home in Liverpool to look for indecent images of children on his computer on July 22 last year. But as […]

Michel Chossudovsky: US-NATO war games target Russia only indirectly; main target is Middle East

     Anakonda 2016, NATO’s large-scale military exercises underway in Poland, is meant to kill two birds with one stone – intimidate Russia, but more importantly help Washington to “wage wars” across the globe, particularly in the Middle East, Canadian economist and author Michel Chossudovsky told PressTV. The war games, launched on Monday, will run until […]

Austria: Iraqi Migrant Who Claimed He was Gay for Asylum Arrested for Sex Attack on Girl, 11

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 31, 2016 This guy? You can totally trust him around children, goyim. After all, he’s the victim of the whole world. He should have just told the truth and said he was a child-molestor. They still would have given him asylum. Maybe they would have given him double-asylum. Daily Express: An […]

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