Posts Tagged ‘december’

Haley targeted in December swatting incident

GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley was targeted in a swatting incident last month, according to media reports Saturday. Authorities responded to a false emergency call on Dec. 30 after a man claimed to have shot a woman and threatened to harm himself at Haley’s home in Kiawah Island, South Carolina, records obtained by Reuters showed. […]

Daily Horoscope: December 27, 2023

We’re inclined to believe tall tales or get carried away by our own anxieties as Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius clashes with Neptune in Pisces at 2:43 AM. The vibe is more down-to-earth as the sun in Capricorn aligns with Jupiter in Taurus at 10:28 AM, and we’re acting wise beyond our years or met with […]

Daily Horoscope: December 26, 2023

Our imaginations are going wild as the moon in Gemini clashes with Neptune in Pisces and faces off with Mercury in Sagittarius at 12:57 AM and 2:55 AM, respectively. The mood turns sentimental as the moon enters Cancer at 10:15 AM and aligns with Saturn in Pisces at 3:30 PM. Big feelings come to the […]

Weekly Horoscope: December 25 – 31

A lovely, creative, psychedelic harmony between Venus and Neptune heightens the senses, especially the sixth one, on Monday, December 25, at 12:14 PM. The full moon in Cancer falls on Tuesday, December 26, at 7:33 PM, bringing a cozy and domestic mood. Chill, peaceful vibes flow effortlessly as the sun harmonizes with optimistic Jupiter on […]

Daily Horoscope: December 25, 2023

Whimsical vibes flow as Venus in Scorpio aligns with Neptune in Pisces at 12:15 PM. Boundaries are fluid and empathy washes over us, inviting intimate connections to unfold. We might be feeling a bit cheeky or tempted to join a contest of wits as the moon in Gemini faces off with Mars in Sagittarius at […]

Daily Horoscope: December 24, 2023

We’re met with our subterranean desires and fears as the moon in sensual Taurus aligns with Pluto in fellow earth sign Capricorn at 1:40 AM. Something much deeper than logic is trying to be revealed to us.  A reorientation to wit and analysis arises as the moon enters Gemini at 3:15 AM, though we could […]

Daily Horoscope: December 23, 2023

We’re backtracking our steps and revisiting old conversations or noticing repeating patterns in our lives as Mercury enters Sagittarius at 1:18 AM. It’s an interesting time to ponder luck and consider how we get to being in the right place at the right time. We’re alert and active as the moon and Uranus meet in […]

Daily Horoscope: December 21, 2023

Intense feelings and unexpected demonstrations surface as Venus in Scorpio faces off with Uranus in Taurus at 2:04 AM. Spirited and humorous conversations take place as the moon in Aries aligns with Mars in Sagittarius at 3:23 AM, welcoming a bit of laughter and warmth into our hearts.  Mature conversations are unfolding as Mercury in Capricorn […]

December 20 – Trauma Brainwashed Jews Lash Out

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Zionists have trauma brainwashed Jews to believe the world wants to exterminate them. In fact, Talmudic Judaism is based on corrupting, exploiting and enslaving the goyim. Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion. This is the real cause of antisemitism. Makow- Organized Jewry’s Business Model is […]

Daily Horoscope: December 18, 2023

We’re feeling generous and capable of eventually meeting material goals as the moon in Pisces links up with Jupiter in Taurus and Mercury in Capricorn at 12:49 AM and 1:21 AM, respectively.  We’re coming across information and details we need in order to complete a puzzle or map out our destination as Mercury retrograde in […]

Weekly Horoscope: December 18 – 24

Mercury is retrograde, which could bring old things back around for revision. Mercury retrograde harmonizes with Jupiter on Monday, December 18, at 9:27 AM, perhaps surfacing previous conversations about ethics or philosophy.  Disruptions or strangeness in relationships come up as Venus faces off with Uranus, planet of surprises, on Thursday, December 21, at 2:04 AM. […]

Daily Horoscope: December 17, 2023

We’re learning something about the complex interdependence between responsibility and freedom as the moon in Aquarius links up with the sun in Sagittarius at 7:04 AM, inspiring philosophical conversations and shifts in thinking. Sentimental vibes flow as the moon enters Pisces at 2:58 PM, though our expressions and affections might be a bit flatter as […]

Daily Horoscope: December 16, 2023

The mood is chill yet intimate as the moon in Aquarius clashes with Venus in Scorpio at 12:33 PM. Conversations and collaborations can feel more energized as the moon mingles with Mars in Sagittarius at 3:52 PM. Surprises are popping up and we might be opting for something wild and risky as the moon clashes […]

The Full Cold Moon: December’s Full Moon in Cancer

During the Full Cold Moon of 2023, which takes place on December 26, the sun in Capricorn opposes the moon in Cancer, which could find us connecting with the past as we reflect on what we want for the future. What is the Cold Moon? According to the Farmers’ Almanac, December’s full moon is named […]

Daily Horoscope: December 7, 2023

We’re motivated to collaborate and see the bright side of things as the moon in Libra links up with Mars and the sun in Sagittarius at 6:16 AM and 6:37 AM, respectively. Mercury in Capricorn aligns with Jupiter in fellow earth sign Taurus at 11:09 PM, helping us connect the dots and see the bigger […]

December 2023

Political cartoons from the desk of Matt Wuerker. Source

December 5 – Zionists Kill More Jews

Zionists doing what they do best, sacrificing Jews.  Please send links and comments to [email protected] Commanders, soldiers, police officers: The names of the dupes who died defending Israel These Israelis died to advance the occult Zionist plan for world domination. Not satisfied with funding the Nazis and planning the Holocaust, Zionists are sacrificing more […]

December Open Thread (2023)

Ho ho ho! It’s almost Christmas, so Corbett Report members are invited to leave their comments, questions, news tips and eggnog recipes in the December Open Thread. The post December Open Thread (2023) first appeared on The Corbett Report. Source

Daily Horoscope: December 2, 2023

Dramatic expressions could play through our heads and we might be unyielding to change as the moon in Leo clashes with Jupiter in Taurus at 12:44 AM. We’re more open to trust in the natural rhythm of our lives as the moon aligns with the sun in Sagittarius at 6:45 AM. It’s a wonderful time […]

Globalist Agenda Watch 2023 – December Updates

I strongly advise readers to save an offline copy of this page on removable media (how to), as well as copies of these two [1, 2]. For a beginner’s course on the globalists’ true agenda, scroll down to An Introduction to What’s Really Going On in Our World (or click here). And if you are […]

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