Posts Tagged ‘astrology’

Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs: Astrology’s Big Three

Your sun, moon, and rising make up what astrologers call the big three. Why are they so big? Are they any more important than the rest of your natal chart, which illustrates the placements of the planets at your time of birth? While they aren’t more important, they are certainly highlights of your natal chart, […]

The Best Gifts for Each Astrology Sign on Valentine’s Day

Congratulations, dude. You must really be in love, because if you’re at the point in your relationship or situationship where you’re browsing for the best V-Day gifts per astrological vibes, you are whipped in the cuddle sauce and don’t care who knows it. Maybe you’re here, in an astrology V-Day gift guide, because your partner […]

ACH (1888) Lisa Lazuli – The Case For Astrology

In today’s show originally broadcast on August 24 2022, Andy is joined by Lisa Lazuli, for a show entitled, “The Case For Astrology.” We discussed: why astrology is not Anti-Christian, indeed Lisa is both a Christian and an astrologer; Lisa’s educational background and why she chose to specialize in the field of astrology; how an […]

Royals and the Occult: Witchcraft, Astrology, and Mystical Healing

We often talk about the modern world’s obsession with celebrities. People love to talk about the rich and famous. Read more Section:  News History Ancient Traditions Famous People Read Later  Source

Astrology In The Bible: Jesus The Fisher King

The Old and New Testaments are often portrayed as being written in isolation, and bearing little or no connection to the beliefs that preceded them. But this view is unlikely in the extreme, as the Israelites were resident in Egypt for many centuries prior to the claimed Exodus and are likely to have been highly […]

Hope Triumphs Over Confusion: Astrology Forecast 17th – 23rd May, 2021

Print Friendly or Save as PDF May 17th, 2021 By Nikki Harper Staff Writer for Wake Up World There’s a real mixed bag of astrological activity this week, and at times the cosmic waters are quite muddy. Nevertheless, the energy of Jupiter’s recent arrival in compassionate Pisces is still settling in, providing an underlying optimism […]

Healing and Regeneration: Astrology Forecast May 9th – 16th, 2021

Print Friendly or Save as PDF May 10th, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Expect to feel a shift towards healing and regeneration this week as the planetary kaleidoscope turns and forms new crystalline patterns in Taurus and Pisces. May is the month of Earth sign Taurus, the sign of the […]

A Course Correction: Astrology Forecast May 2nd – 9th, 2021

May 3rd, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World On the heels of last weeks’ Super Full Moon, we are now entering eclipse territory when the ripples from these cosmic wild cards can already be felt a month beforehand. For 18 eclipse strategies, get:” Making Eclipses Work for You” May is going […]

Super Full Moon: Astrology Forecast April 26th – May 2nd, 2021

April 26th, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Get ready for the 1st of 2021’s 4 Super Moons – a Full Moon on steroids at its closest to the earth anchoring an April 24-30 shock window. This April 27 event will bring strong geo-cosmic disturbance, since it is conjunct volatile Uranus […]

Elemental Change: Astrology Forecast April 18th – 25th, 2021

April 19th, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World This is the run up to the 1st of 2021’s 4 Super Moons on April 26/27th – a Full Moon at 7 Scorpio on steroids at its closest to the earth anchoring an April 24-30 seismic window. Extra grounding, hydration, rest and time […]

Seeding the New: Astrology Forecast April 11th – 18th, 2021

April 12th, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Feel a sense of possibility and potential this week seeded by the fiery Aries New Moon on 11/12th in a Super Conjunction of Chiron/Mercury/Ceres/Sun/Moon/Eris and Venus. Cardinal Fire sign Aries works through the 1st Ray of Will and Power, so it’s time to […]

Coming Out of Psychological Hibernation: Astrology Forecast April 4th – 11th

April 5th, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Although we experienced a shift at the Aries Equinox on March 21st, we are still in the critical threshold point of the whole astrological year. The period between the New Moon in Pisces and Sunday’s New Moon in Aries is a time of […]

Get Your Idealism On: Astrology Forecast March 29th – April 4th

March 29th, 2021 By Nikki Harper Staff Writer for Wake Up World Got ideals? Do something about them. This week begins with a Mercury-Neptune conjunction on Monday, blending inspiration, intuition and innovation into one idealistically inclined burst of wonder. This is energy which can carry you right through the week and which sets the tone […]

And So the World Turns: Astrology Forecast March 21st – 28th, 2021

March 22nd, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World “We all have and have had hard knocks – truly gutting ones – yet many do not speak of them, they are busy making new life. Do like-wise.” Clarissa Pinkola Estes. After 3 long weary months of facing and adjusting to the permanently […]

An End and a Beginning: Astrology Forecast March 14th – 21st, 2021

March 15th, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World This is the last week of the old astrological year and, just as with any psychological re-entry, we need to tread carefully and be gentle with ourselves. This is not the moment to push ahead, to jump into the New without walking the […]

All Channels Wide Open: Astrology Forecast March 7th – 14th, 2021

March 8th, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World As the deep space Aquarian/Piscean Frequency Field gets stronger, notice that there is a faster feedback loop – a shorter gap between your Thought and your Experience. Remind yourself that your Mind is not a camera but a projector, that you are a […]

Be Here Now: Astrology Forecast February 28th – March 7th, 2021

March 1st, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World March begins on the heels of the earthy Virgo Full Moon with alignments of Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Neptune to the karmic points of the Node of Fate in Gemini and the Great Attractor in Sagittarius. Expect an influx of downloads from […]

Grounding the Insights: Astrology Forecast February 21st – 28th, 2021

February 22nd, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World The battle between the outworn Old and the incoming New catalysed by the first of three Saturn /Uranus Squares is going to fuel an engine of revolution right through the rest of 2021. As predicted in my “Survive and Thrive Guide to 2021“, […]

Beware Righteousness: Astrology Forecast 15th – 21st February, 2021

February 15th, 2021 By Nikki Harper Staff Writer for Wake Up World Rebel energy clashes head on with the status quo this week, in the first of 2021’s three major squares between powerful planets Saturn and Uranus. Sitting out this energy is not an option – there’s simply nowhere to hide, so you’d better pick […]

Systems Overload and Overwriting: Astrology Forecast – February 7th – 14th, 2021

February 8th, 2021 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World As the air crackles and fritzes, this week is going to feel like a systems overload, because all the traditional Copernican planets – except for Mars – are stacked in Aquarius conjunct the Black Holes of Cygnus-X. That is a huge amount of […]

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