Posts Tagged ‘men’

IDF bulldozed a Palestinian home sparks clashes in West Bank

     At least three people were wounded in clashes with the IDF as army troops bulldozed a Palestinian suspect’s house in West Bank. Angry locals reportedly threw Molotov cocktails and fired makeshift guns at the soldiers. The demolition took place on Monday in the town of Qabatiya, AFP reported. IDF forces bulldozed the house of […]

Waking up? 79% of Americans say nation is headed in wrong direction

     A large majority of Americans believe the United States is not on the correct track, a new poll says, while a dismal number of supporters of both presidential nominees, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, are proud of their preferred candidate. Nearly 80 percent of Americans say they are not hopeful about the current state […]

Video Shows Cops Publicly Execute Unarmed Teen Boy as He Lies on the Ground

Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Fresno, CA — Disturbing body cam footage was made public this week showing Fresno police execute unarmed Dylan Noble. The only thing this 19-year-old boy did wrong was get stopped by cops who have been trained to kill. The video shows cops […]

Australian PM Turnbull and LNP Declare Election Victory – Labor Concedes Defeat

nsnbc : Australian Prime Minister and Liberal National Party (LNP) leader Malcolm Turnbull declared victory in las Sunday’s elections. The announcement was made only hours after Labor Party leader Bill Shorten called Turnbull to concede that his party is unable to form a government. Malcolm Turnbull (archives) TC – David Moir/AAP Addressing the press in […]

Raw Footage of Dallas Sniper Shooting Police Officer

The video you are about to see shows the moment that a sniper guns down a Dallas police officer. Warning: Discretion is strongly advised. #Dallas…..this was one of the shooters…no hesitation. — Chase Trimmier (@chasetrimmier) July 8, 2016 Source Article from

Of Course 23andMe’s Plan Has Been to Sell Your Genetic Data All Along

Today, 23andMe announced what Forbes reports is only the first of ten deals with big biotech companies: Genentech will pay up to $60 million for access to 23andMe’s data to study Parkinson’s. You think 23andMe was about selling fun DNA spit tests for $99 a pop? Nope, it’s been about selling your data all along. […]

Media React to FBI Director Comey on Clinton’s “Extreme Carelessness”…

How Justice Scalia’s Absence Has Affected the US Supreme Court’s Decisions

US Spies Caught in Nicaragua: China’s Grand Canal Under Danger?

Multiple Collier County (FL) Sheriff’s Deputies Beat And Tazer Man During Arrest

The following post was shared with the CopBlock Network by Andrew Sheets of Charlotte County, Fl. CopWatch, via the Submissions Page. The post includes a video of a man named Robert Harris being arrested. The first video consists of what appears to be two separate dashcam videos. Harris is initially not in view of […]

‘Crocodile’ Spotted Basking In The Thames At The Isle Of Dogs

City workers in London’s docklands spotted what they thought to be a crocodile basking on a plank of wood along the River Thames in the Isle of Dogs, East London. Locals panicked unnecessarily as the reptile was seen close to a group of children paddling in the water. As it turned out later, what appeared to […]

A Righteous Cause

freefall, GuestWaking Times As much as anything else, the enemy wants us spiritually compromised. When I launch into my tirades to the troops, invariably I have an awakened veteran give me a bad time about it. He still hasn’t forgiven himself and this detracts from his ability fight for the cause in […]

Visions of Ireland’s Future

Youtube link It is necessary for us to envision the future that we will create, not wallow in depression because of the future our enemies want to enforce upon us. This is a beautiful glimpse into what Ireland WILL become, with the hard work of the Irish people. Source Article from

The Norwegian Paintings of Hans Dahl

self portrait Hans Dahl (1849 – 1937) was  Norwegian painter famous for his representations of Norwegian fjords and the surrounding countryside. He would often include seafaring men and lovely ladies in the middleground of his work. His contemporaries, who were pursuing the new styles of modernism, criticized the Romanticism and classical style of Hans. He was not very […]

The Isha Upanishad

Introduced by John Scott Montecristo   This imitation translation of the Isha Upanishad, the first to be done in trimetrical rhyming quatrains—i.e., with three stresses per line—was composed over 10 years ago as a literary exercise by Lasha Darkmoon. An imitation translation, a genre of translation widely recognized and practiced by many poets, can also […]

UK pedophile filmed himself raping toddler and recorded victims on toilet, sentenced to 12 years with possibility of early release

     Police raided 56-year-old Stuart Tomlinson’s home to look for indecent images of children on his computer A paedophile who filmed himself raping a toddler was jailed for 12 years. Police raided 56-year-old Stuart Tomlinson’s home in Liverpool to look for indecent images of children on his computer on July 22 last year. But as […]

Spokane County Sheriff’s Deputies Cite “Constitutionalists” as a Justification for MRAP Vehicle

The video above and the description below was shared with the CopBlock Network by “General Gonzo S. Patton,” via the Submission Page. Along with the video description, he states, “I despise this attitude in these Chickenshit Ticket Writers.” The video was originally posted by Alex Jones‘ Infowars channel on Youtube back in 2014. It […]

Video captures cop raping female inmate; officers threaten victim and deny her medical treatment

     A woman’s stay in jail for an alleged misdemeanor probation violation turned into a nightmare after she was repeatedly raped, on video, and the officers who saw it, covered it up and threatened to kill her if she talked. The woman, identified in court documents as A.R., has since filed a lawsuit after the […]

Stanford swimmer who raped unconscious woman gets slap on the wrist

     Comment: Another story highlighting how the the judicial system protects the rapist and blames the victim. Rape Culture in America – How the system protects the rapists and fails the victims Sometimes to get to the beginning you have to start at the end. Thursday afternoon in a Santa Clara courthouse, Judge Aaron Persky […]

Flush With Victory Over Methanol, RedLine Now Targets LNG Plant

If you thought Tacoma’s methanol protest movement — with the red shirts and bumper stickers that popped up through the spring — disappeared with the end of the Tideflats plant proposal, just look around. You could glimpse its future at a victory concert activists held in a downtown tavern on a Sunday in late April. […]

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