Posts Tagged ‘riding’

Schiff riding high amidst a fierce scramble for 2nd place in CA Senate race

LOS ANGELES — Rep. Adam Schiff holds a clear lead in the race to represent California in the U.S. Senate, according to a new POLITICO | Morning Consult poll, leaving him well-positioned to advance after the upcoming March primary. The fiercer fight is for the number two spot in the general election, with Republican Steve […]

India Comes To The U.N. With Diplomatic Mess After Riding Geopolitical High

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused the Indian government of being involved in the assassination of a Sikh leader on Canada’s soil. Source

Earliest Evidence Of Horse Riding Found in 5,000-year-old Skeletons

Unique skeletal signatures identified on 5,000 years old bodies from modern Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, provide the earliest evidence of horse riding ever discovered. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

NYC Crime Wave: Man Fatally Stabbed in Neck While Riding the Subway

A man was fatally stabbed in the neck while riding the subway in New York City on Friday night, according to police. Source

Sofia Vergara celebrates American Independence Day by “riding a bull” (VIDEO)

Sofia Vergara posted on her Instagram how she chose to spend Independence Day, it was not exactly the typical American celebration, but also very American… The Colombian actress put on her bikini, dived into the pool and rode an… inflatable bull.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Sofia Vergara (@sofiavergara)… […]

The Cringeworthy Reason Witches are Shown Riding Broomsticks

What comes to mind when you think of a witch? For most people, the first image that comes to mind is of a witch flying through the night sky on a broomstick. Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Europe History Ancient Traditions Read Later 


I know it sounds crazy, just like the “official’ USA “government” fairytale. A handful of “Arabs” who could not get single engine prop planes off a runway and into the air took control of huge jet liners, made them preform high speed maneuvers which they are not capable of without self destructing in the air, […]

This OTC Automaker Stock Riding EV Momentum Has Better 1-year Returns Than Apple, Nio, and GM

German automaker Volkswagen Group’s (VWAGY) over-the-counter stock has fetched far more handsome returns over the past year than U.S. tech giant Apple Inc. and Shanghai, China-based electric automaker Nio Inc. Just as rival legacy automakers, Volkswagen is dedicating billions of dollars and setting a tighter deadline to switch to a fully electric vehicle portfolio. Volkswagen […]

Pictured: ISIS Riding in a U.S. MARK-1 Plumbing Truck

By infostormer -October 11, 20210 The Taliban has said that they will not work with the United States to help stop the CIA-supported ISIS-K terrorists from blowing things up in Afghanistan. It’s funny that this ISIS-K group was reportedly just hanging out in the mountains doing almost nothing since the mid 2010s, and the moment the United […]

Billionaire Blastoff: Rich Riding Own Rockets Into Space

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.—Two billionaires are putting everything on the line this month to ride their own rockets into space. It’s intended to be a flashy confidence boost for customers seeking their own short joyrides. The lucrative, high-stakes chase for space tourists will unfold on the fringes of space—55 miles to 66 miles up, pitting Virgin […]

East Meets West: Little Red Riding Hood Versus Japan’s Okuri-Inu

Throughout history the dark of the night has always brought fear. The quiet forests, roads or paths were a place where imagination would run wild as to what goes bump in the night. In the West, Little Red Riding Hood was the story created to warn travelers about what could be prowling in these desolate […]

Riding the Light Wave: Astrology Forecast November 29th – December 6th, 2020

November 30th, 2020 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Stay mindful that we haven’t yet reached the very end of the rickety bridge between worlds that is 2020. Tempting as it is to engage in comforting magic thinking about the approaching Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction at the December 21st Solstice, we are now being […]

WATCH: Girl Released from Hospital Fulfills Dream of Riding Medical Helicopter

A four-year-old bone marrow transplant recipient fulfilled her dream of riding a medical helicopter when she was released from the hospital after three months. Bohdi got to go home in time for Thanksgiving after her three-month stay at Methodist Children’s Hospital in San Antonio, Texas. But before went home, a flight nurse she bonded with […]

Blackbird9 – Riding Shotgun With Dante Through Circle Game

Blackbird9 – Riding Shotgun With Dante Through Circle GameBLACKBIRD9 EFR simulcasts Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club Live on Weds 8pm-10pm US est. Welcome to Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club’s Wednesday Podcast,  Riding Shotgun With Dante Through Circle Game.  Tonight we examined the symbolism of Heaven and Hell. In the First Hour  we cover the chaotic events brought on by […]

A good way to be kinder to elephants is to stop riding them

Image Credit: Lady Freethinker This article was produced by Earth | Food | Life, a project of the Independent Media Institute. Elephants are chained to small dirt circles covered in feces and are only allowed a brief moment of reprieve from their tethers to unwillingly carry around tourists on their backs. While this may sound […]

Riding the Storm: Does the Sun Trigger Hurricanes and Social Unrest?

February 8th, 2018 By Therese Wade Guest writer for Wake Up World What do the activities of our sun have to do with the increase in extreme weather, public scandals, mass tragedies and social unrest that we are experiencing here on earth? According to indigenous and shamanic belief, and their understanding of life and the […]

Riding the Storm: Does the Sun Trigger Hurricanes and Social Uprising?

Therese Wade, Guest Waking Times What do the activities of our sun have to do with the increase in extreme weather, public scandals, mass tragedies and social unrest that we are experiencing here on earth? According to indigenous and shamanic belief, and their understanding of life and the universe… everything. Each time I travel […]

Riding Your Flow: 8 Steps for Enhancing Your Creativity and Productivity

23rd October, 2017 By Dr. Kelly Neff Guest writer for Wake Up World Why is that we tend to be more successful at pursuits we are genuinely passionate about? Why does time seem to drag when you are completely bored and uninterested in a task? How come you can easily lose yourself in a task that really […]

[WATCH] Washington Cop Attacks Girl for Riding Bike, Blames Her for Attacking Him

Download your free copy now. Source Article from

Doctor Cured Her Own Multiple Sclerosis and Went From Wheelchair to Riding a Bike in Just One Year

In the modern day world, there is so many life threatening diseases to worry about. One of the most debilitating is multiple sclerosis – and this doctor found a cure by treating herself. Multiple sclerosis is a very common disabling neurological disease of young people. It afflicts approximately a quarter of a million Americans. The […]

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