Posts Tagged ‘shown’

NZ Police Shown Clearly To Let Down People of New Zealand

From Open Letter Sent to NZ Police On the 5th of March 2021 Senior Police Constable Dan Picknell, an experienced frontline officer with over 19 years service, raised serious concerns formally with Police Commissioner Andrew Coster about the New Zealand Government’s COVID-19 Health Response, highlighting potential criminality and harms to the New Zealand Public […]

Through the CCR5 pain mu-opiod receptor, Kratom is shown to have potential to inhibit CCR5 pathway

We have been infected with the CCR5 gene, which has given the Transhumanists an open door to shove any poison they want into our bodies. CCR5 also enhances our addictions, our fears, our emotional distress, ven effects how we respond to electromagnetic frequencies. CCR5 is even required to infect us with the Clathrin GQD neural […]

New Leaked J6 Video Shows FBI Tampered with Footage Shown to Jury, Ray Epps Admits He “Orchestrated It”

Chris Wray Must be Prosecuted for Entrapment, All Footage Released A copy of a video which was played in the jury trial of the Proud Boys for their involvement in the January 6, 2020 (J6) protests in Washington DC has been obtained by Gateway Pundit. But the copy is clear of a “glitch” which obscured […]

Pfizer’s Shots Aren’t Safe and Were Never Shown To Be

Pfizer’s Shots Aren’t Safe and Were Never Shown To Be Date: [url=]December 28, 2022Author: Nwo Report[/url]  In addition to not being safe, by any standard, the COVID shots are also negatively effective, meaning after 90 days, both Moderna’s and Pfizer’s shots make you more susceptible to COVID. Posted BY: Dr. Joseph Mercola | STORY […]

Bahrain: what the recent elections have shown

The fraudulent parliamentary elections in Bahrain (a small kingdom in the Persian Gulf) were roundly condemned in many countries, as all opposition parties were officially banned from participating. Those who could have stood for election and competed with the ruling regime were instead sentenced to death, sexual violence, beatings, sleep deprivation and other ill-treatment. But since […]

Natural Immunity Shown To Stop Any Variant Infection & ‘Death Of Unknown Cause’ Alberta’s Top Killer

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/9/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

The Cringeworthy Reason Witches are Shown Riding Broomsticks

What comes to mind when you think of a witch? For most people, the first image that comes to mind is of a witch flying through the night sky on a broomstick. Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Europe History Ancient Traditions Read Later 

CDC Study Falsifies Definitions to Cover Up Vaccine Deaths Shown by Autopsies

Fauci Admits a “Case” Does Not Mean Sick, or Transmissible Cliff Notes for today’s report: A Reuters “debunk” of a study by top German pathologists who conclude that all three COVID vaccinations are the direct cause of many deaths, cites a study which defines people who die before “two weeks after after receiving all recommended […]


February 21st, 2022 _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:HERE If you want to fight back better: Find the others: Spike Protein Protocol  Glutathione (most important for body detoxification) or […]

Vaccine side effects shown at a FDA presentation in 2020

The following list of jab side effects appeared for a split second at 2:33:40 in an FDA presentation on October 22, 2020. The specific slide appears only for a split second. It was scrolled through and not presented properly. During that split second, this screen, which shows the adverse effects of the jab that the […]

Everything Devi Sridhar “forgot” to tell YOUR children in BBC Newsround film shown across Schools on Covid-19 Vaccines

BY THE DAILY EXPOSE ON JUNE 8, 2021 • Listen Now  The Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine was given emergency use authorisation on Friday 4th June stating it was “safe and effective” for use in children over the age of 12. This is criminal considering the overall Covid-19 fatality rate according to official statistics is less than 0.2%, and none of […]

Jurors shown video of George Floyd’s death at ex-cop’s trial

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The video of George Floyd gasping for breath was essentially Exhibit A as the former Minneapolis police officer who pressed his knee on the Black man’s neck went on trial Monday on charges of murder and manslaughter. Prosecutor Jerry Blackwell showed the jurors the footage at the earliest opportunity, during opening statements, […]

Van Gogh painting to be shown in public for first time

A painting of a Paris street scene by Vincent Van Gogh is to be shown to the public for the first time, after spending more than a century behind closed doors in the private collection of a French family.The work, painted by Van Gogh in 1887 while he was lodging with his brother Theo in […]

Israeli Military Bases Across Occupied Palestin Shown by Hezbollah For 1st Time

Hezbollah video shows Israeli military bases across Occupied Palestine for 1st time Feb 18, 2021 16:52 UTC  DOWNLOAD Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has for the first time released a video showing the bases of Israeli army in different cities across the occupied territories. The footage, published on Wednesday by the media bureau of Lebanon’s […]

Twitter: Child Rape Video Shown to Thousands of Pedophiles ‘DIDN’T Violate Policies’

Twitter repeatedly told a child rape victim that the video of his abuse circulating on their platform did not violate their community guidelines, according to a lawsuit filed on the victim’s behalf by the  National Center on Sexual Exploitation. The unnamed victim, listed in the lawsuit as John Doe, claims that Twitter allowed the sickening […]

Woke Santa Shown the Door After Making Boy Cry over ‘Nerf Gun’

The woke mall Santa who rejected a boy’s request for a “Nerf gun” was relieved of his duties and another Santa delivered presents to the boy’s home. On Wednesday morning, Breitbart News reported the boy asked the woke Santa for a “Nerf gun,” only to be told “No guns.” Fox News noted that when the Santa said, “No […]

This Is What Is Being Shown to Children About Wearing Masks

Here is some sick mask propaganda on the PBS children’s show “Arthur,” guilt tripping young ones into sacrificing their own well-being for the supposed greater good. WorldTruth link

Russia says trials have shown its Sputnik V vaccine is 95% effective against COVID-19

Russia says trials have shown that its Sputnik V vaccine is 95% effective against fighting COVID-19. It said this figure was based on preliminary results from tests on volunteers, 42 days after the first injection of the vaccine. It comes a day after it was announced the AstraZeneca-Oxford University vaccine was on average 70% efficient. […]

Respect For Canines Shown In 8,400 Year Old Dog Burial In Sweden

Dogs have long been considered to be human’s best friend with evidence of their relationship going back for millennia. Now a remarkable discovery in Sweden, shows that even 8,400 years ago people and dogs had a really special bond. Archaeologists have found canine remains which are not only the oldest ever found in the region […]

Afro-Girl Shown Footage of Escaped Circus Monkeys

Racist nibba child gets called out. Sub my bitchute. Sub my Telegram. Help me out with some shekels.

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