Posts Tagged ‘Rape’

Video: When Elie Wiesel looked away from Gaza

Ali Abunimah Power Suits 18 July 2016 In May, Hedy Epstein passed away at the age of 91. Born in Germany, she had survived the Nazi genocide because her parents evacuated her to England as part of the Kindertransport. She was dearly loved, and became known to many of us for her fierce […]

Bahrain court ruling on al-Wefaq unconstructive: Iran

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman says a decision by a Bahraini court to dissolve the country’s main Shia opposition movement, the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, is unconstructive. The so-called administrative court in the capital, Manama, on Sunday ordered the dissolution of al-Wefaq and the seizure of its funds after the Bahraini Justice Ministry had suspended […]

Powerful new game ‘Liyla and The Shadows of War’ dramatizes 2014 Israeli attack on Gaza

A Palestinian computer engineer has put together a chilling game for smartphones, which shows the struggle of Gazan civilians to survive Israel’s 2014 onslaught from the sky. The game came out in May. Rasheed Abueideh and a team of several other designers spent the last two years designing Liyla and The Shadows of War. A […]

Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club: Problems We Face & Dennis Wise

In the First Hour Host Frederick C. Blackburn examines the problems we face today as a people. The Second Hour of Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club features Mr. Dennis Wise for The Big Nine At Nine segment. DownloadShow page Source Article from

Migrant sex attacks will spark confrontation with Islam in Europe – intelligence chief

Patrick Calvar, chief of the Directorate General of Internal Security, told members of the French parliamentary commission: “We are on the brink of civil war.” He said that the situation in France is on such a knife edge that it could just take one more major Islamist terror attack to lead to a huge right-wing […]

Poetry Is Not a Crime: Nine Pulitzer-winners among 150+ literary figures calling for Israel to release Palestinian poet

Over 150 renowned writers, poets, translators, artists and literary figures signed an open letter in solidarity with Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour. Susan Abulhawa, Rae Armantrout, Carl Dennis, Dave Eggers, Carolyn Forché, Jorie Graham, Naomi Klein, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Naomi Shihab Nye, Claudia Rankine, Tracy K Smith, Natasha Trethewey, Ayelet Waldman, Alice Walker and Jacqueline Woodson […]

Cold front brings July snow to Klamath, Oregon

     An unseasonal cold snap brought snow to northern Klamath County Sunday with additional cold weather possibly arriving next weekend. Areas such as Crescent and Crater Lake National Park saw between 2 and 3 inches of snow, while other parts of the region saw temperatures dip as low as the 30s. Meteorologist Mike Petrucelli, of […]

700yrs to orbit Sun: New dwarf planet spotted beyond Neptune & Pluto

“The icy worlds beyond Neptune trace how the giant planets formed and then moved out from the Sun. They let us piece together the history of our Solar System,” says Dr. Michele Bannister of the University of Victoria in British Columbia, one of the researchers behind the finding. “Almost all of these icy worlds are […]

Senate’s GMO Labelling Bill Advances, Final Approval Expected This Week

On Wednesday, a bill requiring the labelling of foods made with genetically engineered ingredients overcame one of its biggest obstacles in the Senate, increasing our chances of achieving a national standard for labelling that will finally end the fight that has been boiling in the food industry for years. The bill requires food manufacturers to use one of three […]

Of Course 23andMe’s Plan Has Been to Sell Your Genetic Data All Along

Today, 23andMe announced what Forbes reports is only the first of ten deals with big biotech companies: Genentech will pay up to $60 million for access to 23andMe’s data to study Parkinson’s. You think 23andMe was about selling fun DNA spit tests for $99 a pop? Nope, it’s been about selling your data all along. […]

Media React to FBI Director Comey on Clinton’s “Extreme Carelessness”…

How Justice Scalia’s Absence Has Affected the US Supreme Court’s Decisions

US Spies Caught in Nicaragua: China’s Grand Canal Under Danger?

Cameron condemns ‘xenophobic’ and ‘racist’ abuse after Brexit vote

David Cameron has condemned “despicable” xenophobic abuse after the EU referendum as figures suggested a 57% increase in reported incidents. The country would not stand for hate crime, the prime minister told MPs. “In the past few days we have seen despicable graffiti daubed on a Polish community centre, we’ve seen verbal abuse hurled against […]

Angela Merkel ‘to oust Jean-Claude Juncker’ as Europe splits deepen over Brexit response

Angela Merkel could move to oust Europe’s federalist chief Jean-Claude Juncker ‘within the next year’, a Germany government minister has said, in a sign of deepening European divisions over how to respond to Britain’s Brexit vote. The German chancellor’s frustration with the European Commission chief came as Europe split over whether to use the Brexit […]

Inside A Secret Government Warehouse Prepped For Health Catastrophes

Inside A Secret Government Warehouse Prepped For Health Catastrophes June 28th, 2016 $7 billion worth. Via: NPR: When Greg Burel tells people he’s in charge of some secret government warehouses, he often gets asked if they’re like the one at the end of Raiders […]

Tesla Offers $2.8 Billion for SolarCity

Tesla Offers $2.8 Billion for SolarCity June 22nd, 2016 Disclosure: I sell solar power systems in NZ. — Via: Reuters: Elon Musk on Tuesday sought to build a clean energy powerhouse as his electric car maker, Tesla Motors Inc, made an offer to buy […]

Savchenko ready to take polygraph test to silence critics accusing her of being a Russian Trojan horse

Ukrainian military aviator Nadia Savchenko said she would take a lie-detector test to silence critics that have suggested she might be a double agent for Russia. Savchenko spent nearly two years in Russian captivity before she was released in May. After receiving a hero’s welcome and being sworn in as a lawmaker, recent polls show […]

Iranian FM meets with French media

Paris, June 21, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Tuesday evening discussed latest international developments with French journalists and Iran researchers. During the one-hour unofficial press conference, held in France’s International Diplomatic Academy, Zarif briefed French journalists on international developments as well as the regional issues, including Iran. France’s International Diplomatic Academy […]

TEPCO President Admits Cover-Up Of Fukushima Meltdown

TEPCO has confirmed that the company covered up the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear plant. The president of the energy company made an announcement admitting that they lied a week after a scandalous report claimed that Japanese government and TEPCO had been hushing up the tragedy. RT reports: The information was revealed by Tokyo Electric […]

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